>finish watching movie
>go on wikipedia to read the synopsis
Finish watching movie
>finish watching movie
>go on Wikipedia to read the synopsis because chances are I already forgot the first half of the film
Is it dementia, bros?
perfectly normal, perfectly natural
>finish watching movie
>read the theme section on wiki
>pretend like I understood the film
>finish watching movie
>someone made a thread about it
Stop spying on me
I keep seeing this picture, but I don't understand it. Can someone explain it to me? The frog wishes he were a dragon so he could warm himself up with the fire-dragon-breath?
>finish watching movie
>go on Sup Forums and ask how I felt about it
>go see a movie in theaters
>get excited about how much you're going to shitpost about it on Sup Forums when you get home
>don't finish watching movie
>read a few threads full of memes about movie
>get into arguments with retards that like the film
I forget movies the next day, I can remember every book I've ever read though even the shitty ones
>Self bumb thread on page 9
>Still dies with only one reply an hour later
In cold weather when you breath you create fog, so in your imagination it looks like smoke and makes you feel like a fire breathing dragon
i do this too
Ah, okay, that makes sense too. Thanks.
Pepe is blowing smoke, most likely due to the implied cold weather, and as he does that he pretends to be (or fancies himself being) like a fire blowing dragon.
clearest example of autism I've ever read
>finish watching movie
>look up nudes of the female cast
>read all the threads on Sup Forums days before deciding to waste my money
>waste money and see film
>film just as shit as expected
I can't enjoy the movies anymore you cunts
>See a new movie
>Go to imdb so I can check all the trivia about said movie.
>get confused in mystery/thriller
>read wikipedia synopsis up to where I am in the film on phon
>going on imdb after they shut down the forums
>get near end of movie
>read wiki synopsis and then stop watching
this image is very pure
>watch end credits of capeshit movie for post-credit scene
>go on Wikipedia and read plot synopsis
>finish watching movie
>go on to tv tropes to read the movie's page
>make a frog thread with one of the movie's tropes on Sup Forums
>watching a mystery movie or a movie with some kind of twist ending with my wife
>get on phone and look up the ending
>make “guesses” about the ending so I look smarter than I am
I honestly don’t know why I do this.
>read synopsis on film before or while watching it
>predict accurately to the people I'm watching the film with what will happen
>look super smart
Are you me?
>not going on TvTropes
>t. not Reddit
>finish watching movie
>skim wikipedia
>rate it on imdb
>go to tv tropes
>google "[movie name] Sup Forums"
fucking plebs, I accurate guess all the time and really impress people. My favorite is knowing if two characters are going to fuck in their first scene together.
used to love to do it when I was going to highschool
I was super fat so my insides were always boiling hot
>>go to tv tropes
my man
Nah, i specialize on subversive plots.
That's an easy prediction to make;
>is she a white female?
>is he a black make?
>they will fuck, even if there is no need for it in the story and it feels totally out of place it will be the best lit and filmed scene.
Other easy predictions;
>non attractive female character
Gonna be the Mary sue savoir
>archetypal man
>sidelined or used for comic relief
>intelligent white make
>black man
They didn't fuck in sicario
I read all the Eragon books and all the Percy Jackson books when I was younger (really good by the way) but I was disappointed when the movie adaptions for each were complete shit, not reading too much anymore.
You have to go back.