/blk/ - Black Panther General

5 Days to go!

98% Rotten Tomatoes
87/100 Metacritic
100/100 on the alt-right butthurt scale




Soundtrack Album is out!

What's your favorite song?

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Redditor capeshitter leave

Going to see this with my wife's boyfriend on Thursday. He's been going on and on about it with his "niggas" at the barber shop haha

Vote for the theater where you want the next midnight screening mass shooting to happen, Sup Forums. The city with the most vote wins!

ayo hol up

show me my respect

Why doesn't Wakanda take in millions of refugees?

It's sad, because this is bait. It's sadder that it will be successful.

>another shill general
As if /reylo/ wasn't obvious enough

Its Ironic brainlet

Those comment sections are full of red pills

Can we do this for every Marvel movie from here on out?

That would be so woke.

reylo isn't and this won't be either

Other than it being a movie starring black people, what is the big problem? Is it the way people are championing it as some kind of racial statement?
I assume it's going to be the same as every other Marvel movie, maybe slightly better than mediocre since it's made by the Creed director.






Because Africans Hate african americans and Wakandans hate every other african

Wakanda? More like WOKEANDA.

Fuck KKKonald DRumpFt and Fuk Whypipo

i gibs you a bump my nigger.

you made this such a big deal that extreme disappointment is practically assured unless this is some kind of freakishly well written and produced miracle movie

I love how you Sup Forumstards claim to live and breathe memes and yet you can't even begin to comprehend irony.

So fucking easy to trigger even though Republicans control all branches of government. Imagine what it'll be like when we have a Democrat as President again. You will NEVER FUCKING HEAR THE END OF IT. Enjoy the remaining three years, because it's all you're ever gonna get.


Dude, we hyped up Pickle Rick too and that ep was pure kino.

>5 days
It's out on Tuesday here, I shall be making a full report when I see it

>100/100 on the alt-right butthurt scale
nobody would give a shit if you cucks wouldnt spam it 24/7 months before premiere

You dropped the nuke user rip

Wtf are you on about you retard he mentioned nothing pol related you RETARD take your shit back to plebbit


>gave bp 100/100
>still only #5 best marvel movie

what did he mean by this?

That limit equals zero. The graph shown is the function f(x) = -1/x^2. Do you think more math symbols automatically makes you smarter? I bet you also have the image of the woman looking confused with the volume of a cone on it saved on your computer.

you libshits think thats the most intellectual form of humour , isnt it?
it's just deceiving. A lie, like your whole everyone is equal (but youre still above everyone) bullshit

Don't bother, he'll just reply with a different brainlet meme or maybe a soyboy meme for a change of pace. They don't know how to respond to anyone that offers a real challenge.

>limit equals zero

No you fucking brainlet, that's not even high math's (11 class things)

Nah it's Sup Forums that supposedly likes irony, see this handy infographic.

yeah it's the "cucks" that have posted 1000 black panther threads in the past 2 weeks. you're completely right Sup Forumstard.

They're literally posting huge 300 post threads for every single negative review they can find lmao, the butthurt is delicious.

Will journalists ask Trump what he thinks about Black Panther?

>All electric rap shit that sounds the same
>Not any numetal
Pop music is so shit nowdays. Someone as fresh as Elle King may come in and try to revive rock music but normies still go back to autotune beats that sound the same

Trump did a review of dark knight rises so who knows he might

Brain deluded fuck shit the ^2 makes the number positive anyway so its pretty much all the same

He looks like Kim Jong Un in this picture.

>young guy beating old man is OK
>foreigner beating your president is OK
USA is felling apart when?

It's okay to unironically hate white people, right?



Not MY president.
(By the way does anyone think it's funny that Sup Forums cries about liberals reporting them to the police but any time violence is threatened against Trump they're quick to shout HE THREATENED THE PRESIDENT! FBI INVESTIGATE THIS MAN!)

Fucking hate this math shit, don't know why anyone bothers. I went for an English degree because I couldn't stand to do any more fucking math. Like why is Precalculus a required class, they say "You'll use this some day!". No. I fucking haven't used it at all.

>muh Sup Forums

How do I get a sexy dude with african accent BF?


You are ignoring the limes brainlet

lads they're doing unfunny organized raid/rants again

come back when you have better better material


Yes, that is the FUNCTION -1/x^2. The image I was responding to writes the LIMIT, but shows the graph of the FUNCTION. Those are two separate things, if I'm not making myself clear enough.
Just the opposite, actually. I prefer lemons anyway.

