What does Sup Forums think about her body of work?

What does Sup Forums think about her body of work?

Wow, she looks fucking nasty.

*knock knock knock* housekeeping!


she is /tvsgirl/

We saw it coming years ago. Genetics.

She's be amazing to fuck/date between her late teens and early-mid 20. I wonder what she'll look like afterwards, surely she'll become some sort of landwhale once acting jobs stop showing up and any modelling career dies out?

What mode is this?

I don't know who this is, but she is literal perfection.

she's pretending to drink and empty bottle

Fucked up breast reduction mode

shes got too big

Imagine how good she'd look right now if she never got rid of her mondo gazungas. They'd be even bigger nowadays.


Jesus Christ, she really is letting herself go.


Dumb roastie



She chopped her titties off. She can't act worth a damn without those.


Claire has always been the hottest on the show.


La creatura!

ariel = claire

Those nips are way better than I was expecting.

I was expecting disgusting brown nipples.

Claire looked like a Lich with a fucking phylactery that needs destroying.

I hope you never live to be old, you won't enjoy it.

Roasties on suicide watch

she's pretty hot sometimes

Those are some nice fucking nipples


i would lick every inch of her

Fat pig
Its all downhill from here