Who else is going to see this movie?

The whole Crew us hyped

I watched as many reviews as i could from random people Who saw the movie. It's overwhelmingly positive.

Apparently it's one of the best Marvel movies and IT stand out from the rest because it's more mature

t. Soy Crew

Preordered tickets to go with my wife and her son back in December

I have tickets for opening night, but I might cancel them since the CGI looks shit and I hate niggers

>more mature
>literally most fictional of them all

>t. butthurt Sup Forumsfag


Got tickets for me and my wife and her boyfriend on opening night. Can't wait.

Good riddance then, wouldn't want some Sup Forums Loser to shoot a movie theater like that orora shooter

For anyone else. According to people Who saw the movie, IT was the unfinished version. It doesn't look like that in the movie

The black community rules say I can't see it until after the weekend and they won't allow me to see it at anything other than max price so I have to wait until the Friday after the Friday it comes out to see it. But yeah I'll see it eventually.

>Thinking some random afro Girl with glasses on twitter représente the black Community


most of the shootings in my area are done by niggers

>coming onto Sup Forums to insult Sup Forums posters
the absolute state of your life


There's chill people here. Then There's losers like you

Yeah sure, just make sure you stay home and keep your hatred to yourself

Idk how you write it, Aurora? I'm not an American anyway. No Sup Forums losers go on shooting sprees here

I don't hate black people I just hate niggers

r9k had that beta uprising shooter 3 years ago

This. I don't hate people cause of their skin colour, I hate when they're unable to break stereotypes. Like, if a Muslim signs up to the army and fights for my country, I'll respect him and be happy with him in the country. I don't respect a Muslim who claims benefits/welfare and spouts how shit my country is and death to the West. Just like I won't like a black guy spouting about whitely, waving a gun around, committing crimes. A black dude going to a job everyday, paying taxes, having hobbies. I'm cool with. Same with women. I don't hate regular normal women. I do hate women who won't shut up about X Y Z and how bad men are.

Crakas not welcome

Wow some random Girl on twitter Said something, oh non!

What if some random Maga Says "all arabs should go back to "Arabia", are they justified into saying that all americans are racist?

Lol at listening to random twitter idiots that Hide behind their keyboard

Wait,that twitter account doesn't even exist lol.

I'm going to see it, but I get to for free through a college event.

Not IMAX though, but the nearest IMAX is too far away and fuck going in this winter weather.

I haven't seen a movie in the theater since world war z.

We are all pol here.