War recently watching the Ant Man movie and decided now would be a good time to post Spencer's series. I'm going to post the first 5 issues along with the annual and lost days special.
Ant-Man by Spencer
>Scott Lang
I absolutely adore this art. Not sure about Scott's portrayal. I remember him in Avengers Vol. 3 and I gotta say, he was not like this.
Scott was an Avenger before he died. You'd think they had a printer.
Didn't Scott fundamentally revolutionize Pym Particle theory and becoming the leading expert beyond Pym and Richards? Or am I just misremembering? I also seem to remember Scott dismantling Doom with his bare hands.
I thought about doing Slott's Mighty Avengers where Pym leads his own team of Avengers but I didn't want to have to make multiple threads. I might do that later.
Preach it user. This is a great run and i own it all in floppies. The best part is bringing up a bunch of z listers and making a team. Grizzley is the second best and machinesmith is the best
I hate when writers try to seem cool by dissing popular culture and recommending an indie movie. Battle Royale is not that good a movie. It goes full blown Japanese at the end to the point of embarassing. I'd argue Hunger Games was a better put together movie but Battle Royale the book was fucking god tier.
When scott joined the F4 he suddenly became super competent, which was not really a thing before. This story takes him back to his roots. This story kinda drags him through the mud but he has his super competent moments.
This wife needs to take the stick out of her ass. If it wasn't for Scott's heroing and absolutely trouncing doom, Cassie wouldn't even be here. So as I always say, fuck off.
Once Scott became Ant Man, he entirerly stopped being a villain (or at least to my knowledge). Spencer needs to read a comic once in a while and not portray Scott as this absolute loser. I'm okay with down on his luck Scott, but this is straight up embarassing.
Even in Avengers Vol. 3, he was never portrayed quite like this. Not even close. Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, but I'm pretty sure I'm not.
>I'd argue Hunger Games was a better put together movie
Absolute garbage taste.
But it is in the comic to make cassie a hipster kid who wants to be unique. She is all off balance cause she was an avenger and now she is deaged and struggling with normal life. Makes sense that she just grabs ideas to cling too. If it happens to be 'muh origional is better ' is ok. And she's not wrong
Vibranium reinforced stonewalls....and Victory can just blast through them? What the fuck Spencer?
Oh shut up Tony. I don't even watch the Star Trek TV show and even I know that.
Straight up cunt. I'm a big believer in feminism, which means someone should slap the shit out of this bitch for the sake of equality.
>and you can visit whenever you'd like
That..that's not really how it works.
Does this apartment even have beds? Looks kinda small.
I still maintain Hunger Games (first one) was a better put together movie compared to Battle Royale, but both are absolute shit compared to the book. Never saw the second one but I heard it's hot garbage.
She's not wrong that living in NY is thr stupidist thing you can do.
But at a Sup Forums level, this is straight up how much control women have in these relationships. The men have basically no say in custody hearings and have barely any control. This shit happens a lot
Actually it is and it's bullshit. If the mother has custody she can move anywhere she wants. If it's too far that the father can't visit, tough for him
I vote that Scott shrinks his wife and keeps her in a miniaturized house on his shelf. He'll just say she went on an extended vacation and decided to leave Cassie with Scott.
It depends. Believe me I know mothers always get the special treatment because equality only matters when it hurts them, but fathers should know of their rights and fight for hearings before these horrible people run off with their children.
It would have been interesting if the book actually explored how shitty dads have it in custody cases but there would have been such a shitstorm because MEN ACTUALLY DON'T HAVE ANY DISADVANTAGES OVER WOMEN or IT'S STILL JUST THE PATRIARCHY, MEN GET HURT BY IT TOO!!!!!!
It would have but fuck that it something marvel would get blasted for. I don't see marvel editors oking it. They are siding with feminists right now.
Best cover of the series
Thanks for the storytime op
Appreciate it. I needed something to break up all the Spider-Man I had been posting.