why was this allowed?

Other urls found in this thread:


How did she "pwn" him and what was Rick's response?


Why is this allowed?

Because woman are our other halfs and deserve to kick our butts when they want get the fuck over it little bitch.

why was her name so racist

Are you the same guy visiting every Rick and Morty thread and accusing men who aren't feminists of being cucks like Jerry?

We don't tolerate sexism and misogyny on Sup Forumsmblr, OP. Go back to you stupid Trump supporter.

Because a lot of women have this fantasy of being the ones who can "fix" the ultimate broken person or otherwise make them change for the better. It's why women love the bad boy, because they think they can soften his heart.

Listen, she made a good episode.

But I seriously doubt she's a fun person to be around.

Beth is a fucking moron
Wong is an extremely common last name


Was she supposed to be Asian? I couldn't tell.

I know Beth said her name was racist, but it only makes sense if it's a white lady with that name, like David Wong of Cracked (a white guy who chose that pen name who is also kind of a dumbass.)

No I just had sex so this my effect my posting tonight, my b.

she looks like one of my friends


Comedy comes from pain, suffering and rejection. It just so happens that men are more likely to suffer from all those things on a regular basis than women. That's not to say that there can't be funny women -- I'm not an /r9k/ faggot crying into his own belly semen. It's just that a lot of decent looking women (and even some non-decent looking ones) in western society tend to have cushier, more accommodating lives than even some good looking men.

>this level of autism
What, did the big scary autoplaying music scare you away?

She seemed pretty fucking reasonable, OP. A huge contradiction in Rick's behavior is that he has the ability to do anything (like turning himself into a pickle), but he's also an alcoholic who can't stop being a toxic influence on his family for... reasons? At some point that shit just stops being sympathetic or cool, even if on the surface there can be cool shit to watch from it (like Pickle Rick's Die Hard journey).

The point the therapist was making was that you're not intrinsically cursed when you're smarter or more creative than everyone else. Life can be lonely or frustrating, but as long as you choose to be part of that world, you have to own up to how you act and react to the people around you. You have to put in long and boring hours to become self-aware and habitually change your behavior.

It's the same deal with Dr. House and all these other misunderstood geniuses TV geniuses. Unless there's some autism involved, there's no reason they can't change beyond the fact they think they're better than that and don't bother. Rick certainly isn't going to bother, and that's fine, but that doesn't mean the therapist was wrong. This is pretty basic mental health shit, OP.

yeah we know, senpai
please don't respond to me anymore

It also represents a level of mastery of language and culture that women are rarely driven to achieve.

Yes good sir, women are just incapable of intelligence like us menlings.

Not necessarily. Many women show are better equipped in the mastery of language and culture than men as a result of needing to manipulate society's minefields without merely powering through them.

I'm not here to turn this into some anti-woman tirade which paints them as lazy or inferior. I'm going off of pure observation and objective standards.

>pain, suffering, and rejection

Women have plenty of those, it's just they're more likely to whine about it than make a joke about it.

You could very well argue that the idea men aren't supposed to be sensitive is what led to them being so funny. Instead of opening up or being honest about it, you make a joke and pass it off. You self-depreciate.

Women, conversely, complain to anybody they can.

That's also a valid point. I think, in general, men are forced to be alone with their thoughts and to ponder their existence more than women because they can't as easily escaped into the embrace of another or the social safety net of comforting friends. Sometimes they can't even afford to escape into fantasy and delusion without being ridiculed. And so they end up musing and lamenting on various subjects which, in turn, gives birth to humour.

What I've noticed is that even in the case of male and female comedians, male comedians tend to truly engage with their subject matters in an attempt to disassemble and understand them through comedy, whereas a few of the lesser female comics were merely content to say naughty words and talk about how much they suck without making any real comments on society.

In my experience living as a man I've always tried to make my friends laugh because I like to share that happiness as I rarely feel any emotional catharsis myself. Me and my friends also grill each-other when we tell a shit joke which encourages us to tell a better one next time. Of course that might not be a general thing but that's just my perspective.

