Persecuted RTDfags edition
Doctor Who General /who/
What's a dimmeh?
doctor who
I'm posting these first because they don't need any preparation beforehand like /who/ ranks Who does.
an obnoxious nobody who likes to pretend they're an e-celeb
cyberkrail is his biggest fan and shat up the wiki with references to him that literally nobody on /who/ cares about
Reminder RTD supported a Penny companion
any GOOD jenna deepfakes?
Fun fact: the words Islam and Muslim have only been used once each in televised Doctor Who, in episodes 46 years apart.
deepfakes are immoral
reminder that Gareth Roberts is a brilliant writer
Give me a proud, confident (You) if you're a part of the MM (Moffchad Majority)
I'm watching his video linked in the previous thread, and what made him think his video was presentable? He aims to look like Smooth Criminal-era Michael Jackson, but looks more like a failed porn star addicted to painkillers.
Deepfakes are ugly. Even the most convincing ones are too deep in the uncanny valley to find arousing.
Here (You) go
You know that bit in Shada where Skagra autistically shouts "YOU! YOU!" to no one in particular? Someone needs to screencap that and edit a (You) next to Skagra.
>tfw Neo can't factorise a simple trinomial
It's nostalgia critic syndrome
lonely social outcasts think they can gain a following on the internet by doing a "comedic" review show
A requirement of this is that their "persona" has an iconic costume - which involves fedoras more often than it should
Why did 11 react like that to seeing a muslim? Isn't that a bit inconsiderate? Would he ever say "you're a christian!" to someone?
i'm reppin' the MM heavy
there's one in the tardisposting discord
dimmeh has a tardis console but he's never made a fanseries
he's got a doctor who playroom
He said he was bad at math in the CuriousCat.
We haven't gotten an openly Christian companion in a while, or ever. I can't recall one.
that character wasn't a companion, just a random episode cast character
there have been various openly christian characters in nuwho, even in matt's era
>i factorise trinomials, do you?
>i sleep in a big bed with my korean gf
>...oh. yeah
>looks like a normal person in that video
>looks like a prison bitch in the latest one
What happened?
same thing that happened to jack miles
>hating Moffat breaks your mind and turns you into an ugly woman
By the way in case you missed this:
Aki Omoshaybi plays Fred Gray in S11
Fred Gray is a civil rights attorney, preacher and activist who practices law in Alabama. He litigated several major civil rights cases in Alabama, including some that reached the United States Supreme Court for rulings. He served as the President of the National Bar Association in 1985 and in 2001 was elected as the first African-American President of the Alabama State Bar. t. wikipedia
The MM wins again.
I would argue it's more about a combination of autism and being exposed to gender theory that they lack the capability to process rationally
Their line of logic is probably that they recognize that they act in a way that is socially atypical, and perhaps notice some personality traits that are culturally considered effeminate. They then consider the possibility that perhaps they were 'meant to be female' since they exhibit some feminine traits along with acting generally atypical - so they explore that possibility and the new identity acts like a placebo because they were lead to believe that presenting themselves to society differently will fix all their social anxieties. But this doesn't change the fact that it's still a placebo and all of their insecurities and mental issues are still there, just now with an additional layer of denial that's messing them up even worse.
There's a reason trans people have a high suicide rate
>look up Dimmeh's twitter
>his avatar is his face slattered in make up taped onto Ian Levine's body
Is this guy for real?
Anything /who/ wants to ask moffat?
Where the fuck was Susan in Twice Upon a Time? Was Carole Ann Ford sick or something?
haha is this true? What a dweeb.
I think in this case it was just a way for him to say "Yes, I know what you're talking about." Although it is kind of clumsy the way he clarifies that Jahannam=hell even though there's no one there who doesn't know that. Why would he feel the need to restate what she said in more Christian terms?
>Would he ever say "you're a christian!" to someone?
Maybe not, but only because whatever followed those words would necessarily lead to a lot of butthurt, probably by implying the Doctor isn't a Christian himself, even though that's kind of obvious.
second reply is meant for
Who's the most cringeworthy Doctor Who youtuber? Because Dimmeh makes Christel Dee look cool by comparison.