ITT 10/10 movies ruined by "twists"

There was literally nothing wrong with this being all about Cruise and the redhead just taking one last trip around Earth and reflecting on the past before leaving it forever to join the rest of humanity among the stars.

It would've been the most somber, most thought-provoking story to come out of Hollywood in literally decades.

Break it down into a three act structure.

What would you have happen in Act 2?

it would have been the most boring pointless thing
A movie without plot development is a great idea

but you gotta admit fuck you sally was awesome

I actually loved sally as the antagonist. there was certainly a "i have no mouth but i must scream" vibes from this movie

40 minute sex scene with the gorgeous redhead with the dilated pupils.

>It would've been the most somber, most thought-provoking story to come out of Hollywood in literally decades.
It would've been the most pointless waste of screentime in literally decades

One or both could become very depressed at the thought of leaving Earth. This could culminate with a suicide attempt with something transcendental preventing it like a sunrise or a blooming flower (or something less cliche but I'm just making this up now).

Isn't this kinda a rip-off of Moon to a degree?

It would've sucked