Just showed this movie to my friend for the first time. When it was over, he told me the ferry scene was one of the most tense things he'd seen in a movie.
What's your favorite scenes from this kino?
Just showed this movie to my friend for the first time. When it was over...
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From the thumbnail in the catalog I thought it was the scene in Godzilla where the MUTO breaks out.
obligatory mention on the glorious sound design of this movie
The first half of this movie (the ferry scene in particular) has an incredible feeling of dread.
*ear shattering fart noise*
This. It all fantastic until the fag son runs off to the army
Most underrated kinoflick
Unfortunately, a lot of the CGI effects on the tripods in the second half especially are starting to look dated
Great movie until they go into the crazy guy's basement, then it becomes boring as fuck until the battle at the end again.
The effects of the lasers turning everyone to ash save for their clothing were really cool and fucked up. Shame the alien design doesn't match the original art for the book though, I loved the goofy octopus brain looking guys.
Yeah, there's no denying that it falls.off towards the end. Still, everything from the thunderstorm through the ferry scene is fucking brilliant.
>this is the only post apocalyptic Boston we will ever see.
Dakota Fanning ruins this movie singlehandedly.
>What's your favorite scenes from this kino?
What is with Spielberg and third acts?
The first half of AI is one of the best things I've ever seen, then it turns into complete ass.
If War of Worlds and AI ended as strongly as they started they would be 10/10 instant classics.
How can you tell the difference between post apocalyptic Boston and regular Boston?
>Dakota Fanning ruins any movie singlehandedly
Fixed that for ya.
To be fair, with the end of WotW he was following the original storyline pretty closely.
This, the third act OF Jurassic Park really falls apart for me.
Even Jaws begins to slog at a certain point.
yeah, i legit had nightmares about it when I watched it as an 8 year old. Just an immense feeling that we're all fucked and nothing we can do can stop them from farming us like cattle
>no thunderchild heroic self-sacrifice
shit movie 0/10
the scene with the car
the film has an incredible build up overall
>Get in the car or you're going to die!
> We will never see the battle behind the hill
Beyond lots more fire what exactly would there have been to see?
All of the military's stuff would have just bounced off the tripod's shields and then the former gets vaporized.
Mah nigga I was just about to post this. When the ferry scene kicked off I was so fucking hyped for a destroyer or something to come in, sucked it never happened.
I did like the ash kinda rays tho, better than if they had done heat rays.
I meant the one where their car gets taken by that guy with a gun
Spielberg's problem is that his movies are just all over the place. He's tone deaf. Aliens destroy the city and then we have sandwiches. Indiana Jones watches a guy's heart get ripped out, and then we go back to Shorty and the blonde babbling at each other. There are ghosts and demons all over the house, then a midget psychic shows up. He just can't carry a solid theme.
Jesus christ both of those are fine / get better as it progresses. Jaws' third act is universally agreed to be the best part of the movie.
>He's tone deaf. Aliens destroy the city and then we have sandwiches
I thought that was good characterization. It's not treated like a normal thing to do in the movie, it's Tom Cruise's character being shown as unable to properly care for his kids and deal with the situation because he's so estranged from them and doesn't really want them around.
This. Also the whole day has been so bizarre he's trying to cling to a simple thing to try to make things normal again, like he's still in shock.
I threw up when I saw this in threatres. It was near the beginning, when the aliens were first attacking. I think I saw some guy get chuncked or w/e. Weird, considering that kinda shit usually doesn’t phase me.
Idk if that makes it kino or what.
Also a kino scene when it happens in Signs
>seeing this in theaters as a 13 year old
Fucking kino
Thats one of the best scenes
Why did aliens that could build fantastical shielded walkers that can move via lightning and turn humans to plant matter not know about native bacterias and germs. Isnt that one of the first think space travellers learn to take caution with
>i legit had nightmares about it when I watched it as an 8 year old.
Me too. Only pic related was the one I saw at about that age.
>death rays vaporize people but not the clothes they’re wearing
It destroys organic matter. Ideal if you want to kill people but not damage infrastructure and shit.
nigga since when is cotton not organic matter
Since never?
I just disagree. The aforementioned third acts both have interesting content but the pacing is just off, compared to acts prior.
>Cotton is inorganic
>Cotton doesn't grow on trees
>It's made in labs with science
Watch E.T. and then turn the volume up at the end.
The ending music for E.T. is the single best musical work that John Williams ever completed, and the emotional energy of the scene is pure and unironic kino. I actually weep when I watch it, though for me there's a large degree of nostalgia going on.
Ok so I'm 100% in the matrix and it's all fake I get it now. I'm ready God let's go to the next part. Hey robots I really enjoyed this part specifically where they look over the hill and see everyone getting blasted.
Underage I hope
These are rad. I do like the three legs of the movie though. Also packs of 3.
it’s fucking grown and picked in a field
>cotton trees
found the invader
well he "technically" didn't direct poltergeist though
>the walkers were buried underneath all the major cities thousands of years ago
Why include this in the movie? It's simply too fantasitcal and ruins the immersion. Still though, the first half of the movie is pure kino.
Just like Tim Burton "technically" didn't direct Nightmare Before Christmas.
