Are there any Sup Forums materials that play with the what- if scenario of the Nazis and Hitler completely winning WWII...

Are there any Sup Forums materials that play with the what- if scenario of the Nazis and Hitler completely winning WWII and it not being comedic in tone? Like they actually explore the what if scenario in realistic manner if they just curbstomped everyone else?

There was an one-shot in Hickman's FF where they told the story of one of the Reeds in the Council, and the nazis won in that timeline. It's Fantastic Four #605 IIRC

Uber? I haven't read it but I heard it's something close to what you want

That one episode of Justice League with Vandal Savage.

>in realistic manner if they just curbstomped everyone else

That's the problem. Germany couldn't curbstomp everyone else. Not with Hitler in charge and not without rewriting history to make everyone else incompetent.

You do realize that Germany was losing the war even before the Americans joined it, right?

Best you could hope for is Germany not attacking Russia and settling for peace with a larger German Empire that includes France. But beat everyone else? No.

In comics? Not much comes to mind. I know there's an issue of Grant Morrison's "Multiversity" that has baby Superman land in Nazi Germany and eventually lead them to world conquest. IIRC it's mostly about Morrison playing with Wagner's "The Ring of Nibelungen."

If you wanna wait a few months, I believe Dark Horse is going to publish some tie-in comics for "Wolfenstein: The New Colossus," and judging by the previous game, they take the concept of Nazi world conquest pretty seriously for a video game.

Honestly, you'd be better off sticking to books. There's waaaay more of them out there on the subject than comics.

DCAU had the Savage Time two part in which the Axis Powers one the war. Although Vandal Savage sent his past self a play by play of WWII and tech schematics to win the War. Savage also replaced Hitler and placed him in cryo. When Savage was defeated, the German High Command thawed out Hitler

>Nazis win

>beat everyone else? No.

Declaring war on everybody and "I will take over the world!" never works out too well in real life. The people who came closest to it like Alexander the Great only ruled a lot of the tiny portion of the world that they were aware of, not really a big chunk of the world.

Won*. Whoops, my bad

>That's the problem. Germany couldn't curbstomp everyone else. Not with Hitler in charge and not without rewriting history to make everyone else incompetent.

You have problems with a hypothetic what-if scenario where Germany wins WW2, but not with people being able to fly, shoot lasers out of their eyes, having bulletproof skin, having telepathic powers, a radar sense, etc?

I mean't realistic in not how they win but what a win on their side would realistically lead to.

Obviously you'd have to change a fuckton of shit for them to "Win"

The krauts could have had superman on their side and still lost.

That's not what Germany did.

Why was Hitler such a whiny bitch?

>No dad
>Rejected from Art School
>Was a beta orbiter who never manned up to talk to his crush who fucked off to Italy
>Germany got cucked superhard after losing the war, which he was a vet of

Alan Moore's Swamp Thing #153 talked about an Amerika conquered by Germans.

Most people don't realize that a Nazi victory was completely impossible. There was no chance of them winning at any point during WWII.

Did you guys like the newest episode of the Blitzmensch revival?

An utopian world where nothing interesting happens wouldn't sell well.

>alternate history where the nazis won

they fucked lots of things,from the italian side North Africa and Yugoslavia, Japan atacking USA instead of Russia, in the Britain front atack cities instead of factories and the army, try to fight 2 fronst instead of focus on Britain first etc ... could work but no against Russia and USA at the same time and no without full control of Europe and North Africa

>implying man wouldn't turn against himself cause it's in human nature to fight

Not if your hypothetical scenario for Germany winning WW2 is attempting to be realistic. Superpowers by nature don't try for realism.

Germany fucked themselves over pretty good and a curbstomp victory is implausible. Same with Germany conquering the United States or Japan conquering the West Coast.

Only on times of scarce resources, no Jews, no poverty.

You can read his book and find out. He spells it out there.

but at the same time the first years of war 39-41 Germany looks unstopable

>lol look i'm a Sup Forums activist but i'm trying to do it in a subtle way so no one will notice XD so let's try to promote hitler directly by asking for cartoons that paint a nazi-victory scenario in a "non comedic way". yap! that's subtle enough

You could try being a bit more subtle user, wtf is this shit-tier shilling?

>what is boredom
>what is "i don't like your face"
>what is choleric personality
>what are the countless other little facets of humanity that simply make some guy want to fuck up some other guy

There was an x-men novel about a flawed cosmic cube and at one point Red Skull got his hands on it.

Germany won the war and 50 years later was waging interstellar war.

Mutants were slaves. Scott Summers was an in the closet mutant. He had Rogue on a leash and used her powers to enable communication with new alien races.

But yeah, just play the new Wolfenstein.

A timeline of Nazi Germany victory would look more like a world-wide north korea where the population is oppressed by a brutal fascist leade

This, and I surprise they published the nazi super man, they portrayed the nazi very "realist" and respectful and transform the USA in fanatic terrorists isis style, I love.

>Rogue on a leash

Sounds hot