Xavier The Redditor Angel

Xavier The Redditor Angel

Why do people pretend to like this shit?


Because "le so ironic"

>Rick & Morty accused as reddit meme show
>Xavier brought up as being better
>que shitposters now claiming Xavier is a reddit meme show

>Reddit Time with Finn and Meme
>Steven Redditverse
>Regular Meme
>Teen Memers
>Batmeme: The Brave and the Reddit
>Avatar: The last Redditor
>Johnny Memo
>Dexter's Memalatory
>My little Meme: Reddit is Magic
>Memey's Bizarre Reddit
>Reddit and Memey
>Magic MemeBus


exactly as planned

Why are people comparing these two shows? In fact, why are people comparing XRA to ANYTHING?

You're so vain you think this thread is about you.

I thought you were just joking around, but all of this site really is full of contrarian hipster fags.

because reddit is too afraid of losing their epeen points so they shitpost in Sup Forums instead for years ever since Sup Forums won against reddit in tribals and thread simulators, this board has gotten more shittier

Are you so dumb you answer rhetorical questions?

Now we pickle rick this show too right?

>The Amazing World of Reddit
>My Gym Partner's a Redditor


>Ren and Memepy
>Rocco's Reddit Life
>The Reddit Adventures of Billy and Memedy
>My Life As a Reddit Robot

>Bojack Horsememe
>Meme-urai Jack

>Red, Redd and Reddit

I doubt Reddit has even heard of this

um bro? we have a subreddit about it. To quote one redditor,

>Pure brilliance! I adore XAVIER. It's an incredibly smart deconstruction of issues of faith and family.

>Pickle Rick shitposting is now a staple on Sup Forums, which means Sup Forums, Sup Forums, and Sup Forums are probably going to get most of the runoff
>Xavier will now be associated with shitposting to counter shitposting
>We'll never have comfy Xavier threads without some asshat spamming Pickle Rick now


If you think this won't pass, there's a good chance you're stupid


That's what they said about Baneposting and Barneyfags. You're a moron for not preparing for the worst.

what is that cat doing

Because of this.

From the puns, to just how awful and completely contrary everything Xavier says, does, and believes is, to the deliberately jarring production in every sense... I love it all. Not to mention it's probably the most quotable show of all time...XD