Mark Hamill thinks Alden Ehrenreich can't win either way

Following on from the not-at-all surprising news that Alden's Han Solo has divided fans, Hamill has (kind of) reassured the young actor that "you can't please everybody".

"This is the only franchise where you go on Twitter and they say, 'If such and such happens, I am so out!'" Hamill recently told Entertainment Tonight.

"It surprises me, but look, you can't please everybody. You just have to try and make the best story you can. I was sort of taken aback by [the divisiveness], but who knows?!"

In his usual unique way with words, Luke Skywalker himself then added: "Not everybody likes broccoli. Some people like carrots or Brussels sprouts better... that's just the way life is."

And we all know that a Jedi is never wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:

>You can't please everybody

More like he can't please anybody


Dota 2 is a good game, dude.

All they had to do was cast Ingruber and everyone would have been happy. But noooo! Jewish bat mitvahs are more important!

Why is Hamill still talking?

Where did you get this composite picture of the entire remaining NuWars fan base?

>And we all know that a Jedi is never wrong.

They completely miss the point of the movies.

He's probably going to appear in Solo or something. Or maybe they saw the backlash to Luke's death and thought "Well we'd better keep him around."

>In his usual unique way with words, Luke Skywalker himself then added: "[FOOD ANALOGY]"

Great another german kike

What does this guy have to do with Star Wars?

>And we all know that a Jedi is never wrong.
Wasn't the point of The Last Jedi about how the Jedi have been wrong the whole time?

That's Woody Harrelson. He'll be playing Becket, Han Solo's mentor.

Nevermind the entire prequel trilogy showing that the Jedi basically went extinct because they were wrong.

They are already turning on it. In time, you will see how "Star Wars will soon be saved" and throw Rian into the wolves.

Post the unedited picture you dope.

>This is the only franchise where you go on Twitter and they say, 'If such and such happens, I am so out!'" Hamill recently told Entertainment Tonight.

Yeah pretty sure that shit also happens to Marvel, DC, Star Trek and pretty much every other franchise there Marky boy

I really liked Chris Pine Captain Kirk

Me too but I'm not sure how that's relevant here.

It helps that they cast a great actor.

the whole cast of nutrek was great. if only the stories had been there for the first 2

I hate that Beyond pretty much underperformed solely because ID was so bad. It was a very solid film.

I don't really care how a film performs, especially Star Trek. The budget literally doesn't impact that quality at all

Fans liked it, and that's all that matters

Damn it, this was my exact thought

Well, that's not how I meant it. Beyond underperforming means that they won't trust Justin Lin with another Star Trek even though he knows how to make a good one. It also put plans for a fourth film on hold for a while.

Yea I guess. Wish the Hollywood system didn't work that way, but what can you do. I'd rather have a good Star Trek 3 than a shitty mass appeal one like Star Trek 1 that fast-tracks another sequel

>being this obsessed
just lmao


fuck this, man, i get that this sub is just ironically not politically correct, or whatever, but just as a human, this is BS. being racist isn't cool. it's fucking degrading to you and everyone else.

seriously grow up and make intelligent jokes that aren't at the expense of others.

>all these people saying Ingruber should have been Han Solo instead of Ehrenreich
>implying Mark Hamill wouldn't be the greatest Han Solo

press F for SoLow

Why do they think we're gullible enough not to notice how ugly the stars are? China sees it.

Hamill is always shitting on nu-Wars and souring people to the movies before they even come out. Disney probably hates him so fucking much, but they can't do anything to him to make him shut up because he's such an iconic figure for SW and that would just make the people turn on them even more

>have a character that peple instantly associate with harrison ford
>make a prequel that stars that character
>choose an actor that doesn't look or sound at all like harrison ford

>act surprised people don't like it

>they can't do anything to him to make him shut up
Except they did. Do you have the memory of a goldfish?

>says the guy who just went looking for the other thread just so he could say "y-you're triggered!"

even better
>assassinate that character in the sequels before the soylo movie happens

except he's talking again, look at this thread

Hamill can say whatever he wants now that Disney has killed Luke off. It was actually the worst decision they could have possibly made because now he has no obligation to stay loyal to them.

My favorite word is "justice."


Every piece of Star Wars made since 1983 "can't win." No matter what happens, people will bash it because it's not what their "perfect story" says.
They could cast a younger actor to play an established character, but the new actor doesn't look enough like the "real" actor. Okay, we can recreate it with CGI. That could look amazing (like Rogue One did, let's not bullshit) but people would pause it from a camrip and find 1 frame that was rendered wierd, and suddenly it's "Scorpion-King-tier CGI" and "Tarkin looks horrible." You can make the story go in a different direction than people expect, or change a backstory, but suddenly people's childhoods are getting raped.
With any time-jumping franchise movie, and especially a Star Wars movie, the script could be better than the Godfather, the acting could be all Oscar winners competing to get another one, theaters could be completely rebuilt to 0.000001" of perfect seating and sound, candy and popcorn could be free, girls in Slave Leia bikinis could be walking through the theater giving out joints, $20 bills, and blowjobs, and still people would hate it because "he doesn't have Harrison Ford's chin scar." or "he's not who I wanted in the part." or "I don't like that actor/director/writer/producer."

Tarkin really was in impressive feat in terms of what CGI is capable of. I was surprised to find people here trying to say it looks bad.

You're right about the camrip thing too. As much as I enjoy the wide Kylo meme, it only exists because the camera was tilted at a weird angle during that scene. He doesn't look like that in the movie.


>Luke Skywalker himself then added: "Not everybody likes broccoli. Some people like carrots or Brussels sprouts better... that's just the way life is."

>likening Star Wars to broccoli and brussel sprouts

I love how Mark is still being lowkey savage on these movies.

