Comics that really make you think

Comics that really make you think


really nurtures the noggin

I think this one is 2smart4me.

>Turtles get to eat friend duck now and maintain control over their territory
How is this a bad thing?

How is the pond even a worse place than before? All that changed is that they now have more food.


Ducks can and will eat baby turtles. The turtles should just let that happen so they dont offend the ducks and their baby killing culture?

Omg don't u fucking turtle-supremacists ever stop to think of the poor duck?!!

*fried duck
bad autocorrect, filthy ducks are not friends

>t. Quacker

If there's a shell then they'll do well, if they quack then send them back.

I am, I'm thinking of much better the pond would be without some outsider eating our food, and about how good some fried duck would be right about now.

It could be an African Swallow.


that'll teach that poster

Why is getting upset at advertisements such a common thing with artists that're up their own asses?

>I hate corporate advertising! Greedy scumbags!


Why does she look so smug? She didn't do it to a real person. Also, I doubt any reasonable person would get so pissy at basic advertising.

I think we are looking at an autistic indivisual in the strip, folks. How progressive.

Because advertisements, unlike artists, make money.


r8 my comic

Relatable desu

I thought the advertisements were supposed to be talking to her, like some kind of surreal thing. So when the beer one goes like"BUYEEEEEEE" it's because it's mad that she can 'resist' it.

11/10 just printed it out and will now hang on my bedroom wall forever

Nice internet comic. I give it a 7/10. Basic but works. R8 my OC too.

That sudden jump to nazi turtles shouldn't have made me laugh.

That aint bad.

You should post it in /tg/, they'd love it there.

classic joke

These are shit but I miss classic Sup Forums mspaint comics so much that I'll say they're good.

They shoud've gone more extreme with it. The comic is already pretty unsubtle so don't stop there and go all the way. Have a section of the pond in the background with visible gas clouds over it with dead birds all around it.



Sup Forums/10


Oh, so this artist would fit in on /r9k/.

before they had raw fish and plants, now they've got cooked fowl? sounds like it's a much better place than it was before the change in governance.

I don't think it needs the third panel. I think it detracts from it.




It'd be more interesting and less "I'm not like other people" if there were multiple partygoers all connected to the same thought bubble.


Fuck ducks. Those turtles had the right idea.

Is this loss?


It's been a while since princess highground was here.


When did the war on the right turn into the war on centrists too?

No, it's a Jojo reference.

There's a difference between not picking a side and not caring about politics.

rate my new comic

When Trump won and the left have to blame somebody that aren't themselves.

wtf that's totally me *reblogs*

>"see how stupid that argument sounds when you use it out of context?"
>"just imagine how stupid it would be if you used it... in context"

Constitutional Scholar Randall Munroe everyone

>is a not a nice place to be right now
I mean I guess Super Mario would know about mean turtles.

really expands the dong

>Sup Forums in a nutshell

This one's actually funny.

Now shop Trump's head on the duck.


Bizarro am worst comic-guy.


I jerked off to this comic several times now. I've never nutted so hard.

poor weird al


I don't get these, are they made by some drama fag that feels the need to artistically express every single emotion they experience?

yes they are a person with an art degree


I guess what I'm getting here is that fascism will give me all the delicious juicy fried duck I can eat and I'm only learning about this now? Sup Forums really needs to fire its marketing department

>look at me I'm self-aware
>lacks self-awareness in ever other comic

>It's another, "I'm so clever for seeing the big picture, now pat me on the back," comic.
XKCD level.

See, this one is a good one.

I never knew being autistic was so rough.
Getting mad at posters, randomly screaming. What a life.

But if it's meant to be ironic, doesn't it ruin the intent that SJW's actually think exactly like that with no hint of irony, and the author clearly does as well, even if he's evidently not aware that he does?

doesn't this contradict itself in the first and third panels, between "beautiful and unique snowflakes" vs. "sea of mediocrity"?


You know the author?



Really roasts the coffee bean.

Y'know what would've maybe made this comic a bit neater?

If in the last panels the thought bubble was actually a cloud above the city, and in the last page we see the bubble trails coming from it start out as snowflakes falling from the cloud.



I really don't get why these people get so obsessed about coffee like it's some great thing.


Because it is.




Really makes you think.

In the third panel she looks like she's conducted an orchestra of double deuces

i love people who think the world is against when we all know the world doesn't even care we exist



The author is a predictable, dime-a-dozen tumblr "artist" who's comics can always be divided into three categories.

1. "I am bad with adult stuff I want to be a child forever".
2. "My expectations of life were not equal to the actual outcome".
3. "I am depressed/worried/sad, pat my back and donate to my patreon".

Yes, I know the author. Just like I know all the others who make the exact same comics over and over and over because they're incapable of anything resembling decent art or proper storytelling.
There's such a massive overabundance of that shit, and when you've seen one you've seen them all.



>A smart comic for smart people

how many hiddens losses are in this one? i count 7