So fucking disappointing

it's like they decided to rush the movie halfway through, so much wasted potential, how can people think this is kino?

because it was pure kino now kys faggot

Yeah the third act is a bit rushed, but nonetheless a great film, a yet another mediocre script that could've ended up like a whatever B flick everyone forgets in a month of so but is elevated because of Villeneuve's execution specifically

yeh the scooby doo-tier ending really kills it
cool atmosphere but most run of the mill B script ever which is a shame
""its also really pretentious""

literally hairkino the film

give daddy jake hair

so many elements get set up, and by the end turn out so lame, like the whole labyrinth deal, and the characters could be so much better fleshed out, it's like villeneuve really didn't care too much about this movie desu


>Hugh Jackman acting the whole movie
so disappointing indeed, he just over-react his character, too much capeshit for him.

is the spider look fashionable?

there wasnt even a labyrinth in it
just some pendant on some corpse

Why don't you like the ending? Loki has found Hugh Jackman, you don't need to see anything else

that's what I mean, what was the point honestly? the writing was too scatterbrain




>scooby doo-tier ending
i'm walking about the reveal of the kidnapper it was all so hokey, her pointing a gun at jackman's back and shit

blame normie audiences of today for this. the movie is already 2.5 hours long. any more and the outrage by all the adhd millenials wouldve been much bigger

yeah that whole reveal was pretty ridiculous, for most of the second act i was just hoping there wouldn't be a stupid plot-twist that reveals the aunt to be the psycho, but they fucking went there and it was so predictable

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yep, that character is supposed to have a murky backstory, he's a seeker.
That's why you know he'd rescue Jackman's character at the end, he doesn't let microscopic details or vague hints go, even though that wrecks him.

>masonic symbol on ring
>jew memes
you illiterate, ignorant cunts

>he thinks the masons and the jews don't relate

Tip of the kippah

would have been better if it was jake all along
this masonic ring as well sort of indicated it (which btw i suspected was the case when i first watched it)
pedo ring stealing kids and shit
fuck that would have made for pure kino but the frenchman bottled it

Because it has some of the basic cosmetic traits of kino while actually being a very pedestrian crime "thriller".