WTF? He just randomly died at the end of Return of the Jedi. You didn't even learn who he was related to or his backstory. ROTJ ruined Star Wars!
WTF? He just randomly died at the end of Return of the Jedi...
This is the third time I’ve seen this kind of shill thread in this month alone.
You're kind of right. ROTJ ruined Star Wars precisely at this moment
Hey I'll predict the thread
>OP's post
>explanation of how that's a false equivalency
>OP responds with straw man argument conveniently ignoring relevant information
>OP is called a shill
fuck off, soyboi
Haha its almost like TLJ had forty years of worldbuilding behind it that warrants more information being given or something haha
Why didn't Admiral Akbar fly a few hundred of these into the Imperial fleet?
because he´s a fucking bitch
>implying 99% of the audience will ever or should ever care about that non-canon material
I'd wager more than 1% cares
Are you implying that future movies will elaborate more on Snoke? Because that's a stretch given how utterly shit Nu-Wars are at worldbuilding.
Emperor Palpatine's character comes from the fact he's the FUCKING EMPEROR. That's all you need to know.
1. Enemies are called The Empire
2. Lead by a guy called THE EMPEROR
It's almost like Sheev didn't exist in a universe built across 6 movies and other stuff and didn't need an explanation as to how such a powerful force user was never brought to light.
Snoke looked like he's in his 90s or older, so he'd have already been an old man at the time of RotJ, and presumably a force sensitive dude with enough money to fund a planet-killing superweapon is someone who would have been a notable person in the time of the original trilogy.
>be watching Con Air earlier today
>you never even learn who Cyrus The Virus's parents are
WTF? I thought he'd be the brother-in-law of Colin Meaney or something
>built up in empire to be a looming force
>revealed fully in return of the jedi, a menacing master of the dark side who's been ruling omnipresent for years
>impressed by luke's tenacity, but when he refuses to join; he almost kills him
>luke is only saved because vader makes an unorthodox choice to protect him, emperor gets caught off guard and dies in a way that redeems vader
>ends the trilogy by killing the big bad
>built up to be a looming force in the force awakens
>choking people through holograms in the last jedi
>can manipulate kylo since his birth but can't sense that kylo wants to kill him
>made out to be a credible threat but dies unceremoniously, his guards put up more than a fight than him (who also watch him die before doing anything)
>second movie in a trilogy and you kill off the big bad
great thread OP
>republic ruled for 20000 years
>this guy takes charge
>hires Darth Vader to kill all jedi
>dissolves the senate
>now rules uncontested
That was just in the first movie. What more do you need?
Meanwhile, with Snoke
>he's a guy
>he wears fancy clothes
>has more power than the empire ... somehow
>if they did that int he past, why we cant repeat the same now!
sjw millenial logic
fuck off rian and fuck you rian
How does one dissolve themselves?
How many times are you going to make this thread, you dumb faggot.
It's not the same thing as The Last Jedi.
We understand that the Emperor rules the Empire, something we've seen.
We understand that Vader works for him.
Emperor alone implies his position and power, then we see him in action.
In the sequel trilogy, we get Snoke. We don't ever learn what a Snoke is, just that he's this weird wrinkled thing that is in charge. We assume that he is the one who rebuilt the Empire, but we don't know how or why that happened. We don't know how this Snoke guy managed to destroy everything Luke Han and Leia and the Rebellion did in the original trilogy, because we're never told. And then he dies in the second one for no reason, all he did was show that he's even stronger with force abilities than anyone we've seen before, which raises even more questions that Rian Johnson smugly refuses to answer.
So fuck you OP, you're a retard even if you just post these threads as lame bait.
Let's introduce new important elements without explanation in the 8th film of a 9 film saga, that'll tie things up nicely.
because they didnt have unlimited and cheap hyper speed engines fucking retard
Nice try Rian.
TLJ is the worst star wars movie ever. Stop trying to deflect with these stupid threads.
>destroy entire fleets with a single medium sized ship
They had enough money in the budget for that
Needing "explanations" for shit in Star Wars is how we got Midichlorians
He wasn't smart enough to think of it. The move is called the Holdo maneuver, not the Akbar maneuver.
>Palpatine gets chucked in a pit
>Fett gets sucked into a pit
>Empire beaten by teddy bears
ROTJ unironically was bad.
I actually always wondered if the two things were related.
DESU it looks too much of a coincidence.
>led by the Rebel
Holy shit, Lucas was on a whole 'nother level!
>led by the Pub
>implying midichlorians are bad
>In the original trilogy, we get Sheev. We don't ever learn what a Sheev is, just that he's this weird wrinkled thing that is in charge. We assume that he is the one who built the Empire, but we don't know how or why that happened. We don't know how this Sheev guy managed to destroy everything the Republic did in the prequel trilogy, because they weren't made for 20 years. And then he dies in the last one for no reason, all he did was show that he's even stronger with force abilities than anyone we've seen before, which raised even more questions that George Lucas smugly refused to answer.
> Point your ship at the enemy and jump to lightspeed.
> The Holdo Maneuver
Incredible tactical genius
This guy gets it. We have bacteria on earth that can detect magnetic FORCEs. Before there was the question of how the Jedi could feel and control the force. Hell, every successful fantasy series explains the rules of its magic. Even fucking Harry Potter does this somewhat.
But that's okay the first time around. TLJ is the EIGHTH entry into the Star Wars trilogy. By that point we've met Sheev, watched him scheme the whole galaxy into a shitstorm, kill Samuel L. Jackson, fight a green muppet, become the senate, electrocute some twink with finger lightning and get thrown down a reactor shaft.
What the fuck have we learned about Snoke?
ROTJ was mostly good with some major flaws.
TLJ is mostly flaws with nice spectacle and some sporadically entertaining scenes.
Fuck off with that "hyperdrives aren't cheap" shit. Regular fighter ships have them. They fucking sit in a junk yard on Tattooine. They aren't some super rare, hard to make tech in the Star Wars universe.
wait 20 years like everyone had to with sheev, fag
But people were already satisfied with Sheev before the prequels. The prequels just acted like icing on the cake with regards to Sheev. Hell, it's because of Sheev and the Empire that people even give a shit about Snoke. People want to know what he was doing at that time. Not because they care about him as a character, but because they want to know why he wasn't around during the OT (the answer is obvious but a narrative explanation is still required to keep the world's integrity)
Obi-Wan's ship in AotC hooked up to a disposable hyper drive to reach the Outer Rim. He literally plugged in and then plugged out when he reached his destination. The technology has been around for TWENTY THOUSAND FUCKING YEARS
Imagine devoting time to talking about Star Wars at all in the first place. Why don’t you guys go to reddit where, if you don’t mind my saying so, is where you and all Star Wars discussion rightfully belongs
>responds to this thread
>But people were already satisfied with Sheev before the prequels.
how could you possibly know that.
>Defending Nu Wars
>Calling others soyboy
Because nobody complained. We saw the Emperor, the Emperor was evil, the Emperor died. Jew Jew tried to replicate the same thing with Snoke and Rian tried to put his twist on it by killing him off early, but he failed to realize that this was the eighth movie in a saga and universe that's been around for decades. The difference is that Lucas and the people making the movies did everything right with Palpatine
what medium was there to complain on.
The internet existed before 1999
Because Israel would've been nuked for this.