Why aren't americans ballsy enough to give a real review?


This is the third negative review right? Will RT count it?

Women and their desperate pets will call you racist

Could you be any more of a nigger?

>only the negative reviews are the real ones
Really joggin the noggin


Because if they give a bad review black people will literally go to their house and kill them and there'll be a resounding outcry that they did nothing wrong

well yeah, it's capeshit. Nobody should be raving about it



The verbal representation of someone putting their fingers in their ears and shouting “LALALALA.”

>this woman has more balls than every fucking American film critic

Because american film critics are kikes.

Australia SAVING Hollywood lads

Oh. We're actually posting every negative Black Panther review. Great.

Because if you happen to glance in the direction of a poc you get labeled a raciest


>ethnic cargo cult of a movie

>Based newscorp

Based Vicky pulls zero punches.

seems like he's being sarcastic

wtf I love old white women now

>the eternal swagman

Needs corks dangling from his hat

Is that critc approved by rotten tomatoes?

What is her fucking problem?

It is

Sup Forums users (i'm not one, i'm just coming to observe this zoo) are not really bright

She's too old to appreciate or understand modern cinema.

I think we found the queen of Sup Forums.

leftists aren't American

Didn't they do a women only screening? What's the difference?

by posting this image you have become a Sup Forums user
welcome, brother. do you prefer feet or braapposting? we can make accommodations for both.
and right this way to choose your favorite emma (you'll notice one is missing, the watson model is currently experiencing technical difficulties).

Your father is a weak man

Gender War is impossible so no one take this shit seriously.

How did this one get through?



What did you expect? Sup Forums is literally obsessed. Which is funny because that's the word they love to use. They whine about "childish hobbies" and then engage in the even more childish hobby of spending every waking moment obsessing over the reviews of some capeshit just because it has black people in it.



Is that Brian Posehn?

>earnest ethnical cargo cult of a movie

what did he mean by this

No, Brian Posehn hates Trump. He wouldn't be caught dead in a MAGA hat.

Its so obvious that people shilling for this movie were the same ones who organized that "raid" just so they could turn around and say RATE THIS MOVIE 100% YOU AREN'T A RACIST ARE YOU!? HA YOU SURE SHOWED THOSE TRUMP VOTERS

Unironicaly kys

wtf I love Australians now?

Oh look, now it's quoting Leafy. This is Sup Forums, ladies and gentlemen. A bunch of Gen Z youtube fags.

Based 'Cargo Cult' members. Making whites look stupid, like the Samoans did to Margaret 'The Sneed' Mead.

>Vicky Roach

bet he's washing that down with some soy milk

>despite a commendable attempt to politicise the genre with a message about the world's increasingly unfair distribution of wealth

This makes me wonder, what is the actual plot of Black Panther? Not the AYO FUCK WHITEY race agitating the media is doing, but the movie itself. Does it unironically go "everything would have been fine if it weren't for whitey" or does it make curious analogy between Wakanda and its neighboring countries and 'wealthy' countries and the rest of the world? I imagine that in actuality marvel producers would never risk racial agitation in their superhero popcorn flick so it probably actually makes no direct reference to colonialism or white history.

Someone got a leak on the plot?

Are they forgetting about Steel and Catwoman? Those were negro super heroes

You literally put the milk in the cereal you dumb fucking American.

fuck off reddit nigga

neither would that guy
it's not even a good shop fampai

>I don't like it so it's a shop!
Lol yikes.

By imitating what white superhero movies have done, they wish to create that success for themselves. A cargo cult is a type of cult found mostly in south american and pacific island primitive cultures who at some point in the past, especially during WW2 like the John Frum cult, were exposed to western culture and civilization and deified it, worshiping the white men they encountered to this day. I am dead serious. Moral of the story is brown people can't make up shit for themselves and still it from somewhere else.

Not only will they not count it , it's been reported to the FBI as a hate crime.

Cargo cults were primitive islanders who thought that when whites built runways they were performing magic rituals to summon planes full of cargo from the gods. So they made their own runways and copied the design of an airport and a radio tower out sticks and rope to summon cargo from the gods. A whole cult religion developed around a man named "John Frum" who was probably just some random British white dude who they thought had the power to summon cargo.

