Will Netflix respect the European roots of The Witcher in their series?

Will Netflix respect the European roots of The Witcher in their series?


Not a chance.


The showrunner/writer has been pretty based so far, but you just know the (((producers))) will force PC shit.

Is this rethorical?

>European roots
>The Witcher

i could actually live with elba playing geralt

he's a great actor and looked cool in ragnarok

fuck no

AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA, not a chance in hell.
They'll find a way to make 2/3rds of the main cast black.

Goodbye Triss, hello LaTrissha

>Geralt is known for fugging tons of women
>make him black but mysteriously keep everyone else white
>BLACKED: the series

get out, the actor needs to be pure European

>looked cool in ragnarok
More like a hobo.

>he's a great actor and looked cool in ragnarok
I agree, he's great. But Geralt is not even remotely black.

In case you haven't noticed but there is a cultural war going on
All major protagonists needs to be changed from white men to black men/white women. Preferably in a couple situation

Idris Elba is cool enough to get a free pass.

>Cultural war

Triss being a Zoe Saldana would actually make her likable

How does the creator of the Witcher series not have some control over it? Im sure he would want a fucking white male as Geralt


It will just make slavs hate americans even more.

It would make sense how all those peasant girls,noble women and princesses couldn't resist his unique exotic look



Idris meme needs to die.

Because he sold the rights, so they don't need to listen to him if they don't want to. See: George Lucas giving tips to JJ on how to make EP7 and being ignored and told to fuck off. Once you sell it, it's not your baby to take care anymore.

Keep the major cast of characters the proper ethnicity. But if they want to sprinkles some blacks in as minor characters, who the fuck cares? It's MYTHOLOGY. Not history.

who gives a fuck? isn't it from poland? polish people are known to be stupid, stealing subhumans anyway. No difference in making him black

I didnt know he sold it what a fucking soyboy

The true fans "before games" know Sapkowski is alcoholic and does not care. Also he fucked up in past with rights so who knows where they are now. All he can do is say it isn´t canon, like he did with games.

Idris as Vesemir would be kino

If he didn't sell the rights then there wouldn't be any Witcher video games and the series would probably remain as an obscure Polish fantasy series.

Sup Forumseddit on suicide watch

>implying hobos don't look awesome

>who the fuck cares?
I do. And it's fantasy.

He fucking hates the games because he sold the rights for dirt cheap fixed amount, thinking that they would never become successful


He sold the rights by the time the games were being made? Who owns the rights CDproject?

>Zoe Saldana

Keep filthy Poles out

Just stop already. He's too damn old and you know it.

Because it looks ridiculous and take you out of the movie/show because you can't think about anything else other than how this casting was influenced by affirmative action and a political agenda. Seriously, look at pic related and tell me how you can take this seriously.

Mythology is fantasy. And you're dumb for caring. I bet you think there are proper demarcations for Dragons and Wyverns.

>too damn old to play an over hundred years old mutant

I wouldn't even mind if Idris Elba was cast as Geralt because he is pretty much the main character of some shitty harem anime

That's why I said
>being a Zoe Saldana

Then he's just an idiot.

CJproject owns the gaming rights, the film/show ones were probably bought by a obscure polish company and sold again to netflix. They are separate which means the show can't use direct stuff that originated from the games, only the books.

no he's not. Geralt is a fucking old man in appearance, not some smooth cheeked soyboy millenial.

No shit the character is old. But an old actor wont be able to play the part convincingly.

No, but there are proper demarcations for niggers and people.

He is Polish, so yes European

>No shit the character is old. But an old actor wont be able to play the part convincingly.

Pretty sure he's late 20s, early 30s in the first books that the show is based on.

The fact that he's black isn't ridiculous to me. it's his unfocused doofy expression on his face. He looks like he doesn't even know he's an actor in a show. They just grabbed some random black guy and put him in a suit.

It would be just as ridiculous if they grabbed just some white dude and put him in a suit.

He was a total shit in Dark Tower, didn't fit the role at all.

>an old man can't play an old man convincingly

>Pretty sure he's late 20s, early 30s in the first books that the show is based on.

And we found the root of the problem. Why didn't you just say you hate black from the beginning?