>people hating on Dakota
>all these years I and everyone I knew hated the boy instead
Weird. Are you Dakota haters fags or something?
Millions. Gagillions. They're old. Makes sense when you think about how disease wiped them out. They saw dumb cavemen when they buried the ships and then we became smart and had sex with monkeys and camels and made a bunch of diseases and we won.
>shits on Jurassic park and Jaws
KYS Ahmed.
>Spielberg tone dead
Lmao what lol hahaha you are fucking done deaf retard
I'd say it was her being a horrible awful kid with no redeemable qualities. Not to mention that the entire movie was a compilation of her screaming as the camera was forced up her nose every ten minutes.
Both kids were awful but at least the boy had relatively noble intentions when he wanted to fuck off and go fight. Dakota just autistically shrieked and bitched the whole time and made me want to kill her.
Not the movie I saw. I saw a movie where I as a man and dad wanted to do everything to protect my angel while this ungrateful annoying spoiled brat kept trying to get himself killed refusing to listen to his father.
You are a fucking pedo !
>KYS Ahmed
You first, Schlomo.
This. Never got annoyed by the daughter. Just the fucking boy, I'm a straight man btw.
>to be protective of one's daughter or hope girls don't die
Wow lol liberalism 2018!!
Sorry what
I think they're both terrific films, I just think there's a slight drop in quality at the third act of both and that's okay.
You are sick.
Every year their insanity reaches new levels.
>ctrl+f "train"
>0 results
What did he mean by this?
Except jaws 3rd act is the best. Your taste is terrible. Get a bigger boat ffs
They are both Kino all time top movies ever made. Anyone that says otherwise is either pretentious, retarded or have a need to hate on him for being a Jew. Grow up.
choo choo muther fuckers kino af
Liberals enjoy watching women get raped and little girls die. Why you think they import jihadis. They get off on it. Even leftwing media like CNN and salon Huffington post has published articles defending pedos.
You're right about Jaws. I guess I'm just usually disappointed after quint dies.
The only film that literally made me slink into my chair in a theater. It is the best DREAD after captured, epic yet primal. The size of their ships is well conveyed, even in OP's pic, compared to shit like Kong and Godzilla.
Memories of this actually making my skin crawl rn.
>claiming these are the best movies ever made
>also claiming he's the one being pretentious
>claiming racism as defense
You're not the guy mad about liberals, are you? Because this is some mighty hypocrisy.
Liberals enjoy watching women get raped and little girls die
alright man
Also, one of the best thunder storms in a film imo. Scary yet real, you feel the lukewarm wind gusts right there with Cruise
Scary movie 4 was great
Checked and actually willing to admit being wrong. Mad props user. It happens so rarely here. Would give you a cookie if I could. Yeah it really does hit you when he dies. Show me the way to go home... I'm tired and I wanna go to bed. Had a little drink about an hour ago and-
It got straight to my head. But this faggot is giving me a headache so I'm going right to bed!
>mfw no Thunderchild appearing to buy the ferry time
How do you adapt WotW and leave out the goddamn Thunderchild?
RIP Tobe Hooper, it's a disservice to his memory that Spielberg shits on his grave whilst smiling that he made Poltergeist
The walkers weren't buried, that was just something some idiot civilian thought. They obviously teleported here machine and all. Why wouldn't they?
>They came down in the lightning
Right, they buried the machines everywhere and teleported down to the most advantageous ones.
Sorta agree, but think of them like locusts with way longer hibernation times. And it becomes semi-Biblical. And I like when the Earth is not what it seems in films, where human history is suddenly put in tragic perspective.
I don't like it either, but that's what they did. The only premise I can think of is that they saw humans evolving and planted harvesters for when the takeover was viable. Humans are crops for them, remember.
They frame by frame the pod coming down, it's not carrying a machine with it.
Or they came down with the lightning with a whole bunch of tools and then "built" the machines from parts they brought, just like the martians did in the original book. They frame-by-framed one video and made up a theory about how it depicted the aliens coming down on their own, but that doesn't mean they're right about it, just like the humans in the book weren't right about it being a meteorite. They just skipped the part where the aliens take their time assembling their machines after landing like in the book, because it'd make the movie less action-packed and since a species capable of lightning-teleportation probably has ways of assembling their machines really quickly anyway.
But what's the point of planting fucking anything in advance when you've got planet-to-planet teleportation? All it does is add a danger of your tech being either found or damaged from natural causes, crippling your attack once you do teleport down. It makes way more sense for it to the people we meet in the movie just being unreliable narrators.
Do you think you would have liked the movie more if it was set in the original setting?
Has anyone else seen this? I really liked it
>inb4 no replies
Tom's acting in this movie was unironically great.
No, but have a (You)
The way he throws that PBJ against the wall. You could really feel the frustration, he also makes you somehow believe Tom Cruise is a loser crane operator.
No, I haven't.
Almost all of her lines are shrieking autistically at the camera. She can't walk anywhere on her own, spending the majority of the movie being carried until she inexplicably is able to walk 10 miles away into the hills and right up to a fucking tripod for no reason.
She should have been dumped off somewhere, or killed, as Robbie and Cruise developed.