Is it just me or the whole Black Panther movie is just an allegory of how African Americans are destroying the image of all the black people in the world?

>we're not shills it's ironic!
>/reylo/ still going strong
You're fooling no one

You are acutally braindeluded what's wrong with that ? The limit is also correct ∞ has no -/+

I just want to say I appreciate your attempts at bait, here's a free (You).

>writes the LIMIT, but shows the graph of the FUNCTION.
That's not a mathematical essay brainlet, its just a meme picture to send a message.

Try posting again when you have something intelligible to say.

dass right ni66er

>there is nothing stopping us from having /blk/ generals indefinitely

You getting triggered by a picture and at the end "oh no ehh that's only the l-limit you cant show the graph, professor watson would be not amused." Even a professor would not cry like a bitch and would understand the context.

how much is Disney paying you?

>get called out when you're objectively wrong
>"it's just a joke!"

check your mum's room when your dad is at work

>Favorite song

>objectively wrong

More like you are subjectively wrong

>spreading positive views of an ethnostate

What is (((their))) goal now?

that sums up most people on the internet

You whiteboys jealous?


Last I checked, Sup Forums adored Yeezey (and rightfully so). Good luck with that.

eh, the tide is turning

in a couple on months it will be under our control

>our control

You mean the Anti-Art Patrol?

Its time for a /tvg/ I guess, better for both sides shitpostes could also be deported to the generals.

Generals are the lifeblood of this board, mate. They attract people who actually watch television and film, instead of faggots who just wanna bitch that everything doesn't pander to them.

Yeah because internet people like that uncaring and detached bullshit. South Park has always been fundamentally reactionary; those pushing for change are wrong no matter what change they push for. Nothing is a bigger crime to Matt and Trey than Giving a Shit. Their ideology is apathetic-libertarian; whether you're on the left or the right, if you're asking me to change my behavior, you suck. Manbearpig was almost ten years ago. What an idiot Al Gore was to think climate change was real. As it stands, the political left tends to push for more change than the political right does; as it stands, Matt and Trey admit they dislike conservatives and "really fucking hate" liberals. It isn't about left or right; it's about change versus comfort. If you're trying to change something, they think you're annoying. And they think you're lame, because caring about stuff is lame. It's the same attitude that establishes "u mad" and "butthurt" as the ultimate trump cards in internet arguments: caring is for losers, and if you become personally invested in politics you're part of the problem. Uncritical, detached acceptance of the status quo is the only morally upright posture, and those who draw a distinction between is and ought are all smug bullies, outlandish freaks, and/or closed-minded zealots. It's a show that teaches its audience to become lazy and self-satisfied, that praises them for being uncritically accepting of their own biases, and that provides them with an endless buffet of thought-terminating cliches suitable for shutting down all manner of challenges to their comfort zones. South Park is a place where you never have to have your assumptions challenged. It's a place where you're always right, you shouldn't bother to think, and the people asking you to change your mind are annoying busybodies and prigs who should just shut up and leave you alone. South Park is, if you'll excuse the expression...a "safe space."

tldr lol

Yeah that's the reason why we need to seperate both of them, the actual state of the board is just phatetic on american times. After /tvg/ the pace of the boards would be much slower and the shitposters would move back to plebbit and Sup Forums

It's ok to be White.

Thanks for keeping this shit in a General.

I wish we could segregate the rest of America too. We shouldn't have to see you filthy degenerates.

It really isn't. It's time for white men... to end.

Bro we are on aussie/eu hours the best time of the day. But the mutts will stay up soon to continue their shitposting.

there is no difference between Sup Forums and leddit at this point.


Trying to claim reddit and Sup Forums are the same has to be the worst leftypol strategy they have ever thought up.

nobody cares Marvel soyboy

is Marvel gunna gibs back to da community?

Race war any day now my fellow magapede! Praise kek!

>m-muh leftypol!

the majority of Sup Forums users also browse t_d or mde so

It is though, can you really deny Sup Forums is not crawling with r/TheDonald refugees. Hell, Sup Forums has a constant general sucking Trump's dick

I can't wait for Black Panther!

>Revealing yourself immediately

Reddit and Sup Forums are fundamentally different you can't do or say shit on reddit.

trying to claim reddit is like Sup Forums is pure leftypol retardation.




Because it pisses off libtards no fucking shit.
You think this is a new phenomenon? do you understand Sup Forums at all?
You god damn leftypol tards.

I thought all of us used Reddit. I came here from /r/starwars because everyone said the generals on Sup Forums were pretty good. And so far... they've been epic.