So basically this movie is like a cargo cult trying to copy how Wonder Woman got successful.

She'll be sent to the IBG for this.

>>only the negative reviews are the real ones
>Really joggin the noggin

In this particular environment that's probably true.

that can't be fucking real

Lemmee axe someone. Does this whole movie take place in "Wakanda"?

That's a pretty aesthetic headset.

It's absolutely 100% and honestly fascinating. I can only assume the same thing would happen on a global scale if aliens ever visit. White men were so incomprehensibly advanced to these islanders that it seemed like magic and divine power.

>it's been reported to the FBI as a hate crime
As long as he stays in Australia he should be okay and since he's probably on the no-fly-list as of now the FBI won't be able to touch him.

It's very real. They're still active today. They pray to John Frum, make wooden radio towers, wooden radio sets, wood airplanes, etc. and believe that if they are good people the gods will send more cargo planes full of cargo.

>nobody can ever have a positive opinion on a film!
Man you sound deluded.

The author's name is Vicky. It's a woman.

God you men are really something, you know that?

>The waterfall challenge set piece, for example, feels like something out of Disney’s It's A Small World attraction.


>i'm not one, i'm just coming to observe this zoo
Well then, you need to go back.

I'm actually really curious what they made the material for the earpads out of, it looks almost exactly like the real thing.

Did you just assume someone's gender????


Hmm... Now that you stay that I think I'm actually gonna stick around. Look forward to seeing a lot of me, pal.


Go back to 8gag leftyfail.

t. triggerd Sup Forumsbaby

i like gen z. they seem aware that millennials are retarded and shouldnt be listened to

should crowdfund and send a plane to one of their rituals

>an irishman
>a woman
Who will they blame now?


You'd think some moralfags would have gone around and explained what happened to all these groups by now.

Probably because the only American critics with a voice lean left. Rotten Tomatoes would probably never recognize a critic on Breitbart even if they were very good at breaking down and analyzing movies.

Really because this says the opposite.

I think they tried but the cults had already taken hold and there was no going back. These islanders lack the conceptual framework to understand the explanation for where cargo really comes from. You'd have to explain so many other things about the world, planes, WW2, trade routes etc before you could get them to understand. There's such a vast gulf of information between the two cultures that it's hard to communicate even when speaking the same language.

If the right wants to be recognized... maybe they should actually do a good job at breaking down and analyzing movies.

I've seen Breitbart. It's nothing but clickbait.

>survey doesn't have anything to do with gen z
>still taking survey seriously in the current year
kys dumb millennial

>the polls were wrong about Trump so they're wrong about everything!
Polls said Doug Jones was going to beat Roy Moore and guess what? Doug Jones beat Roy Moore.

My point isn't whether or not they actually give any meaningful critical analysis. I'm saying that review aggregators like Rotten Tomatoes probably wouldn't include them anyway. There's no point in putting their opinion and analysis out there because it will never be put in the mainstream. So at that point you're only doing movie reviews for your devoted but small fan base, but that's probably not going to get you a lot of clicks since these people will already have strong opinions before you report on it.

>the polls were right about doug jones so they're right about everything!
sure keep pretending that polls aren't exercises in selection bias

You know which movie would never get two and a half stars?

white pipo and dtrumpf

That's not really true. Do you want to know something nobody ever seems to mention, because it would kill this narrative? RottenTomatoes decides for themselves whether a 3/5 review is considered "fresh" or "rotten". So they could have easily marked Ed Power's review as fresh and kept the 100% fresh for a while, but RottenTomatoes actually CHOSE to give Black Panther its first rotten review.

Why do I keep seeing Sup Forums meme about Paddington? What's so special about it?

It's kino.


>they could have just claimed that a review comparing a movie to a cargo cult was positive and fucked any credibility they have left
>they didn't do that so they must be unbiased

They did, and they got sued by a man claiming discrimination. The man who filed the complaint was also gay, so take that as you will.

I'm not sure entirely what their process is for rating 3/5 as fresh or rotten, but I would assume they take into account the overall attitude and critiques mentioned in the review. Ed Powers gave the film a negative review, ergo it got a rotten score. Maybe, but I'm not certain, they would have given it a fresh score if the review was more positive.