Its a ricky calls himself and steve intellectuals episode

>its a ricky calls himself and steve intellectuals episode

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wtf I hate Islam now thanks Ricky.

It's a whine about gervais thread

Mandatory viewing

*tips fedora*

hating Islam. That's racist. You can go back to Sup Forums dumpf supporter

>nothing to die for
And that's why Islam is going to conquer Britain. Muslims have conviction and ideals willing to sacrifice while whites think nothing matters.

its sad that he cant shut the fuck up about his views on religion and politics because it killed his humor for me

he was at his most hiliarious drunk and not giving a shit back in the days of xfm

Rick(and Mort)y Gervais

The green ranger owns a dojo near where I live

Nihilism is a mistake, it truly is.


He was at his best as David Brent and to a lesser extent Andy Millman. On XFM he was funny but he wasn't even the best thing about the show.

nah i prefer radio ricky than tv ricky but then again i also heard him there before i saw the office so that might play into that
he was never as good as he was with merchant and pilkington those first few years before he hit too big

This guy is so annoying. Not that funny. The only thing good he gave us was Karl.

This guy talks about his atheism like Christian fanatics talk about Jesus: No one asked them, but they're still going to tell people about their beliefs.

Stephan merchant is great too

Not even remotely similar

Yeah, it is. Ricky goes on about his anti-religious rants even when people weren't talking about religion. It's annoying and it's no different than hearing religious proselyting. He constantly bitches about religious people, but he's no different.

I really enjoy how An Idiot Abroad really highlights how unfunny Ricky is. Karl doesn't even fucking try and he's 100 times funnier than he is unintentionally.

It's even more apparent in Moaning of Life which Gervais and Merchant have 0 hand in

Guy is actually really fucking funny, just a weird lil fella

>nothing to die for
aka cowards