What is Sup Forumss opinion on Joe Rogan; actor and comedian?
What is Sup Forumss opinion on Joe Rogan; actor and comedian?
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big fan
t /fit/ /k/ & Sup Forums regular
Great guy, a bit slow but not actually stupid, and knows it. Says stupid shit sometimes but never out of malice. Willing to listen to anyone and actually seems to think about things.
This is now a Trump thread
Manlet closet-case that might have some actual insight if he hadn't spend the last two decades in a pot-induced haze, doesn't hold any beliefs stronger than whether weed should be legal and why kettlebells are great (just make sure you buy them from Onnit™, that is O N N I T dot com)
i look like him but i have a beard
never saw anything he did though
I think I saw News Radio once, it didn't get much syndication here.
I've seen a couple of clips of his standup and none of it made me laugh, but stand up rarely makes me laugh anyway.
His podcast is kino though.
The latest Brian episode
>Joe spends 10 minutes wondering and discussing what makes gay men like the smell of shit
Dude is gay as fuck
I think his podcast is great. I only listen when he has a guest on that I care about, but that is surprisingly often.
As a comedian I like him quite a bit. He has a couple specials from ~5-6 years ago that are really killer. He's not everyone's cup of tea but he is good at the craft you can't deny that.
And I'm a big fan of the UFC so he's a legend in that area. I liked his comedy and podcast before I watched UFC though.
You're so fucking delusional, are you even paying attention to what is going on? And he has NOT been fulfilling campaign promises. Where is your wall that Mexico paid for? Oh yeah, he's trying to get the American taxpayers to pay for it now you absolute cuck
You got assfucked by Tyrone Trump and you won't admit it
awful comedian
it is cute how he is this muscly hippie Chad and he wants to be best friends with all the famous/respected comics
>falling for a false flag
i like how he is
his podcast has taught me lots
he is really good
>responding to him at all
tisk tisk
>when the guest defends criminalizing weed
I honestly like his friends better than him
His podcasts can be entertaining/informative depending on the guest. Joe's personality was way more bro tier back in the early days. Now he's too far up his own ass. Acts like a faggot at times.
every night that i do not advance the cause of white people and culture taylor swift comes into my bedroom and leaves a bite mark on my stomach.
You guys ever think about how maybe when Joe first got into working out all the UFC boys took on him.
I don't know why you're even here.
i miss having bill burr on the show and seeing him actually enjoy it, now when hes on hes clearly just there to get in, plug whatever hes working on, than get out
>every night that i do not advance the cause of white people and culture taylor swift comes into my bedroom and leaves a bite mark on my stomach.
oh wow that sounds like a win win
defo bi or bi curious
Im glad he rid he world of Carlos Mencia
omg look at her traps lmao shes gotta stronger looking upper body than obama
bait within bait, noice job
>there were only 2 campaign promises
eat up that sweet sweet bait user
>being this much of a closet-case that he's never sucked a dick before
Christ joes eyes are reptilian as fuck here. is this a shop?
>Christ joes eyes are reptilian as fuck here. is this a shop?
*throws you against the wall*
*aggressively grabs your crotch*
is michelles body a shoop? trips seem to say no...
mmmm...tight, tight
jesus christ
she looks pretty normal in most photos so why the fuck did she wear this shit
I bet doing that kind of shit is what he enjoys doing most as president.
used to be based, but now he's a shill and white knight
Well yeah, that's how it works
I like his work in the UFC even though he sucks as a commentator
The Wall is being built as we speak and coal miners are going back to work.
He's your classic independent politically. I enjoy his crazy tangents but he's sound enough to shut down crazy conspiracy theorists. His UFC stuff is great of course and talking to better comedians. Sometimes I enjoy his guests who are intellectuals in specific fields. People like to poke fun at his podcast but it's pretty good and he interviews people very well, feels fluid unlike fucking Marc Maron.
I miss the old episodes where they would ohm and redban would make olive garden jokes and I didn’t know Brian callen was a tool yet
Do you think Barron would be a good guest?
>actually believing this
It aint gonna happen
You just blew my mind.. absolutely just blowing my mind
It's bad I read that in his voice.
only as good as his guest and he hardly ever has a good guest
>Jamie look up that video where that monkey is launched into space and he tears his own face off...no not that one the other one...yeah...isn't that some crazy shit?
>when you smoke too much DMT
Joe Rogan bravely attacking third wave feminism
i wish he'd fuck off from mma related stuff
Apparently, he has a huge hog. So Joe claims. Callen could probably confirm or deny.
Joey Diaz is gold though.
the guy was in mma longer than 99.99% of the people who are interested in it today. hell he could probably tap you out.
>People wanted candidate A to win and become President, and are hoping candidate B, a really bad candidate, doesn't become President
>It doesn't happen, so they are sad about it
What else do you expect would happen? This can be made about every single election in history. Stop pretending like "liberals being mad" is some justification of anything you do. Retard
he's no comedian
The fuck? His life is MMA and he has a vast knowledge of the sport that I personally like hearing. He's the only guy to make fun of Dana White or second guess his shitty decisions and get away with it because he's a key figure to the sport. Rogan can be goofy but he's a serious figure in MMA.
Who said the show was even a comedy
He's an idiot, but at least he's a somewhat lovable one, most of the time. Sort of.
I actually don't dislike him, but man he's easy to lead into any hokey idea you may have if you can string half an argument together.
lol if you put baggy enough clothes on trump, he doesn't look as much like a flabitus-riddled marshmallow
the kid trump never talks to or looks at or has around?
yeah seems like a quality interview
Your last one with duncan was good joe, cause you brought up all the moon landing bullshit Ive been posting for the last 2 weeks how it is fake, I liked it. You must have been in my threads.
based reptilian secret service agent striking a pose
Duncan can be good value, minus his lefty opinions
>it's a joe talks about blacked dot com episode
>it's a joe talks about bbc cuckold porn episode
>it's a joe talks about his mulatto stepdaughter episode
i love how regulations are always seen by idiots as bad things
are all the lefties still mad at him for having too many "alt-righters" on recently?
i only watch his show when graham hancock is on but the last one graham was a whiny lil bitch so idk anymore.
love the podcast and this is hilarious
Last Duncan episode.
The moon is 1/6 earth gravity.
30 seconds later.... The astronauts would have to be top athletes to lift themselves up on earth... Jesus what a idiot
I dont moind duncan, but then he goes off into everybody just fucking each other in rainforrest rants and Im thinking he either is sex starved or pushing jewish mix racing. When joe said his breathe would smell like cock after 10,000 years of a sex simulator was funny.
Works the everyman gimmick but he's a condescending meathead fuck in regards to martial arts, his Keto diet, people who are against drugs etc. He's also inconsistent in challenging the opinions of his guests. Like how he went off on crowder for Weed but didn't say shit when Shapiro mentioned it
Alex Jones when ?
Joe Rogan has a confirmed baby penis.