Why the fuck are there 200 characters on this goddamn show?
Why the fuck are there 200 characters on this goddamn show?
Brainlets please leave.
Learn their names or GTFO
>200 characters
>100 of them memorable
>50 of them great
>at least 20 some of the best characters ever depicted on TV
What a show.
If you can't remember the names of all the cops you're retarded, they're pretty distinctive
If you can't remember the names of all the nigs most of them kill each other by the end of each season so it's ok, just put on subtitles if you're a brainlet
any only the sobotka's mattered.
the wire sucks
muh race relations
I'm currently rewatching The Wire (I'm on S05E05).
Because you want it to be one way
> yfw
Omar's coming yo, Omar's coming. Ayyy yo
Ziggy was maybe my least favorite character in any TV show
You're fucking stupid
crimeshit is worse than capeshit
Ensemble casts trick the redditor's mind into thinking that what they are watching is "deep" and "complex"
See also: GoT
Fuck this commie trash
>The Wire was about race
how much of a brainlet do you have to be
This garbage is literally just any fucking CBS generic police procedural with black people and a TV-MA rating
The stupidity in this thread is making me more cynical about human beings than I already was
t. Soy
>nigger show
im sorry what?
>buzzword insult
Don't worry nigger, all the other niggers ate that shit up too.
Your nigger crimeshit is safe, they'll keep making it.
its literally a modern greek tragedy you fucking pleb not that you would know anything about narrative or anything because you're a fucking normie redditor Star Wars loving soyboy
>trying to watch legit garbage
Might as well join the BLACKED cast
What the fuck are you talking about I'm literally whiter than you spic and NOBODY ate this show up then and now, especially niggers. It's objectively the greatest television show ever created and fucking idiots like you love to bash on it because you feel insecure about fapping to blacked four times a day you absolute brainlet
cause it's a bad show, I tried to watch it, it's not good
>hurr nigger drug trade, hurr so epic
just watch cops
The Wire is peak reddit soy you spic
It was about boring detectives and boring niggers. Only plebeian americans find this show poignant.
Every nigger loved this show just like you do nigger. Nigger crimeshit will always be loved by niggers. It's why they rarely gave nigger super hero movies.
Lowlife movie criminals are who niggers look up to.
Jesus fucking christ you're hopeless. Back to watching your more intelligent shows like Stranger Things and other netflix originals. Fucking children I swear to god
Ease up on the soy there lad
Americans are so culturally barren that they worship a mediocre crime drama. "modern greek tragdey" lmao
>I know! Let's make another cop show!
Fucking genius! Put a lot of nigger criminals in it though
Ziggy was fine. His duck antics were good.
The game done changed... for real
>Ease up on the soy there lad
Nigga this show is literally BB and GoT tier
Please by all means show me some real art like one of your countries masterpieces, I've never seen anything from Yugoslavia before
I have this poster on my wall and it has 52 different important characters from The Wire so you're really not that far off
It's not just a cop show have you ever read a fucking book before you dumb dumb motherfucker
Oh Yeh it was a cops and robbers show. How did they ever manage to delve into such new tv territory.
how dare you compare this show to game of thrones
the wire at least has a point to the story
You're meant to detest that little faggot.
I have this problem with every sow I watch, it only happens in the first episode though. I always come back to watch the very first once i watched all seasons somehow.
That really was new territory though.
Because it relies heavily on the theme of realism to portray the many facets of the modern American city. And as reality does it contains a deeply textured and detailed cast of human beings interacting in various capacities. Basically it wasn't made to be binge watched by capeshit loving netflix original fans and as such doesn't limit itself to having a maximum of 10 one-dimensional characters for the sake of undulging brainlets like and
The Wire = complex and deep
GOT = complex and not deep
>Shitty nigger crimeshit
>Its so smart bro
Nothing more ironic than Sup Forumstards shitting on The Wire, a show about niggers fucking themselves in a shithole of a city ruled by liberals.
Then how come obama liked it
I'll take it.
The Wire is still dogshit.
>Police and niggers
Let's make a show about the dumbest mutherfuckers in the world and pretend they are both smart.
Literally nothing about The Wire depicts the characters as smart which you would know if you'd watched it
He also said he likes Kendrick Lamar, it's called a publicist
The budget version of Ben Affleck.
>pretend they are both smart.
Did you really watch it? They constantly shit on both for being incredibly stupid.
Then why would he say he liked U2 and Wilco too
> it's called a publicist
Worst popular show ever.
Unrealistic niggers, unrealistic cops.
Guy who said CBS got it right, show belonged on CBS or Fox. Standard network dogshit.
Ridiculous hyperbole. Doubt you watch much.
The street nogs are usually portrayed as close to retarded. They even make a point of saying that that they're only good at basic math because they sell drugs.
And yet they still didn't do anything near to an accurate portrayal of Baltimore niggers
Overrated. Seasons 2 through 4 are filler.
Even if that were true it'd still be a really good show though.
.....well i never thought i´d write this.
But these new kids trying to impress Sup Forums while shitting up quite potentially good threads.
Real cancer must i say.
childhood is thinking you're mature because you watch the wire
adulthood is realizing the wire is jewish filth promoting racemixing
I, uh think you've got those mixed, kid
i dont think adulthood is typing like this
If anything it's season 5 that feels the most like a filler. I don't remember most of it.
>McNulty the serial killer and SuperOmar
I'm getting through S5 now and stuff is getting silly.