I've been getting into westerns alot lately. Brimstone, Forsaken, Bone Tomahawk, Assassination of Jesse James...

I've been getting into westerns alot lately. Brimstone, Forsaken, Bone Tomahawk, Assassination of Jesse James, Unforgiven, True Grit, the Man with no Name trilogy. What are some great westerns I might not have heard of?

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>mentions a bunch of shitty movies
Op..OP.... please. Ok you got unforgiven. That's 1. Now watch the quick and the dead and end with the best western Kino ever made called young guns 2.

>all this nu-western shit

The Great Silence

Open range.

Kevin Costner, Robert Duvall.. highly underrated western.

Once upon a time in the west

Though I'm sure you've heard of them
-Lonesome Dove


Worst western ever made more like it. Worse than Silverado.

This is correct. Young Guns 2 is a masterpiece.

Bestest western coming through


Jeremiah Johnson, you should have heard of it but since you didn't list it I thought it best to bring it up, same with most of these.
Seraphim Falls
3:10 to Yuma
Open Range
And for some good fun My Name is Nobody and Paint Your Wagon.

Anyone got a recommendation for more Jeremiah Johnson-style trapper westerns? Besides the Revenant and Dancing With Wolves.

>pretentious garbage
Westerns are suppose to be entertaining. Not something the doctor puts on to offer euthanasia to terminally ill cancer patients.

cowboys vs aliens

im serious

>Seraphim Falls
I swear I watched it but I can't remember a damn thing about. Must've been extra terrible


Jesus fuck


Sorry OP on behalf of tv. Correct answer is >young guns 2

django unchained
magnificent seven
the lone ranger

>mfw the thread is so filled with shitposting that I can't tell whether you're being ironic or not
I genuinely love My Name is Nobody.

Some classics maybe? Good bad and ugly, once upon a time in the west, there will be blood

Only retards who never saw young guns 2 would think it is shitposting. Best western ever made.

My Darling Clementine
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
The Searchers
Red River
Rio Bravo
El Dorado
The Big Sky

Only directors that matter.

The Wild Bunch, and other Peckinpah westerns are great.

High Noon
Rio Bravo
Red River
My Darling Clementine
The Searchers
The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance
Dances with Wolves extended cut

>once upon a time I snoozed off
>the boring the boring and the boring
>there will be blood.... classic....................

TV is lost. Literally only 2 posters so far that are not brain dead. Fucking plebbit posters need to go back to Wakanda.

Dead Man

Jonah Hex

Sup Forums is an 18+ website little buddy.

The Dark Tower starring Edris Elba

This so fucking much.

Cut-throats Nine
High Plains Drifter

I am. I am however not a pretentious faggot like you freshman. Those movies are boring garbage. Congrats on the lobotomy.

You should be embarrassed to admit you're over 18 if you think entry-level IMDBcore like Leone is "pretentious."

I saw Young Guns 2 at the cinema. Relax kid, go back to sleep or something, just put on once upon a time in the west or America for that matter and pass out.

Also check out Godless on Netflix
Django, kill if you live shoot.

You should be embarrassed to admit your opinion was formed by Roger Ebert and some retarded lib professor. Leave and don't come back until you can form an opinion of your own weakling.

gonna paint that wagon gonna paint it fine

OP here, I'm aware my taste is shit so far. Thank you to the ones who gave legit suggestions!

>What are some great westerns I might not have heard of?
Judging by the ones you named, all the good ones. Try watching films made before you were born, pleb.

Well you missed Tombstone which is the best western ever.

>he knows the names of movie critics
>he probably reads movie critics too
Look at Mr. pleb over here.

Maybe, if you still wear a fedora and are a teenager.



You ain't no daisy. Faggot.

i haven't even seen all of these, so ymmv:

3:10 to yuma (2007)
appaloosa (2008)
bad day at blackrock
blazing saddles
broken trail
butch cassidy and the sundance kid
the cowboys
dances with wolves
dead man
el topo
for a few dollars more
the good the bad the ugly
high noon
high plains drifter
jeremiah johnson
last of the mohicans
lonesome dove
mccabe and mrs miller
navajo joe
once upon a time in the west
open range
the outlaw josey wales
rio bravo
the salvation
the searchers
there will be blood
the three burials of melquiades estrada
the treasure of the sierra madre
true grit (1969)
westworld season 1
the wild bunch

The missing is pretty decent.

just got done watching this kino for the first time

You're awesome user. I was going to post this.

best western hands down

do yourself a favor and watch hell or high water

i also liked

china 9, liberty 37 (1978)
the duchess and the dirtwater fox
the quick and the dead (1995)

>Anyone got a recommendation for more Jeremiah Johnson-style trapper westerns?
You'd probably like en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_Hunt
Based the true story of Albert Johnson the mad trapper. Not a classical western but good none the less.

Hostiles. It's slow but I really like it.

Reminder that this guy played Ike

lucky luke


High Noon
The Searchers
Rio Bravo

That's all you need.

The Proposition

Man who shot liberty valance
For a few dollars more
The good the bad and the weird
Red river
Treasure of sierra madre
Hateful 8
High noon

I have seen so many. These all I mentioned are good movies you can enjoy, nothing 2deep4u, pleb OP


how come noone mentioned??!??!

One you may not have heard of that's recent (and kind of an acquired taste) is Meek's Cutoff.

Bone Tomahawk was such a build up for such a faggy ending.

I mean i hope there's a part 2 or something because the first one is just left unfinished its just gay af

On Sup Forums we don't have any truck with leftists like her and Lee Marvin, user.

The Shooting

I liked 3:10 to Yuma
And watch the Dollar trilogy


these are extremely good films though,

Duck, You Sucker
The Big Country
The Proposition

Westerns are fucking terrible. There's literally a handful of good movies out of thousands. It's fucking embarrassing. The only reason (((((((((((((((men))))))))))))) watch this genre is because somehow seeing faggots ride horses and shoot pistols make them feel more manly.

slow west is good, fassbender should've been Roland Deschain

Oh, so the themes of frontiers, isolation, strangers, and lawlessness are all about feeling more manly?

Westerns are probably one of the top genres that highlight how the universe does not give a fuck about you. In a universe without justice, all justice is made by people.

>Westerns are probably one of the top genres that highlight how the universe does not give a fuck about you. In a universe without justice, all justice is made by people.
Right on brother
>t. justice is my middle name

The Homesman

the hateful b8

el topo

shanghai noon

I wasn't expecting that movie to hit several of my low-key fetishes in the beginning and ended up distracted through the whole thing. It was a weird movie.

Louis L'amour movies.

The dark valley

im too drunk right now, but stay away from rascism, there is plenty of htat im other threadds

Paint my wagon

Hell or high water.

Spoke to the director and stunt guy of Brimstone, likable guys but the movie wasn't good.

Hell or high water
