I liked her too

I liked her too

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Porn when

Im glad she wasnt discredited by a joke
Do sexualize the therapist, we had sessions for this

She was very obnoxious

>woman inserts herself
>makes herself slim, smart, funny, and helpful
>in real life is a fat slob, annoying, and is wrong about everything

it's going to be scat anyway so don't be impatient

She's no Jaguar but she's alright.

Rick, the only connection between your unquestionable intelligence and the sickness destroying your family is that everyone in your family, you included, use intelligence to justify sickness. You seem to alternate between viewing your own mind as an unstoppable force and as an inescapable curse. And I think it’s because the only truly unapproachable concept for you is that it’s your mind within your control.

You chose to come here, you chose to talk, to belittle my vocation, just as you chose to become a pickle. You are the master of your universe, and yet you are dripping with rat blood and feces, your enormous mind literally vegetating by your own hand. I have no doubt that you would be bored senseless by therapy, the same way I’m bored when I brush my teeth and wipe my ass. Because the thing about repairing, maintaining and cleaning is it’s not an adventure. There’s no way to do it so wrong you might die. It’s just work. And the bottom line is, some people are okay going to work, and some people… well, some people would rather die.

Each of us gets to choose.

I'm not surprised a woman wrote this.

At the end of the day it doesn't matter if she's a self insert or not. Rick as a character needs to get taken down a peg and this was barely sufficient.

The writers can't keep trying to make him sympathetic, then having him declare he can do whatever he pleases with no consequence.

ha ha people defend this

Don't get mad at nihilism because you can't understand it

Is this the unironic rick and morty thread? I'd like to discuss the show. Oh. nevermind.

So why do people hate this? Because it goes on for so long? Or is it just the woman thing

That's what happens when you have vastly different writers working on the same show - sometimes the shitty writers knock their shitty material out of an episode early, sometimes they end it and make the whole episode a shit sandwich retroactively.

Dan Harmon apparently started flooding the writing staff with shitty writers like himself to extend his reach though.

The woman thing

Female writer & female character being used as a front for Sup Forums to shitpost.

I liked the butthurt over this episode. Sup Forums was completely devastated

This is Sup Forums, so both.

because it's long winded tryhard hamfisted unfun garbage.

>Rick as a character needs to get taken down a peg
might aswell get a im a cuck tattoo across your forehead

Did you feel sympathetic for him on tonight's show? I didn't. Especially in the car scene.

One way to find out. Imagine a male character is saying this stuff. Just for example, Roger's psychiatrist persona from American Dad.

Better? Same?

They had a guy who literally outwitted Satan get psychoanalyzed and dressed down by some fuck who teaches people to not eat shit.

I'd just prefer if it wasn't a woman character doing it, when the woman character is a feminist writer with the understanding of the show as a fan.

It'd be fine maybe if this was pre-2008 but any time a female has a huge screw you speech these days it just comes off horrible, mixing that in with female feminist fans being added because muh diversity really makes the scene shit.

I'm a fan, I don't hate women, but I hate the way the scene was handled and this season feels topsy turvey because the writing direction changed, and it just happens to be because of women writers because of diversity, not BECAUSE of the women

>mfw everyone mad at this episode is from the same group of Redditors that talked about Rick's nihilism as if it was some deep universal philosophy they should emulate, and are now eternally asshurt that a character homed in on the fact that it's just a cover for his unwillingness to take responsibility and do things that bore him.
Loving every laugh

yeah it's pretty fuckin' dumb no matter who is saying it.

American Dad knows how to handle guest stars better than Rick and Morty


this, its too late to try to turn this show into some big whiny finger waggling melodrama

And why not? The fact that someone is smart dousn't mean their psychological issues are some deep mystery. Rick deals with things beyond the normal world all the time, but at his core, he's just a human.

Some people dislike it for legitimate reasons, but I won't pretend a large part of the vitrioal is Sup Forumslack rage.

is that not hilarious to you?

