

I ain't a furry but uh... How can I resist this?

I would fuck any and all catgirls, thanks.

26 more days

I don't love furries.



that's a cat?

Technically a human who believes in a gambling addicted cat god.

And let me tell you, she is one FINE cat

Do furries still count if they shave?

Show me a real cat that looks like this. Because if cats did look like tbis, the world would be full of cat fuckers.


Then they're called "Shavies"

>tfw pregnancy fetish
>tfw they show her pregnant
>tfw not a furry

Wrong board you illiterate fuck

Ya'll are fags, you can wack it to anthro girls. Just don't make it a defining trait of your personality.

You don't know shit. Star is Sup Forums

Does it's brain hurt?

But that mod message is not.


OP's faggotry aside, kill yourself, and whoever made that picture.


a /mlp/ fag made it

Why is pretty much every female character in this show so fuckable?

One word: French

_ ____ __ ____ ____ ___!


sauce me

Say what you what about the French, they're gaint pussies or whatever, but they're fucking masters of their craft; they understand sexyness especially in cartoons down to a fucking science.

I like how this scene implied both that she was fucking a "friend" of hers the night before AND that she just flashed her panties to Yugo and Dally

It's a fucking meme. No French cartoon has waifus anywhere near as hot as pic related, and that's just one show.

I will concede here, but you forget that France has the potential to do anything similar, while being more "risque" in comparison to other western-animation sources

It's almost as if Europe (and France in particular) doesn't have an inherent problem with promiscuity, especially that of a cartoon character.

Star is cute

Ladybug and Cat Noir are hotter than all of those

Risqué isn't always better, though.

(IMO it's almost always worse.)

>Cat Noir
1. That's not how you spell that
2. That's a male character you dumbass

é Show off

who cares i made a typo
and that's the point, he's male and he's still hotter than any of those waifus in your chart

That's not my doing, my browser autocorrects that type of shit.

oh I know that user, I just enjoy how it managed to do both in one small scene.

user... you can't compare attractiveness between different sexes.
But regardless, even Ladybug comes nowhere close to any of the TT girls.

>who cares i made a typo
That's not a typo. Stop lying.

>Still think she'd look like that after having 2 kids
I like her design as much as the next guy, but realistically there would be stretch marks everywhere.

>implying she was wearing panties

How did you come to the conclusion that this is after the kids?

honestly speaking user...I actually DID think that when I first saw the scene, I just have put myself into denial to keep myself from busting a nut every time I watch that episode.

You're delusional as fuck. As much as I like Teen Titans, Wakfu/Dofus has TONS of waifus, even NPCs that have literally one second of screentime are really good.

god you're bored.

Yo mods, you deleted the Judy Hopps thread so delete this one. It's also furry shit. Gotta be equal after all in thread deletion.

>he missed last thread
>he say that "words"
You really stupid are you? You want to bring him here again? Remember the last thread he did?

Then post one, because so far nobody ITT has managed to provide any competitive pics.

What the fuck are you talking about? Learn English.
And I don't watch Wakfu so of course I wasn't in the thread

I'm sure a user would post the many compilation images of each class found within the show, I'm surprised you haven't seen it yet (you could be new to thew site).
Wakfu/Dofus has objectively more and better waifu potental by sheer numbers alone.

Is fucking a man still gay if you shave his crotch first?

>still no pic
Put up or shut up, bitch.

The show is almost called Waifu

>I don't watch Wakfu
>He don't know barneyfags
Oh, I see how it is.

And Teen Titans has "teen" in it. Your move, user

Saying /mlp/ doesn't invoke Barneyfag you unironic newfag

I'm not a huge pathetic waifufag like you kid, I'm interested in shows like Teen Titans and Wakfu because of the good plot and action, waifus are just a cherry ontop.
I don't have to spoonfeed you newfag, check the archives, these images are always posted for years.

I've already checked, didn't find any.

But the burden of proof isn't on me anyways, fag.

>Can I be real for a second?
No, fuck off.

This thread is lacking some crazytits.

t. whiny, entitled little baby

No you didn't, you've been here getting mad over waifus like a sad pathetic faggot. Fuck off already retard. We're already getting off-topic because of your pathetic shitposting.

Anyone else heard news on S3? They've been generally quite all summer.

Humans > Cats

Fuck cats. post cute Xelors

>Xelors are always portrayed as the bad guys and getting a bad rep just like Brakmar even though they do nothing wrong
>meanwhile the actual shits like Bonta and Jiva/Krabrok are not given proper justice, in fact are praised for doing way worse things
It's time for this to stop already.

Closest thing is some art of that pandawa in the trailer

Fetishize it all you want, but I found it legitimately heartwarming when they revealed that Miranda was pregnant.

Looks like a demigod to me. A normal Pandawa could never look like this. And since the Pandawa god is constantly drunk it is not surprising that there is a Pandawa demigod

>aww she's having a bastard child after being raped and having her mind wiped via potions on a daily basis by a lying old faggot how heartwarming.

Well, when you put it that way, it does make it pretty hot.

What does this sassy Ecaflip want?

>ay what you what about the French, they're gaint pussies

They are. That is why their country is enduring a soft genocide via Muslims. They deserve it for being Lover Not a Fighter. Then again all of Western Europe is finished. The best part is that Europeans think the USA has enough $$$ to spend on bailing them out.

>that dot on his head

Same Pandawa from Ogrest?

>gay if you wouldn't
>furry if you would

Goddamn Tigra Paradox.

Its how you spell it in English version.


So Sup Forums would you have her suck you off?

She's like if Undyne from Undertale was made human and French.

forget gif I meant post with this

>This character that came years before is like this shit character from something new
Fuck off retard.

Anyways I want to see more Foggernauts. They made female versions now, put that in.

Splooge is a gift from god




>posting edited version
I know she looks great with bigger tits but don't confuse the new people

forgive me if one character is more fresh in my mind and I make the connection to them because of it.



>this shit character from something actively trying to be as cancerous as possible
fixed for accuracy. All tumblrtaletards need to die.

For her husband to stop terrorizing the competition before Ecaflip decides to be a fickle God.

At least she lets him hunt treasure and big game now though.

go back to your pathetic waste of like Undyne thread in /trash/ faggot.
Has there been a single male Eni in the show? Why are Ankama so against showing off the other classes aside from the generic Crap, Iop, and Sadida?

uh oh
french cat seems mad

how much dick does she need NOW?

>Has there been a single male Eni in the show?
He's right there on the bridge selling his ass like all the other whores

y'know the main thing i worry about when a woman gets into this kinda aggressive stance is whether she's gonna hurt herself trying to hit me

i mean, it's really cute and all - so i want to keep the fight going - but i have to try and placate them quickly because they could really do themselves a lot of damage

There was an extremely flamboyant art teacher in Legends of Kerub.

this seems like a pointless thing to flip your shit over.

They obviously chose these classes since they're so simple and thus very easy to reason about and present to the viewer (this makes a lot of stuff easy from a writing point of view: no need to spend time discussing the intricacies of xelor bindings before presenting a romance plot, and no need for the mandatory time shenenigans and powerlevel wankery that comes from having such a class in the party, for instance).


We need Robo-Foggers