ITT fuck you I liked it

ITT fuck you I liked it

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Why would aliens risk getting BTFO by Marines over water they could've harvested hassle free from big chunks of ice floating around in the asteroid belt?

It was a good fucking origin story of a human Superman who is forced to attain that status and accepts it

Al Pacino is in this movie and he commits. It's fun as fuck and doesn't try to be anything more than that

of all places aliens go to Fucking california for water?

i watched this movie when i was hammered af
even then it was pretty fucking bad
nice trips tho

This movie was fucking awesome right up until the end, when the aliens suddenly become weak as fuck and the fireteam is invincible.

Or invaded Europaa


why go through the hassle of thawing liquid out of a deep freeze when you've an entire planet with no shortage of it

The first twilight was good, im suprised how horny bella was after rewatching

This was unironically one of the worst movies i've ever seen


They presumably have the energy for faster than light travel, they'd have no shortage of energy for melting that much ice.

So much fucking better then Genesis.
I believe it was full on fucking great but even if it was programmatic, the set up for a better sequel that was closer to Cameron's darker vision of the apocalypse was right there in their fucking hands.
Stupid bitches.

>all of them are a good watch but holy fuck are the lacking.


World War Z is unironically a great blockbuster

>read the book faggot

I have, I like both

It's normal for brainlets to be easily amazed.


I watch horror movies for the sake of entertainment, not to get ZOMG SCARED and it was a pretty solid and enjoyable flick for masses.
Also new Pennywise is a cutie.

Jack and Jill is not a good fucking watch.

As a huge zombie lover I was greatly pleased to see a big budget zombie movie on big screens tb h.

I liked both too.

Maze Runner 3 is like...weirdly good?

There's an utterly bizarre amount of effort put into it and it definetely doesn't feel like it was only made for 60 mil

He didn't say he was amazed

I love or at least like to give a try to any alien movie cause im all about alien invasion fights, (not looking at you, Turk what ever movie shit you were in) the only, ONLY thing that pissed me off was that the movie was filmed in New Orleans, Used I believe zero LA footage, seeing as how we have a Hillish and Mountain Region and wanted to see how well the anDROID earth hostiles went against the neGroid Earth Hostiles

This. Most of the criticisms launched at it are its historical inaccuracy and how camp it was...

It's basicly one of those old prehistoric films like the lost world and 1 million B.C.


the movie was entertaining but it was a cancer version of the original.

what they had to make up with acting decades ago they make up with cgi these days and thats really not a good thing

I have posted that movie in every single one of these threads that I've come across and you're the first person to ever respond, thank you user.
Yeah the screenplay and plot were really bland and derivative and people were bitching about its inaccuracy (which it never claimed to be), but the visuals were fantastic and completely unlike anything Hollywood has done in years. Fucking 95% of human history was spent in the stone age but we have maybe 3 big movies about it. Woefully unexplored time and huge resource of untapped kino. I hope Alpha does good and sets a precedent for more.

>greatest moment in Sport History

its such an American thing to make that claim lol

it turned out to be actually good

I prefer Reeve

So what's so bad about this that made Sean Connery quit acting?

The kid acting was pretty good but I didn't care for the scary segments

Why is there a women in the league of extraordinary gentlemen?

Music was fine as fuck.

I liked the accountant way more than i thought i would. Great action, nice plot progression, and a really accurate depiction of autism, not that it particular matters to me. Ben affleck has motivation and is an adult, not a grown up child. Jk simmions and his plot looking for affleck did feel kinda weak and im kinda mad i didnt see the final twist coming. I hope this movie gets made into a trilogy like John wick, even if 2 and 3 wont be as good as the original, also like john wick

It was so fucking cliche like they didn’t even try. They missed a great opportunity since the aliens were cool.

Man, the trailer for this was so fucking good
it's too bad it didn't deliver
>seeing those air bursts in the theatre

11/10 movie

that stupid veterinarian insisting on helping dissect the alien to find a weakness
it's like when a chef at wendy's insists on helping Hiroyuki Sakai in an Iron Chef competition
and the ingredient is fish

The part where they get in the helicopters and fly to the FOB was fucking amazing.

IIRC the aliens landed all over the world


oh shit, is this sum ASSEMBLY?
I liked it to. Even though it was over-the-top propaganda. It was a solid war flick.

Cowboys and Aliens.
Perfect role for older Harrison Ford.
Lots to recommend it for, actually.

Btw, I can't post from my pc anymore , supposedly it's in anew abusive ip range or some shit. What do?

Liebesman needs to direct more movies.

This feels like a bait post. The original one’s acting was terrible with the exception of pennywise. I think you’re trolling or maybe just retarded

It had Kylo Ren in it too!

It was excellent user. From people who've seen it, I have yet to hear anyone dislike it.

Watched this all the time as a kid

Incredibly stupid but really entertaining
RLM sperged about it making fun out of true events but who cares


who thinks oblivion is bad?

Muh nigguh

Worst video game adaptation ever. Did they even play the original game?

youre mom xD

nigga, anything is better than genesis

Are there people who disliked this Dante Golden Classic?

the last time I watched this was in like 2009 but I remember thinking it was pretty good

Maybe, but the reviews were quite bad, and the producer has basically apologized for it.

Its on Netflix now if you want to watch it again.

ice is easier to transport in space

Sean Connery quit acting because he developed mental issues in his old age.

*shoot to thrill increases*

yeh I really liked T:S. no idea why it got so much hate

I liked how it kinda implied something supernatural was going on with the pyramids, and it tied in nicely with Stargate too as an unofficial prequel

Genysis was the bollocks.
Also: kys.


That genysys crap or whatever the fuck the "correct" spelling is was the best terminator movie since terminator 2.

Like advocating violence against females?