Is this a good series Sup Forums?
I like Tom Cruise but I've never watched these. MI:6 looks hype so I want to prep my body and soul.
Are these enjoyable?
Best Buy closes soon, I want to know if it's worth picking up!
I understand 2 is said to be weird and 3 acts as a soft reboot.
Quick! Need help!
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You fuckers!!! I need some action with my pizza!!!
4 and 5 are pretty good. 2 sucks
Pleb. 2 is an acquired taste that's much better than 4-5 if you can read between the lines, missing footage and shoddy editing. Feel like we're seeing a studio cut not the directors cut.
Official MI rankings:
You are right about 2 but your rankings are a little suspect to me.
You go from Brian DePalma to John Woo to JJ Abrams. What do you think?
They're enjoyable af. Watch all 5 & judge for yourself OP
I know that post-1 this series is basically just super spy shit, but holy fuck how are we supposed to believe that Ethan survived half of the shit in the trailer for 6? Head on collision between two trucks (neither with large engines in the front, they're flat-faced) and he lives? I get that it's one of those "turn-your-brain-off" action series but holy shit.
All of them are good except 2. 2 is horse shit, don't let anyone tell you differently.
Absolute pleb opinion. 2 is underrated as fuck.
They're all good to varying degrees. I unironically love 2, it's completely god damned ridiculous.
Didn't watch any of the other movies because 2 was no good. Imagine my surprise when I found out they're actually good.
This. Only the first two have their own identities. I don't know why people love M:I3 so much. Everything after the 2nd one is plastic assembly line trash.
2 has the most interesting plot if you think about it. You think a fully kitted lit IMF crew went rogue at the drop of a hat?
It was an IMF operation to take control of a biological weapons producer for control of both weapons production and financial opportunity. One wing of IMF sanctioned this operation with zero oversight and a cavalier attitude for collateral damage, while another wing of IMF decides to moralfag after the plane crash and call in Hunt to shut the operation down, who then defied orders to capture the virus.
Unfortunately we didn't get the footage to expand on this point, but it all makes sense. Ambrose was on that flight as part of an Official IMF operation, at no point is it indicated he want rogue, was disavowed, anything.
MI:2 is about an IMF civil war, but they didn't show it correctly.
I think people dislike M:I2 because it's a John Woo movie with virtually zero gore.
It's helicopter, not 2 trucks head on.
3 > 4 > 1 > 5 >>>> 2
they are all pretty good.
They're all great except for 2.
Maybe he doesn't fucking crash, brainlet.
>never watched any mission impossible movies
Fuck off right now, watch them all then maybe come back
Fucking plebs I swear to god
situation extrême, mesures extrêmes
fire again
isla faust
Every single one of them is solid as fuck (yes even 2.) As far as quality and consistency in entertainment go MI is fairly impressive when compared to something like Bond or Bourne
hunt isla
How can you have such bad taste m8
This has gotta be bait because that ranking is perfect
I don't get why Cruise doesn't release a Director's Cut of MI 2.
People keep saying that one really sucks for some reason, maybe a DC would change their minds.
Dat injection scene. Prime Thandie before “too intelligent.” Kino
pulpit rock scene
The score was incredible. Best score of the franchise by a large margin.
This is the best franchise in Hollywood
Rogue Nation Fallout same scène
>3 is second
You have no business calling anyone else a pleb, my man. PSH's performance doesn't make up for Abrams' direction.
1 > 5 > 2 > 4 > 3
Jar Jar really revealed himself as a talentless hack with this one. The script was great, the acting was great, but holy fuck it's got the direction of a TV procedural.
the tv show was great. and to me iconic with that self destroying messenger thing and spy gadgets. and SPY TEAM.
the movies were only one Cruise-man army... at least until 4 or 5 where there is a bigger team with Cruise
not a fan of it tho
4 > 1 > 3 > 5 > 2