>director of IT
>writer of Wonder Woman
This is going to be a Ghost in the Shell tier fiasco isn't it?
>director of IT
>writer of Wonder Woman
This is going to be a Ghost in the Shell tier fiasco isn't it?
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wrong toon Pleb.
Also Rick Hunter is white.
>This is going to be a Ghost in the Shell tier fiasco isn't it?
GitS was OK. Maybe the best anime adaptation ever, but the bar isnt terribly high here.
They will only adapt Macross part.
That's the only good part.
it's it makes bank, I'm sure they'll make the rest, not that they won't rewrite everything to make it Top Gun in Space, anyway.
make him a hapa name Hikaru Hunter.
He's white.
If anything he should be half-chink to appeal to Chinese, no one cares about nips anymore.
2nd best Macross was literally Top Gun in space.
What is this? Does it have everything soy wars fails to? I'm sure it'll be blacked.
It will have less to do with this abortion than Marvel movies have with comics. And it's probably going to suck anyways.