What are some movies where the characters eat or cook fried chicken?

What are some movies where the characters eat or cook fried chicken?
Ray comes to mind. Gremlins too. Which for some reason people perceived as racist.
Anything else?

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Killer Joe

Oh yeah, that's perhaps the most iconic fried chicken scene in film.

Little Miss Sunshine

When do they eat fried chicken in that?

Little Nicky

Is Popeye's chicken really fucking awesome? Never tried it.

It’s pretty good actually, more of a bojangles guy myself though, if I want that kind of chicken.

Based, only reason I clicked this thread was to post this. It really is a 7/10 until that whole last 10 minutes makes it a fucking 10/10.

Bojangles was bland to me when I tried it finally. I personally think that Chic Fil A is best but it's not worth the money imo in general fast food is pretty shit.