Pickle rick and R&M shitposting isnt funny and is making this board worse then Sup Forums

Pickle rick and R&M shitposting isnt funny and is making this board worse then Sup Forums

This board was already worse than Sup Forums.



Zone Rick and Morty animation when?

meta threads like these arent exactly helping either.

Sup Forums has been Sup Forums-tier for years now, just accept it

>if you're complaining about a problem you're as bad as the people causing the problem!
fuck off i'm tired of this retarded mentality

Not him, but you got rid of a decent thread by posting this one. Meanwhile, all of the pickle rick threads are still up. Ya fucked up, OP.

These threads are made by people who hate R&M so they can use the threads as proof that R&M fans are insufferable.

Would you rather talk about mediocre failed pilots?

>if you're complaining about a problem that everyone can see while doing nothing to remedy the problem you're still somehow better than the problem rather than just being equally annoying to everyone who has to see both
Stop stroking your own dick and realize retarded threads like these don't help. If anything they promote the problem by encouraging the people who shitpost for attention that they will CLEARLY get the attention of any retard who thinks he'll look smart by pointing out shit we all can fucking see.
Sage cause this shit retarded.

I'd rather have that then every thread turn into a waifufag circlejerk.

There's loads of more shit that makes this board worse than inoffensive shit like that. Mostly all the political soapboxing by stupid neckbeards.

What a retarded point of view from a absolute retard.

This board has been worse than Sup Forums for a long time.
Sup Forums bans/deletes comics and cartoons discussions if they're popular.

funny thing is this guy probably hates when students/feminists take over the strets to complain about something.

Toonfags already make this board far worse than Sup Forums

Nigger, have you seen Sup Forums in the last two days? If you think the Pickle Rick shit is a problem here, it's a fucking infestation there. Or were you ignorant to the mods blasting "Pickle Rick in the House Tonight" all yesterday evening across the board?

Sup Forums has been as bad, if not worse, for at least five years. Where the fuck have you been, slowpoke?

metaposting is even worse so please fuck off

every board gets one (1) and only one (1) meta thread