Best "boss fights" in film

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The one where I film myself masturbating. The other one is the fight at the ending in Jack Reacher.

She wasn't the bossfight though. O-Ren Ishii was the bossfight

Chiaki is my waifu.


What movie

Boss rush with Bat Boy and Hammer Girl beforehand

>Indiana Jones v the Arab Swordsman
>Indiana Jones v the guy who gets killed by the propeller


Qinglong vs Random guy from the same organization

Unironically my least favourite villain. Preferred Michael Madsen.

I haven't watched Vol 2 yet but I saw this the other day for the first time.

Holy fuck was it boring. Zero substance whatsoever, the only enjoyable part of this entire sequences was the shot where she's walking to the bathroom and the camera does an amazing dizzying vertical redirection. 4/10 film.

Reservoir Dogs is the best I've seen from Tarantino by far. I can't comprehend who Kill Bill is for.


If you didn't like Vol. 1 don't even bother with Vol 2., the first one is the best of the two.

>lose some skin on your head

>not Mad Dog


Good taste...

Her nose is fucking distracting.

Wait, just rewatched the scene. She lost more than a little skin. Nvm then.

Kill Bill

boss fight is a videogame concept
you're on the television board
go back to your child's board.

People have posted most of mine already. I really enjoyed the head of security fight in the club scene in John Wick 1.

If O-Ren is Mr X then GoGo is Shiva.


> I can't comprehend who Kill Bill is for.
Perverts like Tarantino and (You)

Predators had some good ones. Both the Japanese guy vs a Predator and Brody vs the Predator at the end. Both were the right amount of cheese for me and I love the whole "honor" duel of the first one.

>boss fight is a videogame concept
It's really not.

This right here is boss rush kino. The black guy at the start is also very good in Undisputed 3. It's also great to see a big tough guy fight where the big tough guy wins.

The Protector

Undisputed 3 fight with Scott Adkins

Big noses are excellent

unironically this

I'm pretty sure Sup Forums and Sup Forums's age group is about the same.

It's weird, it's not so much that it's big, but it's broad as fuck.

There's a lot of overlap, but there are plenty of grandpa on Sup Forums that push the average age up a little.

I'm called that at least 3 times a week and I'm only 33. It's all subjective.

Good post.

I hear you. I'm about to turn 30, but everyone I know in my various groups calls me Grandma or Granny. My guess is it's because we're hanging around places where the average age is around 19-23


That's objective as fuck.
>Th-th-thirty is the new twenty
No, bro
>tries to do his standards bread and butter attacks
>doesn't work against final boss
>has to reach into the most advanced mechanics that he ignored the entire game
jackie chan has lots of good boss fights.

I don't have the time, but Jackie is really the master of the martial arts game.

Bruce Lee had some impressive shit, but Jackie was and is off the chain, there are whole videos on it.

33 isn't young, but it's not old.

jesus christ, the state of this board

>at 33 you have a child, who has a child
How can anyone be this fucking retarded?

Good call. All three Bolo/JCVD fights in Bloodsport and Double Impact too



Not thread, but good picks.

The kinoest.

Don't kid yourself, Kill Bill fucking sucks.


Eggsy vs Gazelle

One of the most kino action comedy fights of all time.

Most hilariously anticlimactic


if you didn't grow up watching this on saturday afternoons on tbs, you need to get the fuck off my Sup Forums

discoball razorleg chick from Kingsman


I never said you have to like it

>this isn't even my final form

Why does every easterna martial movie has to share that nationalistic recipe?
>the traditions and customs being degradated by evil outsiders
>muh evil outsiders destroying buddhists images
>black capoeira fighter does literal monkey noises with his mouth
>somehow has a scarification in english instead of portuguese
>evil chinese who uses swords against a unnarmed man
>le dumb white male who only has muscles but somehow no fighting technique

she didn't lose any brain though why is she dead

A good laugh from simpler times

You think Asians give a fuck about racism?

>how does it feel to betray your race?

essential Sup Forumscore

>japanese school girl

He had one job.

for a long time I thought the joke was that was a guy, it seems not

>the assistant manager is the real boss
>the final boss is anticlimactic

ridley was the real boss. mother brain was an interactive cutscene
shiva was the real boss. mr x had a gun


People just have different beauty standards. Americans, for some reason, just happen to like shovel-jawed women like Lucy Liu instead.

As a white person who lived in Taipei for a few years in high school I can confirm that asians are delightfully racist. But always very polite about it.
I remember there was this restaurant that opened with a holocaust theme where you were led to your table in chains. Seriously.
Also an air conditioner used like a chibi hitler as their mascot to advertise it's "German-llike efficiency."


>tfw they could have just walked away

The true str vs. dex fight. Takes all the hits, keeps him cocky, but shrugs it off to hold him in position and cuts his ass in half.

Pure kino

I can't even watch this for the dated slapping sound effects. Jesus what a trash way to ruin a great scene.


The only right answer.
The music instrument guys vs the three townspeople and the couple is also great.


And Japs like women who look like and emulate children, yeah we know, 2 nukes wasn’t enough

great scene

Riki-oh is fucking nuts

Ren was a QTE

Universal Soldier 3 and 4. Underrated as hell.

Top Kino


Such a fun movie, why aren't there more like it?

>that scene where The Russian smashes his hand and lets him keep the gun

Yes, very well done user with your choice but,


Came here to post this

Agreed, if you have anything more the most surface-level tastes in films you'll recognize everything Taranteatime stole and cobbled together to make Kill Bill. I might be one of the few people who prefers the second film to the first because it spends a little more time on the characters, but ultimately I think they're both overrated trash.

A videogame concept developed from the prevalence of one or more highly skilled and unique adversaries in old martial arts and Western films...

That entire film is just a series of increasingly bizarre and nightmarish boss fights.

>Levels up at the end of the fight

That's a good question. Comedy action is such good pairing for martial arts movies. Examples are tons of Jackie Chan's movies.

My favorite part is when he stabs the Russian in the chest and the Russian forces him to stab himself with the knife right after. That and the various "I can't believe that just happened" faces Tom makes throughout the fight.