.....but how will it perform at the AFRICAN box office?

.....but how will it perform at the AFRICAN box office?

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> In 11 countries, all in Africa, more than 90 percent of people go without electricity.

u mean the wakandan box office. stop being raycist

do they have theaters in sub saharan africa?

It blew African records and made 11.70$ opening weekend.

Don't you think it's time to address a very pressing social issue, the global box office earnings gap

They would have if you whites wouldn't have colonized Africa

Africa does not need this Americanised trash. They've got Wakaliwood

i'm a native american sweetie

little known fact: all of africa was movie theaters before colonization
white man stole them all

Are there any actual Africans in this movie besides Andy Serkis, or are those just American retards?

they are real wakandan actors

>AFRICAN box office

literally a refrigerator box with a window cut into it

Sub Saharan Africans eat up US media, it'll do well. despite the fact the films theme/message is pretty much targeted at African American issues and is completely ignorant of actual African issues, they'll eat it up and say fuck whitey

Africans have their own film industry.


better cgi than BP

>fuck whitey
Why would Africans worry about whitey when the nearest whiteys are harmless missionaries and random tourists?

Most are quick to blame da white man for their issues

It will beat Space Cop as the most beloved film in Uganda.

Maaan fuck the whitey colonialists, if they hadn't built trains and roads and sewerage systems in Africa, Africa would be a technological superpower.

How many Africans have you actually met? Most will point fingers at corrupt African leaders for the resons why their country sucks. Africans tend to be extremely friendly to white people, on the contrary. Seriously, go read modern tourist accounts, one of the most consistent things white tourists have to say about Africa is how nice the people are to them.

This. They don't want to see some privileged American larping as a proud African King.
That's Class Black-Face

I think that sentiment comes more from stripping resources, controlling land usage, and intelligence agencies cracking down on native political agencies trying to establish fair trade of wealth from said resources.


I would literally be there first day to see a blockbuster event movie made by those crazy fuckers.
Funny how our Hollywood Liberal betters ignore actual self-starters.
They prefer their demographic slaves completely dependent I guess.
People with their own ideas, industry and gumption scares them.

To this day nobody outside of Africa knows how to breed them so every 10 years White men go to Africa to steal more theatres.


It would perform really good if those countries had enough money to spend on leisure activities like cinema, but when a different race actively steals your resources for centuries you put survival in the first place and "having fun" becomes a burgeois thing for people not of your skin color

Explain EFF and South Africa

Must be the usual mad black people for no reason. Not like a system of apartheid could possibly screw up political power structures for generations to come.

They do but we get movies months and months after they've come out in the other territories.

>but when a different race actively steals your resources for centuries
Africans, like the Native Americans, had no concept of ownership, and nor were they intelligent enough to be aware of the resources "their" land possessed. They were exploited, sure, but don't pretend like they dindu nuffin.