It's really impressive, but it's sitting somewhere in the uncanny valley. That's the problem

There is no point making a prequel movie about a guy who gets killed by his edgy emo son in a pathetic manner

>leftypol again flipping memes thinking it will work.

Its like someone seeying the fireman putting out a fire by throwing water attempting to rescue a drowning person by using a flamethrower, you can't just flip things and expect them to work, the left is the absolute soy soul, pasting right/alt right icons over it falls apart, it doesn't work comically.
What an embarrassment.

I want to kill that person.

I thank god every day that Ackbar martyred himself so Holdo could martyr herself

I doubt this shop convinced one person

>tfw you realise Driver is 8 years older than this fucking guy
>in sw universe young Solo is supposed to be a decade younger than Kylo

Cookie Crisp is my favorite cereal and I have never felt any shame about it untill I saw that pic. Fuck that asshole.

>emphasize that the theme of The Last Jedi is forget the past and forget nostalgia, then release a movie six months later that is based on the past and nostalgia

It looks bad in theaters too though desu. My girlfriend and I hadn't seen the picture when we were dragged to by my family to go watch, and we were both trying to contain our laughter when he showed up without a shirt. It's a poor costuming choice and it deserves to be mocked.

It works at getting you mad, and that's what matters.

Our problem is that we know it's CGI, and we constantly look for the flaws in it. If we didn't already know that was a CGI Tarkin or Leia, we probably wouldn't spot it.

Really shows how little of a plan Disney had. And already ensuring that there will be 6 more movies post-episode 9 is absolutely fucking ridiculous. They're ruining their product.

Well the scene actually was meant to be funny so it makes sense that you laughed.

>Well the scene actually was meant to be funny
How fucking tone deaf is Rian Johnson?

It's just Rian Johnson being an incompetent writer who was given carte blanche to do whatever. He didn't even seem to realize that he was writing that message in the same movie that went "WHOA LOOK IT'S LUKE SO COOL! WHOA LOOK IT'S DAGOBAH SO COOL! WHOA LOOK IT'S HOTH SO COOL! WHOA LOOK IT'S THE THRONE ROOM FROM RETURN OF THE JEDI SO COOL!"

There's a reason why TLJ was criticized for having too much out of place humor.

It's weird too because they kept saying "Dudes this movie is going to be much darker than TFA with lots of suffering" and then it was basically another lighthearted romp. Meanwhile Solo, which was originall envisioned as a comedy, looks like a genuinely dark movie.

Of fuck off, will ya? Not everyone hates fun.

>looks like a genuinely dark movie.
It doesn't.

The trailer is so fucking dark you can barely see what's going on.

Disney must seriously have snipers watching Mark Hamill 24/7.

It's supposed to be funny?

We couldn't tell. IMO it's not presented like a joke normally is. We thought it was supposed to be a serious scene but the actor looked so fucking stupid we couldn't help it. If it's meant to be a joke then Johnson messed up.

Mad? are you sure that this is what 'mad' is? have you ever trolled anyone in your life?

Did you miss the part where Rey said "Can you put on a cowl or something?" Standard quip.

Yeah, you. *rollerskates out of topic*

tone deaf. Johnson is a hack

I thought she said "put on a towel."

The scene doesn't feel like it's supposed to be comedic though. The mind connection was established as a pretty important plot point and the tone of the movie was pretty bleak at that point. A stupid quip about putting a shirt on feels really out of place. If they wanted it to be funny then maybe their conversations should have been a little more casual.

left can me-


>N-nobody fell for it!
>four replies and counting

I'm gonna post it in every thread I can because it's perfect bait. And I'm going to make some more.

Genuinely surprised no one thought of this before me. It's so simple yet so effective.

>things that never happened

Actual girl here. He looked great in theatres and even in the dumb edits. People were mainly making fun of the pants anway. You talk about tone-deaf yet you haven't realized most of the memes were plebbit and twitter lusting after him and poking loving fun. Get out of your Sup Forums bubble once in awhile.

It's supposed to be awkward funny. She was flustered seeing him shirtless so asked him to put on a cowl or something which makes zero sense as it wouldn't even cover his chest which makes it even funnier that she was so tripped up over him.

>28 years old
>Looks mid to late 30s, maybe even 40s.

Holy shit. I'm about his age, 26 and some change and I look way younger than this guy.

Can vouch, I've even seen tumblr memes reposted on Sup Forums (filenames changed, of course) and met with quite a few hearty keks. People have no idea what their enemy even is, really.

more proofs

Most everyone thought he looked great, just poking fun lovingly and memeing. It seems like only the bitter dyels and SJW really get up in arms about the pants and try to talk shit.

Shut up kike face

>didnt even add a shadow layer under the cap to make it more realistic
>didnt adjust the tonal values and shadows of the cap to match the setting
>didnt slightly blur some of the edges of said cap and then apply a grain filter over the entire picture to further mask your edit

weak and SAD!


ur new here aren't u?


theres not much mystery here

you homos and whales should fuck off back there

How could you take that shit seriously?


because I'm not a lesbian or a brainlet. Shame about your girl.

lmao why is that every time the right makes a scathing insult to the left, all they can do is copy it.

Not that poster. I like guys and genuinely don't get why people think Driver is attractive

This is ironic considering the right's favorite meme, Pepe, was stolen from a left-wing French guy.

Thanks for teaching me how to make more convincing fakes, you righties really do own yourselves.

"Interesting looking" people are considered attractive these days.

>food analogy

You're wrong there, friendo. Their favorite meme is the red pill and the blue pill, a concept they got from two trannies who envisioned utopia as a multi racial/bi 24 hour gang bang.

You have shit taste that's why.

+5 cents will be deposited to your disney account

>that coffee mug