Why are White people making so many fake black twitter accounts

So many fake accounts get posted and all the racist losers here fall for it lol

This account doesn't exist

Several other accounts from screencaps of black people giving ordres to "whitheys" don't exist. Seems like you guys were the real shills all along

Because marketing strategies and staged controversy are completely seamless now.

the fake accounts just reflect the views of the real media outlets and celebrities that say the same shit. you're not changing anyones mind with confrontation i guarentee you only polarize and make people hate you more.

Nice excuse for your own stupidity user

"so what I told you was true... from a certain point of view."

>Sup Forumsfags are retarded
Water is wet

>the fake accounts just reflect the views of the real media outlets and celebrities that say the same shit.

Bullshit,you're just making Up an imaginary enemy to fight against and rile Up other racists

We are the jews now.

>black twitter is comprimised
is there anywhere Russia's influence can't reach?

Fake tweets

Nah that's not black twitter, these are twitter accounts that don't even exist made to rile out fellow racists.

Most likely a fake tweet generator

reeeeeeee racist you're not allowed to see black panther. reeeeeeeeee you're racist if you don't.

>Sup Forums getting braincucked by their thought leaders

i'm shocked, shocked I tell ya

wow, Russia's deception knows no bounds. what are we gonna do about this bros?

thse kind of posts feed their victimhood complex. If they believe it to be true, it confirms their identity as victims, although god knows why they all have made hating mediocre marvel capeshit as part of their identity.

Wow, that Brain of yours i swear.

Actually i'm not even sure if there's a Brain There in the first place

Pretty Much lol

>Jewish atheist
How does that work?

Jews worship the Earth/satan

it's retarded nazis way of 'subverting' aka making blacks look bad
it doesn't work and only makes them look bad
worse, now every time a liberal agenda thing goes bad they take the blame kek

This image is so true. I've asked Sup Forumstards to explain their views and either they respond with memes or just say nothing. And they're always asking people to explain stuff to them in a "Sup Forums-friendly" way. They have no reason behind their opinion besides "i just kinda feel like this is the case." And they all type so unintelligently. Small words, complete misspellings of anything more than two syllables long, bad grammar... it's easy to see why these people were taken in by Trump, hook line and sinker.

"Jews are white" - Mike Stoklasa

Nice confirmation bias image

>muh Sup Forums the thread

Man this site is filled with pathetic people

>I've asked Sup Forumstards to explain their views and either they respond with memes or just say nothing.
Wow, you really showed them!


Sup Forums thinks it's the jews, leftypol thinks it's nazis, the media thinks it's the alt-right, the alt-right thinks it's the democratic party. but we all know the real answer: it's bored trolls. hope this helped, op!

Case in point right here. He doesn't even comprehend that there's nothing to "show." The whole point is that they never explain their views and THEY think they're the ones "showing people." They consider their reply a clever response that wins bystanders to their side, when in reality it does the opposite. But he doesn't get that, and he needs to preserve his honor somehow so there he goes, dropping in another meme. Proving that he is an unintelligent person with nothing to say.

>I can inspect element too guys!

They are lost causes man, nothing can be done

They show their views all the time you mong but Sup Forums isn't one person or one ideology it's thousands with similar but different views.

this ancaps to theocratic fascist share the board