Your Worst Youtube Film "Critic"?

Pic Related.



Our guy



All of them. Why should I give a shit about some faggot's opinion?

Is it ER? He only made a rant about Korra

All of them are pseuds and hack frauds.

el goblino estomago....

>: images (4)

this guy sucks so much fucking dick. He doesn't even live up to his shtick. He's a mildly mannered faggot that picks bottom of the barrel movies to critique and has nothing interesting to say.

Soyboy detected. E;R is one of the best.

He unironically likes Rick & Morty, he's reddit garbage.

who is the one in the pic

e;r is literally insufferable because you can tell he gets all of his opinions from Sup Forums and never is able to back any of them up with arguments. It drives me fucking crazy.

Go away, e;r

That's not enter


I find a lot of his rants to be mildly offensive.

>over 100 000 subscribers
>unironically Sup Forums

Do you really think he doesn't have fans here?

This. If he was genuinely angry and spazzing out, It would be great.

As things are, even that Canadian clown Buckley does a better job being mad all the time.

E;R is actually the pleb filter user
I'm sorry

>Makes forced anime meme "jokes" in his videos
>Instead of actually critiquing the movie and making valid points, nitpicks the hell out of the movie just to look contrarian
>Pretentious asshole who can't even take any legit criticisms of him
>Isn't even white (apparently either Spanish, Indian or Filipino)

You have shit standards Sup Forums

My problem with IHE is how little he genuinely knows about movies.

At least with RLM, YMS, Ralphthemoviemaker, etc, they all have had experience in film school learning their shit. Even if you don't agree with their opinions, they know their objective shit.

IHE on the other hand just started making rant videos which slowly turned into movie rants. Now he's for some reason accepted into the YouTube movie review community as someone who actually knows what he's talking about, when in reality the extent of his film knowlage just comes from watching a bunch of shitty Pixar knockoffs and talking about how they are obviously awful

Don't flatter yourself; this place is far too reddit for E;R. He actually started out on 8-Sup Forums. I was there when he shilled one of his earlier videos. One of the only times I've seen that place respond positively to someone shilling their content.

he only has an audience because he panders to a niche that hasnt been pandered to before
doesnt really have any quality opinions or thoughts

>8-Sup Forums

I think you will find there is very little difference between Sup Forums and 8/pol/

indeed. you can tell that anyone who watches him is a newfag or underage

You care enough about Anonymous opinions to post here.

I enjoy E;R almost as much as OP enjoys cock.

fuck off, E;R is the most Sup Forums fag out there
he's the unholy combination of Sup Forumspol/a/
of course his videos are meant to be stupidly ironic, his actual opinion isn't that harsh or exaggerated
you're just too reddit to get it

8ch is literally rebbit with a yotsuba skin, go back there and stay.

> It suppose to be funny!

These types of videos where people discuss a film should always have a balance of humor and actual critique otherwise your just CinemaSins.

8/pol/ literally disavows Richard Spencer for being too lenient on the JQ.


>you can tell he gets all of his opinions from Sup Forums and never is able to back any of them up with arguments.
He completely shit on BR2049, a film that Sup Forums has an autistic obsession with.

This unironically. Faggot is insufferable.

He thought it was okay and was ultimately satisfied with.

E;R is Sup Forums and Sup Forums mixed together.
Literally /ourguy/

Yms didnt go to film school

I concur that E;R is /ourguy/.

>This character is mean so this show is bad >:(((
Why do people watch this literal autist?

Sup Forums has shit on BR 2049 since it came out you fucking idiot

Everytime someone would try to shit on it, he would get shitposted into oblivion. It's one of the few films Sup Forums collectively likes.

>E:R fans getting fucked in the ass like the bitches they are
Good day

Is that supposed to be a good thing?

History Buffs

What the fuck are you talking about? Sup Forums hates this movie dumbshit.

It's not even close.

>too autist to ever score
>calls himself asexual to further his lies to himself

this this this

What the fuck are you talking about? Sup Forums loves this movie you retarded redditor.

>OP being an autist and replying to everyone who disagrees with him
>E:R fans are the ones getting fucked in the ass

IHE, the faggot let the fame go to his head.

>you're just too reddit to get it
Wow that was a pathetic thing to say.

BR 2049 is a dishonest, self important piece of trash capitalizing on the Blade Runner name. It has no artistic integrity and only faggot redditors like you like it to feel intelligent. Theres a reason why it flopped. Kill yourself.

seems it hit too close to home

kys shitposter


I actually like most of these guys and think they make substantial criticisms of the movies.

I can agree to disagree when their views are different from mine.

My favourite is AVGN, he's the most human and ordinary and feels free to express his opinions on well-liked movies that he honestly doesn't like himself, I suspect there are a lot of people on Sup Forums who convince themselves a lot of stuff they don't like is "Good" because someone else told them it's kino and force themselves through it. AVGN doesn't play that shit, I respect that.

Cole Smithey. Pseud who tried to pass himself off as a SEWIOUS critic but got BTFO by Ebert over his review of Toy Story 3. Also Chris-Chan's retarded brother.

>last Jedi defense
>you fanboys need to stop hating things for the sake of hating things
>is called I hate everything

E;R made decent points in the Korra video and I liked the depth to which he explored how badly they fucked up with the light/dark idea with the 2 main spirits and how it made absolutely no sense in an eastern inspired series where black/white were never meant to represent pure good and pure evil. Other than that, he’s pretty lame, way too much love for anime to take his criticisms seriously knowing that he willingly ingests that much garbage.

