Crystalline Entity edition
get in your caves deposited with kelbonite and fistrium
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How did Dukat get away with it? Pulling the wool over all those Bajorans' eyes?
i enjoy star trek but this was a low point
CBS digital lost the original cgi files and when they came around to doing the HD remaster of TNG they had to do this motherfucker from scratch.
The Crystalline Entity did nothing wrong!
>hating on based Neelix
Sounds like SOMEone didn't like their leeyola root stew, :O
A bit big.
that suit makes no sense
Data, tell me about my son so I can kill this snowflake. Pls
That's like asking how a human tricked an animal with slight of hand.
Bajorans are a lower species, built for hard labor and "comforting" their betters.
The Crystalline entity was the original special snowflake.
Aht aht!
Watch that tone or we'll have to throw you our the airlock!
>throw you our the airlock!
Morn died a virgin
>ywn re-enact the battle of britan, the alamo and random viking attacks with O'brien and Bashir
touchy touchy
>Morn died a virgin
nigga, morn got lied on the fuckin nightly!
>Garak walked into a Bajoran conference and defended the Cardie occupation
>gets politely offended at the fact that they were mad at him
What an absolute madman.
>morn got lied
DS9 made light of an alcoholic wasting away at the bar, lying about being on adventures. kinda sad really
you have never watched DS9, have you?
i watch what iwant. its not your business
> Computer, generate Cardassian torture chamber and two 6ft Cardassians males, sexual organs 10 inches long 3 inches thick, ribbed for pleasure.
> Computer play program
you forget dis bitch?
for the first time I agree
that episode was very sad because they talked nice about morns lies to placate him even in death
Nigger Morn committed one of the greatest heists in the quadrants history and got away with it. He manipulated Quark into taking care of his friends turned enemies and was rich as fuck due to all the latinum in his second stomach.
>3 inches thick
what is this? a sexual organ for ants?
left or right?
left for me
>hire bill mumy in seaosn 7 to show b5 fans 'we're one of you!'
>make him some forgettable scientist who talks to ezri about filler
>make him look like a young chuck norris
an example of bad trek casting
A coke can is 2.23 inches thick
my right...hand. i'd never stoop this low
>Hear about new trek game years ago.
>Watch video stream online to see wtf it is.
>People waiting to murder innocent crystalline entities all day with like 20 different starships surrounding its respawn point.
>It's a fucking massacre.
dear god no.
Right thicc and a better face
>Elim Garak: Former Cardassian Opressor
go metric u american dog
up her ass
you sound like a pussy that gives up when things get hard (pun intended)
you are a faggot for getting offended at jokes you don't understand
B5 > DS9
Actually english
You sound like you use dragon dildos
Tilly is holding me down, forcing me to eat her out.
i know what they are so maybe stop down off that high horse (and onto a horse dildo)
no but all bullshitting aside, did you see the shape of water fish man dildo some crazy made? LOL
Nope, the old bitch fucked it all up.
It's not generally acceptable to kick old ladies in the cunt, but I thought Jean Luc came about as fucking close as he ever got there.
didn't even know that was him, also they fucked him over in the last bit of B5. Turned into a literal cuck
just watched 'Profit and Lace' (s6e23)
yes ma'm, i will facekiss your gunt until its all red and irritated.
i want tilly to humiliate me and sit on my face to really teach me a lesson. its right after she's gone for a jog so she's good and sweaty.
Lennier started as one of my favourites then they made him embarassing by the end.
Would've liked to know what the show would have been like with Sinclair instead of Sheridan the whole way through.
>no but all bullshitting aside, did you see the shape of water fish man dildo some crazy made?
No you sperg i didn't and i have never seen any dragon dildos or horse ones, i'm a plain and simple finger man.
>gone for a jog
lol but you just reminded me that this was an actual plot point and she's still somehow huge
worship your godess
i preferred the sheridan actor to the sinclair actor. can't remember why he left now but it seemed to work in the story
Can you explain what I'm missing here?
he died in combat
tilly can be real funny too
like a fat manly finger or the girly skeleton ones
3 chins lilly doesn't like willy
quite the range my dear fellow
ah yes, well the show got better after that, if only because delenn got hotter
you'll get tired of it soon enough, and then out comes the traffic cones
Like the old delenn, because the idea of grabbing her horns while doing her doggy style, arouses me.
her underwear is mostly clean, but sometimes it needs a good licking over
the horns were are little bestiality for me but ok
lol, fingers are a gateway drug
You could say the fingers are the key to the gateway.
WTF was this?
as long as they're not floodgates, good night everybody!
this place is filled w/ fat degenerate black marginalised members of society
Anyone can be a Jedi you know.
Ah no, try here user
What’s your favourite episode?
I like the one where Data and the EMH are trapped on that small ship with a Caitian and a lazy dirty human and they think the rest of the federation is dead.
It was really funny but I must have missed part 2 because I don’t remember the conclusion.
Some kind of Q-Lite race I guess.
the only thing Garak get his fingers in is bundles of fabric
The one where Sisko dies and the crew chooses his apprentice, Ensign Nog, to take over as chief military commander in the Federated Planet Union's battle against Kaiser Female von Changeling.
Your daughter proves otherwise.
oof can't dukat do anything right
ywn see a live action caitan character.
fucks sake
Rainier Wolfcastle.
He slipped into at one like you slipped into is daughter.
Come now, tailor. It's no secret that your... predilections lie elsewhere.
Why, you look unwell. Has the exile gotten to you, or have you been overburdened with the stress of hemming womens' dresses?
Perhaps you should visit that doctor friend of yours. Bashir, was it?
Funny i seem to remember from my time in the order about you liking non Cardassian women and Cardissian males >whispers into your ear Damar.
And dukat it's better to serve as a tailor than to be a dominion lackey.
fistrium? i hardly knew 'em!
Dukat or Garak
Who do you like more? and who was the greater Cardassian? meaning who done more for Cardassia.
Ah yes, it's a shame about the Order, but I see now that your intelligence gathering skills were never up to par to begin with.
Tain, fooled so easily. Half of Cardassia's fleet destroyed. He might as well have given the Klingons seats on the council himself.
Garak burned + 666 Hell digits = Obsidian Rorkers BTFO!!
comande tell m e abot sex organ
>watching anything other than the original series
who's the space ayy on the screen?
Auspicious digits friend, did a Pah-wraith enter you and make you it's puppet and a very precarious stance you should watch your back. Damar is behind your, mmming