Yeah, unfortunately for your stereotyping, it is quite clear that women are more likely to settle around the average of intelligence, while the male bellcurve of intelligence is a much shallower curve.

This means that more men are stupider than average, but more men are also smarter than average.

There are also the facts that society expects men to carry not only their own weight, but the weight of their family. While women are (even in this "equalist" climate) to be celebrated for any achievement they make.

Thus, men are pushed harder to succeed and refine their skills, and when they succeed more often because of this, it is clearly because society is sexist against women by giving them an easier time. So the men must be castigated, and have more taken from them that they must try even harder to succeed... while more is handed to women...

And the cycle continues until sanity is restored, often through the collapse of the society in question.

Men are typically encouraged to be more honest than women because women have historically curried favour and gotten ahead by being deceptive and manipulative. Hiding their blemishes and shortcomings behind make-up, squeezing into corsets that make them appear thinner, adopting similar (sometimes indistinguishable) personalities and interests so they can appear more attractive. That isn't to say that men can't be deceptive, but they're usually expected by men and women alike to be honest because a man who isn't honest is weak or cowardly or inferior. A man who isn't honest does not make his feelings known and, as such, will never be able to assert himself. A man can't afford to lie and cheat like a woman because then he misses his opportunities.

Not always. If you're average to good looking, all your activities are called into question, subtly or explicitly if you're into something nerdy. And if I'm bad at something, it's because I'm a girl and not because I'm still learning the system or whatever.

Everything you do is called into question or has some seedy undercurrent to it, especially at work, where you have to balance feminine and masculine actions and energy so you don't offend anyone.

And god help you if people think you're a slut.

how did she win? She was just put the obvious in words. She did not invalidate his actions or behavior, just put enough suggestion for him to make a positive impact on his relationship with his daughter, whom he loves, but often neglects to take action in displaying. She's not doing anything beyond the extent of her job and she promptly ends the session when the time was up. Him reconciling with his daughter was completely within his reach without ever listening to the monologue, though that may have helped his choice of words.

And the joke is that him skipping most of the therapy session inadvertently saved his life later on when Jaguar returned the favor. So no, he really didn't need the therapy session, and I guess unfortunately Summer and Morty got little out of the session but I guess that's fine. Seeing Beth happy with Rick is nice.

Read this

so does Summer do drugs now?

>kind of hate myself for being a broad
>would push button to erase my existence and replace myself with a smarter, stronger, more ethically sound, funnier, motivated, self-dependent male version of self
>believe most things people say about women being shit
I do think I have made others laugh though- and anonymously too.
We're pretty dogshit compared to you, but we can limp along at a certain percent when it comes to comedy, I think especially in a writer's room because group work is one of the strong suits of our sex.

Girl you have some intense self misogyny going on. Sup Forums has extremely low brow and shit humor to gauge that sort of thing. I hope one day you wake up and realize the only person who matters in your world is you and not the validation of some strangers. Seriously.

And men call each others ability into question all the time.

It is how we bond. If you react negatively to it, you're proving their suspicion right.

You aren't there for love of the thing, you're there for affirmation and attention.

>Group work
that's hilarious. i've seen more woman only groups fail than men.

stop putting yourself down
its only brain chemistry that separates male and female personalities. That and centuries of sexism
listen to this user

>Men die in the millions for their women and families at war
>Modern men have been tricked into believing that this is in fact, oppressing them because they weren't allowed to join the military
God, just kill me to be honest.

Women are not dogshit, you just serve different purposes in life. Men for the most part live to be in the presense of a woman, it's this narrative that everybody needs to be a man that has you all fucked up.

>the only person who matters in your world is you
Sounds like the other extreme end of the horseshoe.

Because men look to success via making themselves stand out.

Women look to success via making everyone else look worse.