They are pushing Niggers to the front for now.

>it's his unfocused doofy expression on his face. They just grabbed some random black guy and put him in a suit.
And what black actors do you think they will cast? Will Smith? Keith Stanfield? Fuck no, it will be someone similar to what you described, like pic related.

Frankly I don't hate them that much, just keep them out historical and European fantasy movies, shows.

Do you think Mads can jump off a horse, sword fight and then go fuck hot bitches convincingly. Taking someone like the guy from The 100 and Shameless and making him look older will play much better.

I have no intention of watching the show, but Ibris Elba - or any other nigger - would be the GOAT choice just for all the comfy threads here on Sup Forums where Sup Forumstards will be absolutely SEETHING.

He's at least fucking 60 years old in the books.

>15 actors

fuck they couldn't narrow it down?

This shit stopped being European once Netflix got the rights

Oh, please enlighten me to your knowledge of Geralt's age, my larper friend.

Lol no. He's like 70 in the series so at least 50 in the short stories.

why would they

Whatever, no niggers pls.


>Do you think Mads can jump off a horse, sword fight and then go fuck hot bitches convincingly

Yes, it may surprise you that not everyone older than 30 are at deaths door. Even if it may seem like this to you in your tender age of 15.

He's not from Poland. He's from a fantasy world that's based off of polish myths.

Afaik the writer wants noting to do with the adaption including the games and he consider all those things non canon
He’s not your friendly writer like GRRM who would involve in the production

>Let's make the best knight black because PROGRESSIVE and lol black knight
>Didn't Lancelot fuck his King and best friend's wife, which leaded to the beginning ot Camelot's ruin?
>Oh shit right damn it we can't have a black person doing that! Let's turn him into a dindu.

Cowards that's what they are.

>The fact that he's black isn't ridiculous to me
Please neck yourself

le diversity face

He's a little older than 30 isn't he?

>And what black actors do you think they will cast?
For who? A supporting role? Because I said they should cast for minor roles. Not a character of Will Smith's status.
Also, why are you saying I want them to cast unfitting actors? Of course I want them to cast the most fitting guys for the role. In all ideals, it would be someone with a face for armor, and acting chops.

implying Neogaf colonists in nu-Sup Forums and their leftists mods don't want a black Geralt.

Sorry, my world doesn't spin when I see black people.


>Frankly I don't hate them that much
But hatred is your reasoning. Is it not?

M8 the Witcher has black people. I forgot what they call them there, but they exist.

t. Ahmed mad he can't force sharia on Polska.

And? Do you honestly think that a 50 year old man is incapable at playing a man 10 years older and not have a physical regime ensure that he doesn't break his ankles while dismounting a horse and wheezy at any sort of physical activity.

Seriously your fucking underage is showing.

Hello Sup Forums, today I will teach you how to spot a good or bad Netflix's Witcher thread.

A good thread:
>contains a pic of geralt or any of the girls from the series in the OP
>contains actual discussion about the witcher universe, and a healthy amount of bookfags
>is comfy

A bad thread:
>contains a picture of Idris Elba from Thor Ragnarok
>almost no bookfags
>no discussion other than race baiting

Hope you learned something today!

That is because you feel apathy toward your cultural heritage and as such has very little knowledge and understanding of it.

More like forced diversity is part reason for the hate.

Not him, but how is The Witcher your cultural heritage? It's a series of fiction books.

Based on Slav mythology and tradition

Are you saying that literature is not culture?

Any time it's done it's done to propagate a political agenda, if you deny it you're either a moron or a liar who happens to agree with said agenda. Get fucked, you shit eating cretin.

I've stated why I think Mads wont work and who I think would be better. All you can add is REE UNDERAGE DON'T DISAGREE WITH MY CHOICE.

It's also a visual medium. They wont be casting old ladies. I like Mads but I'm not eager to watch him drool on some hot girls in a sex scene.

i guess fucking white hair and cat eyes isnt exotic enough?

But it isn't Slav mythology. It's a hodgepodge of unrelated tropes and monsters completekt removed from the myths themselves. It also has elements that aren't even Slavic.

>the whitest god


Not if it's made up modern fiction fantasy. It's literally like saying Game of Thrones is European culture.