Now that reddit has left Sup Forums again and won't return until the Black Panther premiere to ruin the board with Sup...

Now that reddit has left Sup Forums again and won't return until the Black Panther premiere to ruin the board with Sup Forums posting.

Can we all agree that Blade Runner 2049 is now officially nu-male core.

Other urls found in this thread:

Normans and soyboys hate BR2049 though.

It was nu-male since the begging.

It's pretty much consensus at this point


Nope, it was a great movie

dobson triggers me so much

>more men than women die
>omg they hate women

Fuck off.


I hate this untalented faggot so much

Soyboy Choice Awards 2017
BR 2049 = Best Kino
Console = Switch
Most Anticipated Game = Labo
Best Album = DAMN. Kendrick Lamar
Worst President = Trump
Best Food = Degreased Pizza
Waifu = LUV

BR2049 is the greatest sci-fi film of this entire decade and will be talked about here for years to come user, you're free to whine about reddit every single time though

>having to post a edited photo

soyboys dont get BR and they hate it


>BR2049 is the greatest sci-fi film of this entire decade


t. didn't understand the movie at all

Fucking Dobson, I forgot that he existed.

Stop making fun of my kino. I will defend my virtual waifu with my life. MUH FEELS

soy leftists hate BR 2049 though...

You sure do know a lot about soyboy culture there user, I wonder how

If Joi is the only thing in BR2049 that you found memorable, you're the beta faggot here

I sure am glad that I don't know who this gay furry faggot is and don't use twitter.

sure buddy nobody understood a 3 hour ovie with a 100 page script.

>its so deep
>only I can understand it because i am such an intellectual

literally definition of soyboyism you are displaying here

shit shoop

original photo is pixelated, while the dvd cover is blurred

why are you even trying to test our intellect?

Name a single better one

Poor quality bait, try harder next time

His relevance has certainly deflated.

>coming from someone who used to draw inflation porn

I guess there are some perks of being a newfag

>reddit has left tv

he says in a literal BR2049 thread

Fuck off, Disney mom.

Go tuck your droopy, brown, wrinkly snatch lips back into your distended labia and head back to /plebbit/.

I thought it was a good movie

'Coherence' literally on no budget made at home with friends of the director that did not even have a script.

why would he be insulting and thoroughly criticizing himself in such a way
actually, if he was he'd be ok in my book as soyboys and numales hate self reflection/awareness


>pretending not to see
This level of self-deception

The soy/nu male meme has lost what little meaning it had left if you think this is nu-male core.
This is classic pseud-core.
If anything this movie

The only mommies on here are from r/The_Donald.

>being so patheticly contrarian that you have to shoop an image just to have anything resembling some negative evidence
Beyond embarassing

>Worst president

How is it nu-male? The whole movie is the struggle of one man to identify with his humanity and to find and connect with his long lost father. He fights, he kills both men and women, he has a woman he loves. Blade Runner 2049 is anti-nu-male soyboy cinema.

Out of all the possible films you pick out the C tier straight to TV trash that is Coherence fucking hell.

The film was just bunch of terrible stage-play like improvisations edited together. There was no script, the director literally gave the actors short notes on paper to improvise certain scenes and they fucked around for two weeks like that and that's it.
That's why you have such jarring changes in tone throughout the film (people finding out there are multiple dimensions and copies of each other and then talking about love and the dinner they had last night the next minute).

Not to mention the atrocious execution of every other filmmaking element. Non existent lighting, completely flat visuals, horrendous night shot with shaky cam and digital noise so bad that you can't even see what's happening on screen, choppy editing, generic stock soundtrack, constant boring back to back camerawork etc, almost zero use of the visual medium.
And before you say "the budget was low" you don't need budget to know how to operate a camera or direct actors. Youtube shorts have more artistic merit than that dogshit flick

>come here to get a way from plebbitors
>faggot posting mile long screen caps


>actually taking a meme that seriously that you try to "debunk" it
you're embarassing mate

whats wrong with older people surfing Sup Forums?

ageist, sexist shit

I didn't think it was that good, I just pretend to fit in

it wasn't bad

I just didn't think it was that good guys

>this level of soy rage because BR49 is shit for pathetic weak ass white bois that don't leave their house

Of course you can't relate to a movie that shows a dinner party with friends lol.

We have reached level of cringe that weren't possible before.

then why do reddit sadboi memers love it so much

Here's definitive proof that it's soykino

this the power of Blade Runner 2049 fanboyism. Pathetic autists.


all cape shit, nu wars hahahahaha

Fuck this board.


how is that proof? it just means its a legit good movie

by your argument Citizen Kane would be a soy movie since it would definately be featured in the top 10 movies of all time for both websites

>he judges films on the level of which he "relates" more too
>is a literal nigger
Just stop posting altogether. Also nice reddit spacing you nigger

>weak ass white bois

You really need to go.

