Is this guy the original Nu-Male?

how embarrasing

What does this have to do with TV?

He's a famous film critic.

he plays it smart and safe



That would be Patrick Rothfuss.


anyone have the seaworld edit?

I don't care how much of a cuck Kvothe is but jesus fucking christ every other chapter would be about how she came back to town and they flirted terribly for a bit and she skipped out on him
I'm so mad I can't even remember her name

well yeah
he got a lot of backlash back in the old days when he said something bad about some leftist politician as a joke.
people flipped the fuck out.

It's Todd

will wheaton

>tfw you date a girl then breakup with and still have to live as her roommate because you're a poorfag youtuber

It's Definetly Lotza


>A Boy and His Blob

>Todd hearing Lindsay get railed by Chad through their thin apartment walls after she dumped him and lost all that weight

i get why she left him, he´s ugly as fuck

Is that why he stays in the shadows?

the original bugman

El avatares de la estrogeno...

Lmfao. Where they live? Im gonna go give her some D and then pretend im Todds biggest fan and I have no idea who she is.

Just think, you could have fucked her for 3 years after meeting her on the set of that stupd movie

Dam that nigga ugly

not really, he's just the original loser who somehow made it on the internet. he is a man with no discernible skills. i guess he'd be a nu-male if he flaunted left wing tritre more often - maybe he does, i don't really follow him. if the internet wasn't around, he'd still be cleaning toilets


How old is Lindsay? Bitch looks like my mother at age 40.

>tfw i will never see doug cleaning toilets


Lindsay is getting married this year. First person to guess the gender of her fiance gets a rare TGWTG meme.


>guessing genders
Stop triggering me you heteronormative piece of crap. All genders are beautiful and unique

this whole book is numale fantasy escapism. very embarrassing.

>if the internet wasn't around
you can say that about all youtubers who made it user

Trick question, it's gender fluid


a dude

He fucks fat chicks just like guys wish you could

she looks THICC af, I'd smash that

Checked her twitter to find out about her marriage and found dozens of posts celebrating the Eagles because she moved to Philly from LA like 6 months ago

Seriously fuck women.

Remember that Kvothe is a stand-in for Rothfuss. He plays a character like him in RPGs. He lives vicariously through that character. Even in his fantasies he is a cuck. Just imagine being that weak and pathetic.

Thats not the nu-male/soyboy grimace, but Doug is a nu-male no doubt

modern numales probably started apperaring something around the 80's, stop ruining memes.
NC is just an opportunist who hates his own audience.

Todiarcelo el hombre sombra