>would push button to erase my existence and replace myself with a smarter, stronger, more ethically sound, funnier, motivated, self-dependent male version of self

Men also like to press their finger into something that will replace their misery with something better. It's called the trigger. Life sucks dog balls.

user, don't let the bitter and intentionally hateful words of a stranger get you down. At the end of the day we are all individuals in spite of the groups we belong to and identify with. That's what sets humans apart: we are all of us so distinctly idiosyncratic that no two people can be truly alike in nature, nurture and intellect. Everyone thinks differently and grows differently and acts differently in even the most subtle of ways. You are more than a woman. You're more than a person. You're an individual. You decide what you're capable of and you pursue it relentlessly, otherwise you're just squandering this gift of idiosyncrasy you've been given.

I think in mixed sex groups, women often elements find compromise between multiple ideas and marry concepts together smoothly.
I'm probably wrong, I dunno.

It's not dude. Yes there are people you should care about in your life, people who are good to you and good for you. But I'm not gonna fall for the validation meme. Trying to be something for someone else will always result in your downfall. Why not try to be happy for you ? Don't you figure you deserve that for yourself ?

She points out that Rick's refusal to take responsibility for his actions is self-destructive (not the first time a character has done this). Rick just blows her off.

I don't think I consciously try to sabotage everything I'm involved in to destroy anyone around me. Are you sure that's the most common goal of women?

Women are generally more agreeable than men. I would imagine there's more chance that a good idea can be made in a timely manner, but lower chance that it has any distinct auteur voice. Higher lows but lower highs.

Live to make other people happy, and you'll be giving without taking. Sooner or later, you'll stop and realise that you have nothing left inside of you. Then you'll become disillusioned with the concept of people and community and even closer relationships because your only experiences are giving of yourself to a bunch of ravenous, self-serving parasites and desperately hoping that they leave you some crumbs of empathy and understanding to replenish your stocks with.

It happened to me.

I'm the guy she was responding to and for the record, I don't hate women nor intend to be hurtful. I just hate the narrative that everyone is and can be good at everything no matter what. I realize I sound very autistic right now but man how long are we going to keep kidding ourselves.

The goal of women isn't to sabotage things, it's to test them. It's evolutionary trait adopted by needing caution to survive/breed.

Rick blowing someone off is this shows equivalent of him winning

>And men call each others ability into question all the time.
>It is how we bond. If you react negatively to it, you're proving their suspicion right.

Listen, I get shit-talking. That's fine. But if I make a mistake at Magic or X-Wing, the fallback answer is because I'm a woman. I'd rather be called dumb or a faggot, but that's not my reality, especially online once my gender's been found out.

>You aren't there for love of the thing, you're there for affirmation and attention.

How the fuck would you know? I don't even use "girly" screen names because of these accusations anymore.


Fun little article about how a woman built an all women fashion company, and it went under from constant backstabbing, catty behavior, and women fighting over the postal service delivery boy's attention

Even if we accept your exceptionalism as a fact, that's what a bell curve is, an average over a population. Exceptions either way do not disprove the accrued statistics.

I didn't get that vibe from the show. The kids clearly liked the therapist because she was seeing stuff the adults didn't want to own up to. They want to go back to her, while Rick just wants to get drunk somewhere with Beth.

This "who won" debate is kind of horseshit.

there's 7 billion people on the planet nigger. one example means nothing.

The problem with this mode of thinking is that it's always very well and good for the people at the top (typically straight white men) to espouse the notion that we have to accept our limitations to the people at the bottom (typically everyone else). Why would a black man with dreams of being a writer or a scientist want to hear that it's statistically unlikely and he should probably just give up and leave it to his "superiors"? If everyone just accepted that sometimes you can't have what you want, I doubt we'd have the vast majority of human achievements in science, art, literature and more.

Then just Mulan that shit. Men judge women for being bad at typically male hobbies because 99% of the time it's usually the case and women generally have different interests to men.
Men don't tend to be good at things women typically enjoy doing either, whatever that is these days.

