ITT: Post documentary kino


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More like this? Love corporate greed and yuppie shit (aka 80s wall street)

dirty money on Netflix is by the same guy and I thought most the episodes were decent if not a little preachy

this one blew me away. the enron doc is great too, but holy shit.
this was so thorough and entertaining.

They Live



You seen the Founder?


I don't even follow sports anymore but 30 for 30 has some great shit



Anything by Werner Herzog (Grizzly Man is my favourite)
The Act of Killing
The Fog of War (its follow-up, The Unknown Known, is good too)
Electric Boogaloo
Jodorowsky's Dune
Lost Soul

Ken Burns Vietnam. Only good Ken burns.
>10 hours in still no It Ain't Me

Also once watched a full season of The
Universe with no audio, subtitles, and Ratatat playing while on shrooms and mdma and a qt3.14 that sucked benis afterwards. Life changing.

Yeah? Kinda turned off by how many hours it is




Pic related is probably the most fucked up and disturbing thing I've ever watched.

Oasis Supersonic

If you want to know everything about why ADL is the most dishonest organization ever, watch this