ITT: Things in movies the fly over people's heads

>ITT: Things in movies the fly over people's heads.

In "Up" (2009) the town buildings develop over the years...

no shit sherlock

If you look closely, you'll notice that both of the characters have aged a lot. This is because as time passes, people get older.

It doesn't its meant to show time passing

however people don't understand this title is a penis joke and I get told I am being retarded when I pointed it out

go back to facebook

In ''Demolition Man'' (1993) Stallone's character constantly swears at the ticket machine so he can use those tickets to wipe his ass, for he does not know what the 3 sea shells mean.

In the movie "Alien", the creature is referred to as a Zenomorph. It blew my mind when I found out that zenomorph is actually a real word in Latin that means "Hostile Beast".

holy shit I will have to pay attention to this on my eighth viewing

Terminator is basically a love story.
Starship troopers is a social critique.

Why aren't people able to enjoy movies on the same level I do?

t. Burger

>however people don't understand this title is a penis joke and I get told I am being retarded when I pointed it out
It's pointing out it's an uncut director's edition you dunce.

This is why I love Pixar films. There’s so much detail.

in "the bourne supremacy" (2004), jason bourne calls pamela landy, and a background tech says 90 secs for a trace. jason bourne hangs up exactly 89 seconds later.

In Toy Story the toys must pretend to act like inanimate objects when the humans are around. This is because if the humans saw them moving and talking, it would reveal their true sentient nature

bigger longer and uncut

Another one for you
In 'Finding Nemo', when the fish are out of water, they flop about in distress as though they can't breathe. This is a reference to real fish - who can't breathe out of water.

Except the tree stays the same

Excellent trivia, excellent digits

>fly over people's heads
> "Up"

Did you know the movie was named after the direction 'Up' - which is the direction the house moves when it starts travelling?

Bruce Willis goes back for the nigger getting ass raped because of the speech Christopher Walken gave him as a child about his father and having honor

Richard Taylor, spokesman for the MPAA, says: ''According to the Classification and Ratings Administration in Los Angeles, the word 'hell' was never part of the title of that film (at least never in any form when the ratings board was reviewing the film). Therefore, the simple answer to Mr. Benz's question is that the MPAA never rejected the use of the word 'hell' in the title of the film.''

This statement is technically true in that it refers to the version submitted to the board. But the MPAA often makes ''suggestions'' before films are submitted. According to the Internet Movie Database, ''In a clandestine rebellion against MPAA, who forced them to alter some of the film's content and its original title, Trey Parker and Matt Stone slipped the new title, 'Bigger, Longer and Uncut' (adjectives that can describe a penis as well as the film) past the ratings board.'' And the Web site The Censors quotes Parker: ''Originally, our movie was called 'South Park: All Hell Breaks Loose.' The MPAA said, You can't say 'hell' in the title.'' The site continues: ''He and Stone's counterproposal for the title was an obvious penis joke, Parker said, but the MPAA approved it. 'They just didn't get it.' '' This is also the story Parker and Stone told Jay Leno on ''The Tonight Show.''


>city and people grow old
>tree stays young
Many trees can live over a millenium.

When you see it you'll shit bricks.

Even though marvel has many movies they all suck and marvel to