But it is because you're a woman. You can't compete with men in anything worth competing. It's an observable fact. Physically and mentally the best women will always lose to the best men. From chess, weightlifting, running, League of Legends to whatever you can think of. You can learn to deal with this or you can die by suicide childless at 38 wondering where all the good men are gone.

That's only true if you're operating under the erroneous assumption that Rick's always portrayed as being in the right.

Asian women are better that white women

Yes, that is my argument. Now, can you improve your reading comprehension to the second grade?

Physically, the best women will loose to the average late teenage men.

>give up on all your hopes, dreams and ambitions and accept the fact that you are only useful as an incubator for my seed because you're a woman and muh statistics

Gee, that's an appealing argument.

>Typically straight white men
Oh please, 90% of them are Jewish.
Also I don't think that people who are statistically unlikely to become the best should give up, just that the outcome of such should not be seen as oppression. East Asians who move to majority white countries actually out-perform white people and earn much more money. This is just a reality that needs to be accepted, like many realities. Like a white dude is more than likely never going to be in the NBA or win the 100m sprint in the Olympics. Just let it be.

There are a lot of industries that are primarily staffed by just women, there isn't a weekly riot at your average childcare facility, maid service, veterinary office, etc. I think in that sensationalized single case there may have been a selection bias that made the woman organizing her company choose emotionally volatile women.
I mean, as you said yourself, exceptions either way do not disprove the accrued statistics.

There's 7 billion people on the planet and women are still yet to write a funny tv show really makes me think

>Boring therapy segments
>Violence instead of jokes
Calling this a good episode is the best joke of the night

>Just let it be.
That's the philosophy of a pussy. The only reason you're unironically spouting off about it like it's worth a damn is because you just so happen to be on the winning team.

TV sucks, I only watch cartoons.

it is falling into that trap..
what would this character do versus
what is this character like?
there is a dialogue here but it eludes me

the show will lose its identity, slowly. women cannot into art.

>why was this allowed?
the show is supposed to be funny, it's funny, you're supposed to laugh at it.

stop overthinking in general, you're not very smart to begin with and it's painfully obvious when you try to overcompensate by complaining about what you just watched. nitpicking entertainment and being angry that you stubbed your toe on your bad taste is stupid. are you not happy, are you not amused? you'll be eating from the trough next week

if anything we should be discussing why you're allowed to eat. you'll just come up with more shit to complain about

I like 30 Rock.

So instead of embracing the things that make you unique and define you as a gender you will make your life miserable in pursuit of something that is literally impossible? Women aren't men. Once you embrace your femininity your life will be better for it. There's no nice way of saying this.

It depends in what. Contact sports are definitely something women get annihilated in.

>Men don't tend to be good at things women typically enjoy doing either, whatever that is these days.

Is that why all the best chefs in the world are men?
Because most women under 30 I meet can't cook for shit. A fact that most of them are downright proud of.

What the fuck are you talking about "winning team"? I'm a broke-ass bitch and the product of a single mother. Bill Gates having dollar for days means literally nothing to me.

>falling for the femininity myth

I was just trying to be nice to the depressed woman because I love women I just don't believe they are as capable as men and self hatred hurts me to observe in others

I'm not a woman. I'm just not a moron. There are plenty of women who go out into the world and achieve things without prioritising getting knocked up and pushing out your kids, man. You can keep harping on about bell curves and statistics but the sheer fact that there are female writers and female astronauts and female scholars shows that women have the potential to achieve greatness and they shouldn't just resign themselves to being housewives and babymakers because it's more convenient than trying and believing in something.

Also stop acting like you're a benevolent sage handing down truths to the ignorant, here. Most of your arguments are rooted firmly in your own bias like everyone else's

Asian American hates being Asian, news at eleven

Funny, I'd give anything to be a woman.

t. /r9k/

>home cooking
>being a "best chef in the world"- a position where you end up cooking very little and must focus on the pursuit and collection of talented people. the maintenance of a building including financial, staffing, environmental concerns, and the harmonious curation of food

>the same thing

There's also no place in the world where home cooking still flourishes and it's also being done by men.

