
is there anything good on it right now?

How do I achieve that body?

Just watched that last night because I recognised the actor from Blackmirror, it was actually pretty charming I was pleasantly surprised.

I have the same body as he does.
Believe me you don't want to be a skeleton, fat boy

sitting on the couch playing video games for the first 20 years of your life 5x5

eating garbage food and never engaging in anything athletic 3x8

You literally just have to work out. I used to have that body too, and it really sucks starting out, but once you get muscles it actually becomes fun lifting stuff and feeling your muscles "pump".

>yfw this is the natty limit for whites

Is black sails any good? I need a new series and it's either black mirror or black sails.

dude, this body type in OP's image is fucked. look at the bone structure, i have it irl and no amount of lifting will save me. my hips are wider than my chest/almost as wide as my shoulders

Anyone looks fucked with no muscle. When you actually work out your shoulders get wider because you actually have muscles on your deltoids and traps. The guy in the OP would look normal in a year if he ate a bunch of protein and did weight training 5 times a week.

I have a really flat body. 60kg 6,0
Putting meat on our bodies will save us
We will all make it
Browse /fit/

GOMAD 1/2/3/4

The Expanse

>paying for soyflix
kek state of ya

wrong webm

That girl is sexy. She’s 25 and still looks like a hot teenager

She looks completely average.


The dude is mid 20s too.
Was pretty shocked when i saw their ages

Where do you get you entertainment?
Illegally download a bunch of shit or what? I tend to get my $8 worth every month. Better than one viewing at theatre

blurays of shows i love. better than paying for soy shows and progressive agendas being shoved down your throat by meme shows. i know you aren't aware of anything better, but you're part of the problem if you pay for netflix.

the anglo body

Devilman Crybaby

I just assume people like you are baiting because no one is that autistic.

when you grow up you'll realize i'm right

>these are the people posting about star wars on Sup Forums

Why are modern whites so out of shape, is it shit genetics or bad diet/lifestyle


That guy literally has a genetic disorder


I only kept watching for her. She was so hot with blonde hair in that skirt with docs on.

I always wondered, is this Sodapoppoin the faggot youtuber?

still need to watch punisher and stranger things s2, I hope they're watchable

seriously, imagine being pol in every aspect of your live just how can you not feel the urge to pull the trigger

seriously, imagine not believing in anything

>is there anything good on it right now?
The Ritual is pretty comfy.

Yes, Star Trek: TNG

The African workout

5x5 empty plate lifts

Queer Eye is gaykino

She looks so much hotter with long hair

>be Ellen Page?

>using shitflix
What has become of this board
Pirate your media you disgusting pleb

Altered carbon is really good. Comfy sci fi with a kind of bladerunner feel.

only eat an Apple and a small can of Tuna every day for the next 4 months, aka the Christian Bale diet

Tallulah is the only good thing released since a year

I fucking hate cartoonists who self-insert with some wry comment in every cartoon, as if the cartoon can't speak for itself


It’s a parody.

Altered Carbon was bretti gud.

I watched Fury last night because I missed it on cinema
Any good war movies on it?

MMMM mercury poisoning and low sperm count diet.

they have lots of good uk comedies: the office, black books, extras etc. they just added barry lyndon, inland empire, witches of eastwick.

How is Wormwood? I read that it’s great but reviews are all bought and paid for now.