Yes, fuck Sup Forums for thinking shoehorned women are annoying

You'd have to be literally Hitler to not enjoy these le epic Rick and Morty memes!

Too long, not funny, based on all the enemies Rick outwitted, she was not a threat, it's a self insert character of the writer of the episode.
I wouldn't fucking care about being a woman, but all the previous stuff just makes it seem the cherry of the cake.

Episode was alright

>feminist writer--
>Sup Forums!!
jesus fucking christ this season is going to bring new limits to what can even be said on this board

nope, some random writer temporarily held back Rick's top level genius intellect to make their totally deep monologue go uncontested.

well she did write the episode

The Rick and Morty defense force are only going to get more and more desperate as their favorite show progressively devolves into mush with every season.

she was succinct and professional, which played to humor of sorts. Didn't go out of her bounds, didn't react negatively to Beth and Rick's snark. Just did her job until time went up, to the annoyance of Beth and Rick.

though she probably has a fetish for poop eating or whatever.
>wiping my ass

absolute garbage
like woman trying to sound forced deep
Heck , all the episode was mediocre at best.

A more Rick response would be creating a cure for coprophagia/shiteating and running her out of business out of spite.

It's the most vanilla therapy speech a psychologist can give you, i got that kind of speech form mine.

>down a peg and this was barely sufficient.
are you a woman by any chance?
Because was a garbage comeback that totally screams self insert to the max.

very regressive!

It's what they say when you don't drink they kool-aid, they try to shame you into it

no , its pathetic also and still dumb as fuck , is not "muh womyn" but totally feels like it was for self insert purpose and nothing more.

Didn't you get the memo? This show "isn't supposed to be funny" anymore or some shit.

>muh Sup Forums !!!!
>Sup Forums has barely had any threads discussing this and the few that did appear dismissed anyone who still watches cartoons as a brainlet manchild
Really makes you think....

is coprophagia a 'disease' though? it's just a fetish to me

Can it be horse? Can she fuck a horse with Beth or summer?

Yes, eating shit is in fact a problem

These idiot fags tried to deviate from /r9k/ scapegoating. They didn't put much thought into the new scapegoat.

>implying this aren't edgelord children from Sup Forums who are banned there
That's nice user.

Roger wouldn't never give a speech that long and wouldn't try to fix shit on the first place, he would advice to hide it and repress it.

This episode it's important to the series, here is where the original Rick died because of shitty writing trying to change him.

Eh, maybe if you did it out of compulsion which some people do.

It's just a fetish to me.

Just wait until people start implying that season 8's long drawn out subplot about Summer deciding whether or not to abort her child may not be funny.

For all the shitposting about muh reddit, apparently half the show's fanbase on this board want Rick to just be Science Deadpool.

> shitting where you eat

fuck you bitch...

>every season

Try every episode. I can't imagine this show lasting any longer.

I really enjoyed the episode. I can understand why the animation took so long.

Nah, people are eating this shit up. It has a fuck ton of merch now and it's only getting worse. This show is going to go on forever.

The guy who literally outwitted Satan nearly kills himself because his girlfriend broke up with him.
And then drunkenly failed to get her back from her new nerd boyfriend.

I don't get it.

This is deviantart story climax tier

I'll get right on it, when I get my drawing hand back from fapping.

Why is the fuck does every shitty female writer self insert themselves into their fiction in a major way. I'm ok with a background scene or the main character briefly bumping into the creator, but this shit where the insert is integral to the plot makes my blood boil. Rivera and Gao do this in their fiction. It's ducking retarded.

dumb phone poster


>men: okay this is really popular show and we're trusting you new writers to keep it entertaining
>women: ok here's a transcript of my therapy session :)))))))))))

can someone hook me up with a season 3 ep 2 download?

It's boring. It's out of place with the other episodes. It's unnecessary.