Started out alright, but his complaints become more bitchy in his new stuff. You needed a 30 minute video to explain why you hate the minions? really?

The Dishonored Wolf, a furry who thinks he's hot shit because he doesn't like the SJWs and makes reviews that eventually devolve into petty rants.

>Dishonored Wolf

Jesus Christ people still have names like that? He's one step away from making one of those music videos with Underworld in it.

Nobody actually likes Cole Smithy, literally the only reason anyone knows about him at all is that he’s Chris’s half brother.

He's hit or miss, his Legend of Whorra and One Punch Man vs Deadpool videos were solid, entertaining and had interesting points. Too bad the rest of his videos are him trying to be as edgy and contrarian as possible (hating on Fury Road because it was too ridiculous for him and criticizing the movie for not spoon feeding him exposition).

damn does he still exist?


this is a terrible thread

>Mad Max: Fury Road is a terrible movie because Max doesnt talk much
wow what great criticism

Movie bob for me. I haven't seen most of the people in this thread, but watching Bob go from somewhat interesting and funny to the shambling sjw monstrosity he is now was depressing

All those things are what makes this guy our guy, dude

I didn't like Fury Road either.

Mainly because it's The Road Warrior but with less emotional realism owing to its stylized visuals.

I also disliked the lack of agency Max had because the intro promised a level of resourcefulness that we're lead to expect more of and have little opportunity to see, also a background that's set up that's of little consequence.

Fury Road was George Miller's opportunity to do something different with the story and the franchise but he didn't, he remade RW.

This is entirely based on the fact that I prefer emotional realism to stylization, I feel like Fury Road was an extension of the worst and most criticised elements of Thunderdome and it's departure from what made RW great into the future.

For cartoons he’s alright but he lets his supreme autism leak into other media, movies aren’t constructed like fucking anime or children’s cartoons, he’s a shit critic for movies. His Steven Universe video was alright, basically demonstrating how nuts they all are, but outside of his little bubble for cartoons he’s just shit.

I really hope Chris starts reviewing movies or something. It would be absolute poetic justice since even though they are both colossal pieces of shit Chris is the nicer internet personality who is more down to Earth. There's something off about Cole where he seems like he is hard to approach.

You've just made a more interesting review (or opinion) on Fury Road than E;R in his entire video.


Im not even a fan of Steven Universe but Im amused that people took his Steven Rapeyverse video as a valid critique on the show (he even admits that he just made the video to piss of his friends and piggybacked the Sup Forums train instead of actually reviewing the show because it was easier)

E;R probably would have similar views if he could find them.

I think most people who dislike Fury Road actually have the same problems but simply fail to articulate them. Ironically while praising it, RLM came the closest to a cogent criticism of it.

>Is that supposed to be a good thing?

Of course you disgusting KEK

Max's lack of agency is also relevant because his agency is paramount, as he represents to some degree a stand in for the audience, his physical stasis makes the movie feel claustrophobic.

Everything is moving except you, you're trapped and it's deeply uncomfortable.

>Degenerative illness make her have that long tongue
Mistakes into miracl-
>Will also make her left porn in comming years

OP is a faggot

>long post about western anime inspired show
>but anime is fuggin garbage dude

I stopped watching a few months ago, but I can verify that in late 2017 he still existed. I started a new youtube account and as a result had to get new subscriptions. It's amazing the shit you watch just because you're subscribed.

I remember watching one of his reviews by accident and actually liking it, then checking his channel and finding he's a filthy furry and never watching anything of his again

Now he was fucking terrible.

Sad in a way he stopped but maybe it was for the better.

He was such an idiot I got a headache listening to his reviews.

he unironically believes No Country for Old Men is one of the worst movies ever made

He wasn't even a reviewer. He even said it himself that he's a "screenplay analyst".

His Incredibles bullshit still makes me rage.

>claims "The Incredibles was too dark to be a Pixar movie" and makes it unclear why
>gets called out on it, has to make an apology video
>criticises his audience for not understanding his points and then reiterates them in a manner that has them all boil down to "it's too dark for Pixar" again

I'm not a fan of Cormac Mccarthy in general myself.

Not that it wasn't good.

I didn't even care about the hypocrisy, what bothered me was his shameless strawmen.
>the wilhelm scream and gravity in the bombing scenes were totally serious criticisms and the focus of fan hatred, guys!
How the fuck does someone get out of bed and lie that shamelessly?

Plenty of practice.

>>Isn't even white (apparently either Spanish, Indian or Filipino)
sounds like he'd fit in just fine on Sup Forums

Can't say because I haven't watched a YouTube review in years

I know the guy, got into a heated argument with him on twitter.

Where are his new videos? He's barely made anything since 2016

E;R is lazy, grant, but there are also surprisingly few Mr. Plinkett videos. This format clearly takes quite a bit of work.

In the meantime I've enjoyed HackfraudReviews, even if he does shill.

I was pleantly surpired by fake Plinkett. he's acually pretty serious about it too. He did a bit in his Rogue One review where he explains in great detail how the balance to the force thing makes no sense.

The shilling was totally shamless though. everyone else at least tries to be subtle about it.

His force interpretation was a searing indictment of everything that was wrong with the prequels, and continued to be wrong with the clone wars (Despite some excellent material) right through KOTOR (I know that's gonna catch me some hate) and into the new series.

Fake Plinkett is the only guy that articulated the problems that come with thinking of the force as anything but "Good and Evil" as the were originally articulated in the OT.

And his dynamics lecture was actually unironically eye-opening.

Fake Plinkett deserves more subs. At risk of catching flak, he might even be better than the real thing.