Look who I ran into, Sup Forums!

Look who I ran into, Sup Forums!

>tfw 60 year old man is manlier than modern soygoys

you just know the qt in the back was all over his leather dick

Jesus he looks like a Jewish axe murder in the Australian jungles in the 1910s.

how do we save modern men, Sup Forums?

I bench 250, git gud fagit



fuck man even a fedora looks good on him.

>gibbo height: 5'9" (in his prime - most likely 5'7" these days)

How tiny are you little soys?

by sitting infront of a computer screen browsing Sup Forums all day

Holy fuck the guy to the left is cute as fuck

hes a bearded monk man

im mirin his gains


he looks like woody from toy story lol


Fucking hell Mel Gibson's wife is hot.

I found Wally/Waldo

>27 years old

Based Mel does it again.

This is literally the end goal dream of all men. To have a young woman as wife in old age. What a luxury!

If this was my life I would literally not know what to do with myself. But then again I'd be Mel Gibson so I would do whatever the fuck i wanted. Man, Mel is the man.

Is there anything more disgusting than creepy old men dating women in their 20s?
Talk about abuse of power dynamics

>tfw no young Mel bf

Yeah, guys in their 20s bitching about it.

The idea of waking up every day to a woman that beautiful is just surreal to me.

Are you saying she's too dumb to choose her own partner at the age of 27?

yikes. easy on the soy there....

>Is there anything more disgusting than creepy old men dating women in their 20s?
Women thinking they are worth a damn after 30.

A word used exclusively by non-competitive males and women who are no longer market potential.

>tfw ywn date young Mel
>tfw you will never grow up with muscle daddy Mel

AHAHHA, this faggot can't compete and is lashing out.

t. beta

Tfw you will never hate the kikes so much you literally turn into an Arab

I can smell your virginity from here.

its official now
Sup Forums is soycore

Why doesn't he just fucking shave. He's got a handsome face, not like those chinlets who have to hide it.

why didn't you punch the nazi?! coward.

>tfw you will never join Mel in a drunken brawl beating up oven dodgers and hitting on sugartits afterwards

He's not attracting you, you skinnyfat cuck. He's attracting prime pussy, something you have never touched.

hating jews now is realism not nazi user
go on fiverr and do any workd for any jew
i never got paid by a jew on fiverr they always take your work and dont pay in the end and the site is jewish so they always take their side.
its really fucking disgusting.

Shit, if I was 60s and had a qt like that, I'd be downing so much viagra I'd be seeing blue colors wherever I go.

>muh gym
do you bench after or before sucking cock, faggot?

>tfw 25 and in need of viagra
It's something in the water man


tits or gtfo

Was going to look for an image of a fat bitch with dyed hair but your bait wasn't good enough

It could be that you've become desensitized to sex after watching too much porn. I used to watch a lot of porn in my early 20s, now I'm 30 and it seems that my dick is a lot more "demanding" than it used to be.


Could be. But I don't think I watch much porn. Unless SFW stuff counts aswell.

Mel is a national hero in Scotland.
Braveheart is an epic film.
It's only poofters from England that don't like it.
Based Mel for Scottish prime minister.

fuck off and die
snow flake fuck
older dude dating younger chick means he's alpha as fuck.

No, just means he's rich and she has daddy issues.

you stink of jealousy and faggotry


gloryhole swallow clares ex bf second from left

you just KNOW

you stink of jealousy and faggotry
was meant for you, you stinking jealous faggot

Sounds like you have self esteem issues

why is he so magical bros?

he has been publicly caught saying what a lot fo us only dare think or say in closest company and we can relate.
There is a no doubt hollywood is run by gays and jews often gay jews, he used to seem mad now he's an average Trump supporter.

Well yeah, she's pregnant.

Dude has like 9 kids too, what a fucking champ.

bet he forgets there names sometimes
thats a not a criticism, it must just be hard remembering the names in such a big squad.

Can't quell the Mel

>what a lot fo us only dare think or say in closest company and we can relate

he was drunk and went into an outburst saying racist slurs.

Only racists and misogynists think that way.

It's not like he went Braveheart screaming "FAAAGGOOOOOOOOOOOTS" on a squad of pink-uniformed police beating him upside down with their nightstick, so relax

What does he think about Arabs and Muslims, j-just curious

>hurr durr
>growing a homeless man beard is now considered manly
>hurr dee durr durr


315 is the minimum for being able to brag about your bench

t. 260 bencher

There's no point benching big weights if you can't even do a one arm push up.

He's on test tho

Yes, I've frequently had to get out of a jam by doing one arm pushups. Never have to lift things with my arms though. Same with squats. If you can't do a one legged squat, who cares? How are you going to get through live without squatting on one leg?

Excuses excuses. You sound like one of those losers who brags about lifting heavy weights but has no functional strength or coordination.

>one-arm pushup
>functional strength

This picture is like a year old, it's from on top of Croke Patrick, OP is probably from reddit and saw it on there.

not him, but it actually is

if you can't exercise with your own body weight chances are you have no practical strength or balance and most likely you're a brainlet.

I would say chin ups/push ups, stuff like that is functional. One-arm pushups are a parlor trick.

There's no trick involved in a one arm push up. You can either do it or you can't. If you can't, you train until you can.

Holy hell why are gym rats this stupid.

So why can't people who squat big weights do a one legged squat without practicing the balancing aspect? 'Cause that's all they're missing, the technique. They obviously have the strength to squat on one leg.

He's been blasting stem cells into his system along with his dad, he probably doesn't even fucking need Viagra at this point.

No user, that strength doesn't transition into advanced bodyweight exercises.

Just like lat pull downs won't help you with a muscle up.

I'm sure you'll be feeling much better about getting beat up by a guy half your weight if you keep thinking "well, I coulda beat him, but I was just lacking the speed and the precision in my movements".

that nose....

This is my dream, to be in my 60s and get a girl from my current age. Living the god damn dream

I agree with what you're saying but it is quite hard to be manlier than Mel desu

D-do you do your sets with the seamen in your mouth still??

who could be behind that image?

what kind of soycuck wrote this?

Entertainment Lawyer AKA Enty. The guys based. He runs a site where he spills the beans on all the degeneracy in Hollywood.

Why didn't he say anything about Robin Williams' """"suicide"""" then?


I don't think anything was up with Robin. He was known to be a sensitive, tortured soul with many problems.

t. Howard Stern