Was this the best Treehouse of Horror episode?

Was this the best Treehouse of Horror episode?

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This episode made me really anxious because Homer will never make his way back to his family.

It really fucked me up as a kid. Don’t know why

The Sneedhouse of Feeding & Seeding (Formerly Chuck's)

Thankfully it was a a TOH episode so those don't always have positive conclusions.

I just wasn't expecting it. This was almost as freaky.


I liked this one better. Funnier and scarier.

I don't think any TOH episode had a positive conclusion. But this one in particular transcended the cartoon make belief world and put Homer in the real world. It felt incredibly disturbing to me as a kid.

the cannibal teachers
Willy as freddy krueger
never watch zombie simpsons THOH but some user said its just as good

This is indeed a disturbing episode.

It wasn’t even the 3D part that scared me, it was Homer getting stuck in that 3D void place which fucked me up

this ep is comfy

Treehouse of Horror V

>I’m the first non-Brazilian person to travel backwatds through time!

what did he mean by this?

brazilians think they invented the airplane before the Wright Brothers

>He just disappeared into fat air!
Still cracks me up.

The Wright brothers built a glider and a catapult, the one built by Santos-Dumont lifted of with the power of the onboard engine.

Brazilians are devolved

And yet all evidence of this dates so far after the supposed flight that it's completely retarded to believe it.

the one where at the end theres the inside out gas that gag was wild. The krusty doll is one of my faves just for the jokes. The king kong recently has become my favorite.

>That's a big platform.

Anyone else think groundskeeper Willie looks pretty good here? Like I wouldn't mind eating him, as long as he's a spider. You guys know what I mean?

Freaked the shit out of me when I was a kid, thought I would see him around for some reason.

an image from simspsons season 3-11 immediately sends me back to my childhood. Fuck i miss those times.

>it's a guest star: steven hawking episode

I've always liked TOH 3 the most but the thing that really terrified me was the fog that turned people inside out. Especially how Bart is just being assaulted by Santa's Little Helper and the rest of the family are incredibly callous about the whole thing.

I wish I had those times... Literally just started watching The Simpsons a few days ago. I've seen random episodes over the years, but I'm binging them now. Pretty great show, really enjoying it. Only on Season 4 now, so I have a long ass ways to go.

the best is yet to come my friend. It gets unbelievably comfy until season 12 imo.

That's about what I've heard. I know there is a precipitous dropoff at some point. I have like 150 more episodes during prime Simpsons to enjoy. Kinda excited. It's such a comfy show and the amount of characters and different locations in the show really immerses you into the Simpson's universe. It's kind of a weird feeling, not sure I've ever had that same sensation while watching other shows... animated or not.

Nope. 3 is.

this is induck a disturbing episode