>Dan Harmon wanted more female writers for season 3
>Theres actually WAY more female writers for season 3
>He thinks this'll make the show 10x better
>Thinking shallow women obsessed with themselves and feminism would be a great fit for a show with dick pics and potty humor happen often

Except it isn't funny in the least. That's the issue, it's not funny to keep running in the same circle with the characters' arcs and pointing out the same flaws while changing nothing. It's pointless. It's just equally pathetic when you make a self-insert for yourself on top of that.

If that's the case, why are you making this argument about consigning yourself to your fate and the inevitability of statistical averages? That's an outright depressing point of view for someone who isn't even on the top of the food chain to have.

That softness is why they're less happy every year.
As it stands, society needs a reset, and it's going to happen, even if society needs to collapse to cause it.

no such thing as a food chain unless you were born a millionaire or billionaire. we're all scrounging about trying to get by while being oppressed by the 10% in power. don't kid yourself, you're hanging just as low as the rest.

>believing SJW propaganda

what a cuck

I'm biased because the stats, life and the damned truth made me biased. The happiest women in the world are those with 4+ children, who either don't work or work part-time. You should also learn how to read.

Christ, it's like getting offended when someone says men are taller than women then you come along and say well that's very offensive and your stats don't mean anything because this one woman I know is 190 cms tall so there, you stupid misogynist.

Western and American women, yeah.

>shitting out a parasite

I'd rather kill myself.

That's less to do with women and "softness" as it's to do with the fact that most people are unintelligent, untalented, unskilled and incapable of achieving anything. The only difference is men in that position at least have their workhorse bodies to lift shit and learn basic skills. Women have to settle for slutting it up and relying on looks, which is morally no different when you get right down to it.

The less happy every year assertion sounds largely like you ripped it from your ass.

but Morty and Summer are always wrong

Please get off Sup Forums. Seriously, it's killing you, it's killing me, it's killing everyone in this fucking thread. I'd go on a full rant about how the only reason that society be like it do is because that was what was needed to grow plants really fast 8000 years ago, but somebody'd scream "Sup Forumsmblr GET OUT" and that'd be the end of that. So instead just take a few minutes and go draw or fap or whatever and get the fuck off Sup Forums.

Don't worry, once you hit the ripe age of childless women (about 40), you'll do just that and you'll blame men.

You missed the point of my post. I don't consign myself to statistics, I try my hardest. I just don't see the outcome of ALL statistics to be the result of oppression. I don't see a black dude born in the congo with a 10 inch cock and go "wow, that could be me some day!" because that's never going to be me.

>group work
>not just hounding men and being the fucking stopping shit from getting to crazy and fun

Yeah fuck off. OnA, fags that they are, used to fuck w/ random radio shows across the country and always found that theres always 1 BITCH who ruins the fun when men get a riff going.

Men can take a joke, rejection and articulate insightful conversations. Women try to bring everything down a peg by whining, guilt tripping or being passive aggressive.

I won't. I'll enjoy the extra income I have that didn't go to a shit spawn and that will be that. If I want a kid I'll happily adopt! But, I don't.

>the happiest women in the world are those with 4+ children, who either don't work or work part-time. You should also learn how to read.
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.


so the actual issue is that you're bored with Rick & Morty, but instead of coming out the door and saying you don't wanna watch anymore you're claiming it's already exhausted everything it can do or that the writers have disappointed you right after the 3rd season has premiered. I think that's absurd. You're also complaining about a new addition to the writing staff, which I'm not surprised by.

why should a show just end at your arbitrary quality cutoff? maybe a 13 episode anime about schoolgirls with the occasional midriff and fan-service is more up your alley.

So, what he does to fucking everybody?

Admit it Sup Forums, if the character had the same lines but was a male psychologist you wouldn't be even bating an eye.

It actually hasn't exhausted everything it can do.

It's just not doing anything.