Do you watch TV/films alone or with friends?

Do you watch TV/films alone or with friends?

i like how the guy in the back is calm haha

what race are they?

there's a mirror in the back, dumbfaggot

Me on the left.

el goblino...

tag yourself im the qt that left

I like how the guy on the left is a huge cuck

I watch capeshit and fun flicks with friends very often, but I'd never watch potential kino with a bunch of millenial fags with an attention span of 30 minutes. Always watch good movies alone

I don't watch tv or movies.

las atrocidades...

>or have friends

People cry over The Walking Dead? Geez. Oh wait, I forgot the best part; they film themselves doing it and then post it.

That too.


me on the left

>that guy in the back not giving a fuck

>tfw you will never have a group of friends act this emotional with you watching great telekino like The Sopranos or Mad Men

Why do normalfags get so fucking emotional over TV shows/movies?

what the fuck is wrong with people

I once invited my dad to one of my kino viewings. He couldn't keep his mouth shut so I threw him out. At first he thought I was joking, but I wasn't.

I literally threw my father out during one of my movie viewings.

I'm doomed to watch kino alone.

>Jesus picture on the wall

Im a normalfag and I can't understand what the fuck these people are doing

>having friends

These are the kind of people whose parents "ruined their whole life" by buying them a 32GB instead of a 64GB white iFone.

No. I wathed once with like 7 people. Half of them could not shut the fuck up for 2 minutes. Then asking what just happened because they were not focusing. Never again.

I can only watch horror movies if I'm with my friend so I can hold his hand during the expected jumpscares


El Abominacion

>friend from middle school has an idea
>movie night
>invites us over
>one guy buys beer, one buys pizza, one has the surround sound and setup, one guy drives the others
>whoever does the buying what rotates the next time
>each of us bring a movie
>typically watch 3rd friends movie first because he has to leave soonest for his job
>might get to the 2nd or 3rd or even 4th movie on good nights
>host friend gets fucking married and she moves in
>automatically invited to movie night now
>texting back when flip phones were common, it beep-booped and wouldn't turn it off
>would leave for minutes at a time for a call and ask us what happened when she got back
>if we fucking paused it to tell her so WE wouldn't miss the movie she got offended that she felt like an intrusion to the experience
just can't win. now we don't do movie night anymore

phones killed movie night for me. the adhd with those phones fascinates me, they literally can not put them down for more than 3 minutes. like a nervous tic.

la Cretura

Alone. I remember when the force awakens came out, it was my last year of secondary school and everyone had planned to see it together as it would be our last christmas together. I remember telling them that I would prefer to go alone and for some reason they could not understand why...

>that guy on the left
You know he's just there watching that trash because his friends coerced him into it. of when I watched the first episode of Game of Thrones with my friends. I wanted to blow my brains out.

it's fun

>i wanted to blow my brains out
you shoulda. thereis still time.

if it's a film or show im excited about personally, I watch it myself but if a friend wants to watch something together then yeah why not

They don't, unless there's a camera.

I watch GoT with other people because I don't care about it and I can treat it like a social function rather than focusing on that garbage show, all I have to do is pretend to like it.
When it comes to stuff that I actually enjoy, like The Americans or Fargo or Better Call Saul, I always watch it alone

Someone needs to make one where they're watching the Sneed scene.

La luz extinguido....

the women are just overreacting for the camera

>all I have to do is pretend to like it.
What the fuck? Why do you spend time with these people? Imagine not being able to just say "nah that shit doesn't interest me" without losing social capital. Jesus, our society needs to be burned to the ground so we can start over.

I always watch TV shows on my own the first time, so I can react to it and watch it whenever and however I want. Same with movies (the ones I dont see in cinema)
When I rewatch something I usually do it with friends that havent seen it yet.

El disgraco de las americas

Yeah I watch loads of stuff with my mate, anime, films, series, we have bantz

>being this autistic

Why the fuck would you have two identical paintings in your house next to each other?

>how can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real

>being this much of a cuck who lets other people dictate his tastes
I bet you suck it up and "pretend to like it" when your gf breaks out the strapon too, user.


Seek help.

>decide to watch kino with my ex-gf
>both decide on Girl with the Dragon Tattoo(I had already seen it, but thought it was easy to understand, and enjoy)
>get about 15 minutes into it
>bitch whines it is too slow, and boring; doesn't want to watch any longer
>turn off the film

...And that is the last time. I hate watching movies with people.

I watch movies with firends, only because half-deaf girl is among them. When we watch films, volume has to be turned up to the max and I sit near her. During the loudest moments, I turn my ass slightly in her direction and fart. She must have soaked hundreds if not thousands of my smelly kisses during our movie nights.

never watched that movie user, is it decent?


yeah it's good. There should of been a sequel already. Fuck em

Alone. Any pastime activity where you aren't participating, only absorbing the content is best done alone.