I read that a bit more sub-textually, she wasn't counseling on NOT eating shit. She was an enabler and facilitator. Hence the binder full of photos Morty picks up. Pictures of her and her clients in the act.

Also, Poop is a funny word.

all that text is pic related
Absolute garbage
>Teraphy is work
literally garbage writing

No, it's a dose of real life. Work. Boredom. Events that you don't control. You DO remember reality, right?

Rick = Gary sue.

I refuse to draw porn of her unless she spends the time fucking you to psychologically explain to you why you desired to see porn of her in the first place.

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewers head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It's for the ladies' eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they're within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand.

It makes sense to me that she was easily able to pick Rick apart because he didn't have time to wow her in advance, if he hadn't pulled his bullshit ploy he might've been able to Charm her the way he does with just about everyone else he meets that isn't Morty, and Perhaps his being there would've had Beth holding her tongue about her father instead of verbally sucking his dick to cover up for the fact that she knows deep down he's actually a shitty person.
Instead, she got to see the Emperor without his clothes, a genius man so terrified of being bored or accepting responsibility that he turned himself into a pickle and almost got himself killed.

Oh. Am I the only one who liked this scene? Ok then.

then draw porn of her doing that you stupid poop

Tommorow I promise.

Again , is not about Rick """"""""losing"""""""""" is how he lost.
Is a fucking yass queen moment , it was done wrong.

Morty/Dr. Wong when?

>here is where the original Rick died because of shitty writing trying to change him
but Rick ignored everything the therapist said, its going back to status quo next episode

It helps that she had the entire therapy session to build a rapport of what Rick is like from the people close to him.

This was probably the best part of the episode. Too many viewers are there for the action-adventure-escapism; things that don't require them to challenge their own brainpower with things like acceptance that they can't use their fantasy to do things in real life. We have limits that we can't overcome, sometimes forced on us from society, or our own lack of interest in doing so, even though we probably could. We cling to the "probably" part because it gives us that slim hope that things could be fantastic. But at best, even if we tried, we wouldn't get as far with it as we'd tell ourselves.
No one can fly. You'll never get rich. A half-completed Killdozer is just a car covered in cement.

Rick would have done something like to fuck with the doctor.

Rick and Morty should have become more Justin Roilandish over time, instead this is becoming "Deep Science Man Love Family by Dan Harmon"

Speak English.

I think he was too worn out from his time as Pickle Rick to do anything like that and just wanted to go get shitfaced, like he suggests to Beth after they leave.

I liked it too. The context for it (A literal shit therapist talking down to Rick) also the long windedness of it made it pretty funny.
But I never took it as seriously for any actual development, so I can definitely see how some people would find it aggravating.

This is some first draft shit right here.

Huh....this us....this episode wasn't really funny, like, at all. does that seem weird to anyone else?

I liked seeing Rick deconstructed.
But there is no way a therapist would have that much insight after one session

I feel like I'm witnessing the beginning of the SJW movement all over again from the other side. Things that don't seem to stand out or have any particularly negative value are all of a sudden a huge problem to some faction of the internet and it seems to have everything to do with irrelevant aspects of the author and nothing to do with the quality of the material it's self.

But much as I am a nazi for thinking that blacks can be racists towards whites, I too must be a cuck for failing to be bothered that a side character made a semi-decent point while being a woman.

Just give me the button that says "kill everyone"

True, but the post credits scene would have been perfect for it instead of the Jaguar bit.

Intelligence is relative, user. A brain surgeon and a rocket scientist are both very very intelligent people, but you can't expect them to switch jobs and be able to perform confidently. It makes perfect sense that a woman who has spent a lot of time devoted to psychology would know better about psychological issues, than Rick, who've we seen very often try to ignore his own emotions with adventures and drugs.

>Things that don't seem to stand out or have any particularly negative value are all of a sudden a huge problem to some faction of the internet and it seems to have everything to do with irrelevant aspects of the author and nothing to do with the quality of the material it's self.
That's been the alt-right for a while, user.