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>A movie about racist technological Africans who build a wall around their nation and are anti immigrant to any other Blacks across Africa
How ironic is this movie?

Is the international B.O. expected to be worse than the domestic?

Mhmm i'm not payin to see no movie.

All of the Chinese posters have been trying to hide the fact that black people are in this altogether.

Considering no one is interested in it aside from American niggers and soyboys, yes.


Only poster I have seen is where they put a mask over his face which made me kek. Any other posters from China?

yeah it'll bomb everywhere apart from the US and maybe France

Not foolin' Pu Yi 'n me

Will be ushering next Saturday night at my local Kinoflex. Wonder how many will be going to see it. I live in an area where its very white and Asian dominated so be interesting

The use of the Oh no no no meme here is especially poignant because it is supposed to represent a black person laughing at something embarrassing and "hooting and hollering"

If you seriously think Sup Forums is a white dominated site then you really need to go back

You're right Americans aren't white

wow didnt know there were 1500 black people in korea.

KEK oh nononononononononononno

I'm eastern European and literally no one is excited about this here.

This one.

If you think it's not you're retarded.

user was saying the opposite nigger.

>Sets records for pre-sales

Sup Forums's pretty much proof of this. /mlp/ might honestly be the whitest part of the site, as sad as that is to say.

>Sets records for pre-sales
You do realize schools and colleges are bringing so many students to see it because it's some big event in black history?

make threads
when it comes out make threads
im only interested in this movie from the perspective on the theater worker
i worked at an event center once and whenever some rapper was doing a show no one wanted to work
im really interested in the behavioral aspect of the audience...who goes to see this and why

yeah fuck dem wypipo bronies

>/mlp/ might honestly be the whitest part of the site
It's true... all of it

>im only interested in this movie from the perspective on the theater worker
K I will be here next Sat night (which will be like Friday for you).

This is why globalism is sometimes a good thing. As domestic becomes less relevant, so will the nigger pandering.

>>charities start buying tickets in bulk to inflate the numbers

>Trying to get the poorest race to go and pay a full ticket to a movie
Is Disney dumb?

this shit is the sort of shit that is made regardless of profit. The comic itself is made regardless of profit. same with nignog porn.
It's subversion material meant to radicalise the simple negro and create tension.

This is getting to the point of being worse than the people who hoot and holler at every time Trump and Russia are casually linked.


The black people's money is going to the white CEOs so why are you still crying


>white ceo
You nogs don't get how companies work do you. The moneys probably going to chinese shareholders.

Not crying, just laughing. It's pretty pathetic and the drop is going to be massive. Let's see if it breaks the record set by TLJ

This but unironically. This was confirmed years ago when Spics and niggers from leddit started pouring in and Sup Forums had its daily dose of "talk to anons on omegle" threads with subject "Sup Forums". Long story short majority of webcam users were brown underages. Nignos literally took over, stole and conquered this website and while they were the newfags of my age they're now calling out the r_donald newfags that spiced up this board a bit with racism and butthurt from both sides.

all the posters that I saw in my country are with the guy with the mask

this won't make even $300m globally

Do you do the penis inspections? Know any loopholes?

Sup Forums, where ethnic minorities stand up for the rights of white people

reddit, where white women and their bugmen orbiters orchestrate white genocide

really makes you think

Yes it will perform very badly at the African box office

I predicted this like a decade ago because the mods were so lazy about moderating obvious nigger shitposters.
Now hilariously they fight deletion wars against hue spammers.


This post is going right into my Sup Forums BTFO collage that I'm posting next weekend.

one heck of a timeline, I tell you

Does your theater have a no singles policy?

>it's a Sup Forums thread

It is pretty hilarious to be honest
I don't get why ameriniggers think this is about them aswell they are literally the bad guys of the movie whilst the hero is a true African and lets be honest Africans hate African Americans it's why they let them get captured in the first place.


it's funny when you consider that african americans are the ones who got caught and sold by rival tribes, yet they still cling to their we wuz kangz belief

They only have like 100 movie theaters in all of the sub-saharan continent. Most of them are in South Africa.

wow that is just mean and it does trigger me in a happy way

Who Killed Captain Alex is kino

The Gods Must Be Crazy is actual kino

This is pretty fucking hilarious. Would explain the BLACKED/kik slang posting (shaking my head family etc.) Blacks were always oddly attracted to anime, I guess with time they were also infected with the brain disease called Sup Forums.


Remember when everyone posted 'smdh tbqh famm'?

That was a good time. Smdh tbqh famm.

I think France knows what’s up in this case

>ywn gas antifa with your black brethren irl

Take it over here, friends.

honorary aryans

>then you really need to go black


no shit its always been racist virgin niggers spamming that shit. Then they try to claim its whites doing it because "hwites do everything"

i remember years ago there used to be this brain damaged nigger that started it because he was fucking obsessed with hating whites. He used to just spam /new/ with porn all day and scream at posters.

wtf i thought asians like black people

>small fraction of Africans live in unreachable first world utopia
>live in relative wealth and prosperity out of sheer luck
>they are selfish and only care about themselves even though they live in the top 1% of their people
>despite being isolated from Africa, they will still arrogantly flaunt themselves as the quintessential Africans and act like the rest don't exist
>claim false royalty because they have never accomplished anything that wasn't handed to them on a vibranium platter

Sounds like American Niggers to me

>wow that is just mean and it does trigger me in a happy way
why? I don't get it

I honestly wouldn't mind a world where every nation is full blown natsoc. Would save us a lot of trouble and probably help developing countries. Notice that pretty much every Asian country that's relatively successful is conservative as fuck.

The irony is simply divine

Wow, you're an idiot. You think the US became the most powerful nation by being natsoc?

the ideal world would be where everyone fucks off to their continent and we compete technologically and through sports, helping each other improve
but of course jews had to happen

no, but Third Reich but Israel did

Pretty much yep.

sorry I'm drunk

They do. The Chinese love black basketball players.

They like them in the same sense you like going to the zoo to watch apes and monkeys behaving similarly to humans.

>I never frreeze
Hmm no sweetie

I have a black friend who saw that hitler redpill doco and is so racist to his kind

Hey can I get a car for pick up?


This is a unfair they were 4channers, Sup Forums showed up later.

It's going to perform good, but no one is marketing this as a political movie outside burguer land no one gives a fuck about white guilt in my country, they're just like "Hey It's another Marvel movie, i'm going to see it as any action movie" just that no one cares if the actors are black


great film

I live in HK, so my information may be a bit off, but I was under the impression that they were unable to secure a permit to screen this film in mainland china, so its not going to show at all.

Doesn't really matter, we hate niggers

Britbongs and other anglos will lap it up. Spics and pajeets won't care because they all seem to be too high on DC. Chinks won't watch it because they hate niggers.

It has to make all the money from the US and Africa lmao.



It's simple all the nerdy white kids that listened to rap growing up either went left or right and still have a connection to it in there humor and memes

Its niggers you faggot niggers and south americans.

Go fuck yourself wog you wouldn't know an Anglo unless it punched your stupid fucking head off.

It has hip hop music as I recall so it's fucked from the get go with the mainland chinks seeing they banned hip hop culture.

Should have used proper African music instead

I loved Jesus, I wish he'd ram my boipussy.

*you need to go black

Oh no. Looks like I upset the creature they call British

Based frogs