Why is this cartoon hated by all corners of the internet

Why is this cartoon hated by all corners of the internet

Because it's bad, nigga.

Because it's spammed to shit, just like these threads.

One side is because it destroyed the classic Teen Titties, other side is because Cocktit Nutjob always puts Titties Go on the schedule so much without variety.

>destroyed the classic Teen Titties

it's not like the 2003 cartoon was any good

Most hate it becuse it "ruined" the original.
Others hate it because it's spammed by the network.
I hate it because of its bland art style and obnoxious "humor".

The only thing that impressed me this episode was the Yellow Air Wolf.

It triggers fanboys of the original cartoon that wasn't good to begin with. Most people don't give a fuck about this show.

>destroyed the classic Teen Titties
Post of the Day award goes to you

>destroyed the classic Teen Titties

It's one of The Best Cartoons Ever Made, faggots.

Most people don't give a fuck about cartoons in general. But amongst those who do, TTG is infamous.

Is this a meme?

>Cocktit Nutjob told the Teen Titties to Go

>destroyed original TT
>horribly unfunny tumblr-lolrandumb shit
>openly mocked people who criticized it
>takes up about 80% of CN's air time

that's why

It's my personal meme, bitch.

it feels like the idiot saying it destroyed TT and the idiots responding to it are the same person

Quality of the show aside, you can't just run one show for between 50-80% of your entire network block every week and not expect backlash especially when the network itself is beloved and was known for it's variety.

Also, there's the fact that because of this, it forces new shows to go unnoticed since they don't advertise them in favor of putting in more TTG

I love it



A show as obnoxious and in-your-face as TTG would be more warmly accepted even by fans of the animated series if it wasn't the only thing that aired on Cartoon Network.

Even Spongebob had to share air time with Fairly Odd Parents.

I don't hate the show, I hate the dominance of it on the network schedule.

I do like, though, that I got 5 different versions of the song "Night Begins to Shine"...

Though that song is definitely not from the 80's, inspired by it, sure.

Everyone on Sup Forums is the same person, including you. Don't you know that already?

Seriously, Sup Forums is a hive mind.

You were 6 when it came out, so I'll forgive your nostalgia bias.
Original Teen Titans was just pandering to the new anime fandom but with superheroes. Everything was weeb pandering back then (cough Puffy AmiYumi).
For real, every time I see people say this I think there must have been a different Teen Titans between the shit one I remember with the giant anime anger heads and everybody genki atmosphere of the show, but nope, I go back and sure enough the only one before Go is the same "how to draw manga" inspired abortion that I hated before too.

TTG may be annoying and mean spirited and have jokes that are kinda fucked up sometimes, but that's still better than a show that was basically just made to appeal to a trend.

Sorry to break it to you, but I watched the show for the very first time this year. No nostalgia factor here, I'm afraid.
(Same goes for most of those other shows.)

>really stupid LOLRANDOM humor
>instead of taking criticism they mocked those who criticized
>absorbs other shows, killing them

>Teen Titties
Fucking kek

My nigga

>Monday schedule
There's no way this can be real. They showed a single show for 14 hours straight?