>Reddit Runner fanboys screech autistically and refer to a dumb twitter screencap and claim its definitive proof that nu males hate it
>relevant statistic with large sample size is somehow irrelevant

Well Johnny they are what you call mindless nerd pop culture consumers, they latch onto references and 80s nostalgia as well as older scifi cult classics without grasping what made the original so great.
Honestly it is a good thing, it indirectly exposes them to good, uncucked cinema.

that was an old poll from a different time, before Sup Forums was flooded with hillary voters from reddit and the 2016 election

if you did a new poll it would probably filled with blade runner 2049, TDKR and drive

I doubt most people here even watched Citizen Kane, let alone a black and white film that wasn't Schindler's List

But those polls are only saying that Sup Forums likes BR2049 far more than reddit

Show your milkers mommy!!

Look at amount of votes for Blade Runner 2049 on Reddit

>Soy Runner redditors ACTUALLY compare their shit movie to fucking Citizen Kane

You can't make this shit up

>pretending like Sup Forums ever had taste
This entire board was made as a LOST containment board and stayed in that TV/blockbuster trash category since

Go back.

It's a poll for MOTY of 2017 m8

Wow, are you telling me reddit has more users than Sup Forums?

ITT: plebs now think they can recover their dignity by latching onto the hot new soyboy meme.

BR2049 is actually better than the original BR, and that is a sci fi classic

it IS a good movie, even if you want to be contrarian

Yes, more people have seen BR2049 than Coco, just like more people have seen Star Wars than BR2049 so ofcourse TLJ has even more votes.
But relatively comparing, Sup Forums likes BR2049 far more than reddit

>BR2049 is actually better than the original BR


>a movie made for r9k autist loners gets more votes on Sup Forums, home of the NEETs

really jiggles your noggin

like duh

but it is. It is everything BR was, but even more.

Well, that settles it. BR2049 is officially Man-core


>I saw lazer ships n shieeet

>he can only reply with "hahahahaha" because he has no legit argument

embarassing desu



nice argument. You are embarassing yourself. All you deserve is HAHAHAHA's.

lol. nice try faggot. this is the original.

Just look at this faggot rage.

>t. Redditor nu-male

Was about to include you up there until I saw "the begging"

2049 takes all the themes of BR, expands upon them, and also gives us the most human performance (gosling) in a very long time. It checks all the boxes. Visual. sound, cinematography. It even has a mindfuck twist.

>and also gives us the most human performance (gosling) in a very long time



>he froths at the mouth, hammering away at his keyboard with capslock on

Nice reddit spacing you filthy nigger

Not an argument

Soy Runner threads never disappoint my dude. The shit you read in them is just too much.








Based shitskin from twitter
el justo my ddudeo!

Honestly, I could go on for days about how Villeneuve constructs every shot, cut and line of dialogue as if they were not-so-subtle nudges to make the intellectually stunted feel like they're in on some intricate evolution in the art of plot; how Deakins' cinematography have just enough stylized gimmickry to pass off as something above-average to the ordinary moviegoer, from which such people can pat themselves on the back for having sat through their idea of cinema; how each "instropective" moment with the camera superfluously lingering on Gosling's dopey, emotionless face as he stares at nothing feels oh-so-very contrived, deliberate and unnatural; and how the movie is completely devoid of artistic merit and is merely a product that builds off of the legacy of a timeless classic.

But I won't.

>he pretends an Oscar popular Hollywood Lonergan film with Casey Affleck and Williams is something out of mainstream
It is a very good film and performance yes, but c'mon. Also you're only devaluing the film with your underage HAHAHAHA KEK LMAO responses

>the most human performance (gosling) in a very long time

Jesus christ

t. loner with no friends and Sup Forums threads are his source of human interaction and entertainment

Not a single actual argument, bravo my dear turboautist

Watch more films. This is a really fucking embarrassing post and reads like the back cover of a dvd

Sup Forums is especially braindead these last few days for some reason

hes a replicant in the movie but hes 100% relatable.

>hes too good for dvd covers

pretentious hipster much

Not a single actual argument, bravo my dear Sup Forumseddit tourist

The black cat spam should last about a month right? Whats after that then?
game of trash isn't coming out until next year so we're safe from that

Damn right, OP! In fact, every movie ever made has been nu-male tier crap. And if a person enjoys any films at all, they're obviously from reddit

Just imagine being the guy who mad this picture.
incapable of understanding how people can appreciate 2049 and love the original.