Is Gen Z /our generation/?

Is Gen Z /our generation/?

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Bill Nye the Sc- uhh, shit.


A kid didnt think of that himself. He probably has an altright older Brother or cousin or whatever.

Lol thinking your bullshit propaganda race realism pseudoscience Will work in the real world

holy shit

>Is Gen Z /our generation/?

You might not like the results, but that's legit scientific research. Kid took facts and made an observation.

how do you explain wakanda then?

It was a different time

Goddamn, that's a well written couple of paragraphs.

Wasn't Wakanda invented by a white guy?


>tfw I did shit like Black Holes and other everyday science projects
>These kids are doing racial observations

My time was a simpler time for sure.

the kids who eat tidepods ?
definetly /yourgeneration/ (((tv)))


Jesus this is so based.

yes a white guy heheh

Nice Reddit spacing you roastie nigger lol

>implying it is any different than the stupid shit any generation does.

The kid is Asian, which makes sense given that they're usually on the short end of the stick when it comes to this social justice shit, especially when it comes to education.

It is legit research, but the theory inherently cannot be proven. Correlation is not causation. Therefore, all that is proven is a POTENTIAL link. More research would need to be done to determine if there was a biological factor related to racial phenotype involved.



>Point out that Asians generally have a higher IQ than whites
>"That's fine!"
>Point out that black people generally have much lower IQs than other races

Can someone explain this liberal phenomenon to me?



>Sup Forums - Television & Film

fuck off Sup Forumstards

Soy would only make women more fertile looking and feminine, so soygirl is a compliment

>race is skin-deep

sloppy presentation and bad font C-

Democratic hubris is off the charts.

You actually can prove it, in fact it's been proven.
You're just not allowed to discuss it or else your career will be ruined.

Anyone that uses IQ as a measure of intelligence has a fundamental lack of understanding about what intellect actually is.

Ashkenazi IQ*


Even then, the Ashkenazi Jew IQ is due to a genetic disease

This has nothing to do with Television & Film. Please fuck off back to Sup Forums.

I think this is the thread you were looking for

this is accurate for an individual, but extrapolated over entire population groups its an accurate measure

like if the tests were just math, a lot of smart people would score terribly because they havent studied post high school math, but the rests would still be accurate across sample sizes of millions despite the individual variance

>Sup Forums

As soon as you go backk to reddit

Can Sup Forums please stop spamming this board?



People these days find ANYTHING to cry about these days. What the fuck happened?


>Muh IQ

Great television and film related thread, user.

Jewish influence.

I agree.

This doesn't belong on Sup Forums.

>More research would need to be done to determine if there was a biological factor

Even though the correlation is on a world scale? I'm going with Occam's Razor.

Not tv related FUCK OFF!

all that incest comes with a price

Your crying makes me want to start more lol

Neither do you.

He's fine with those threads though



>t. subhuman shitskin

Why aren't you posting this in all the other off-topic threads?

>t. autistic STEMshit