Sopranos General

Who was your favorite character and why?

>inb4 pleb taste

Other urls found in this thread:

"And the Romans, where are they now?"

Johnny cakes

Paulie made me laugh the most. Junior is probably the shadiest and most tragic person ever put on TV.

Tony. Because he's a complicated character than can make me laugh and root for him at times and absolutely detest him at others.

fuck yourself user, Sup Forums doesn't need any more of this faggotry.

AY, AY, WATCH IT, user

The most underrated one

>open the door
>see pic related
>"Une tousand dollar, puttano"

What do, Sup Forums? Keeping in mind that he is literally operating at peak male peformance


Christopher was a junkie piece of shit.

kill yourself you memeing faggot sack of shit


t. Furio

season 6 is so fucking miserable that i can barely watch it

Chrissy, Artie, and Paulie I think. Changes all of the time

I liked Bobby

He was killed off way too early. Guy killed every scene he was in

>I didn't understand the show

Based Ralphie

a true psychopath who really loved being a mobster

Ralphie will always be best character


Easily Silvio for me. He's not the flashiest, the funniest, or the coolest but he's the rock that keeps the crew together.

Sapranos had the ability to be great, but floundered and grew shitty.

It's shit, the best episode was the finale. after a shit load of nonsense episodes.

Tony, obviously.

Shoutout to Benny for being the guy always getting into fights that he didn't start and getting his ass kicked for it. Also that time he fucked up Artie Bucco

>he fucked up Artie Bucco

Miserable how?
This. Sil was (almost) always moral, and loyal to the bitter end.

Any show that has a better season 1 than its other seasons needs to be accepted as failure.

Well I mean he got destroyed by Artie first but still, that scene where he shoves Artie's hand in the boiling hot soup is just great.

All of my this!! Silvio always was the one to ground Tony, keep his head down, keep the bada bing running, and never went off doing some stupid shit. Silvio 4tw

Came to post this exact scene.

What a god damn stupid thing to say. New rule: you have to think about things for 5 minutes before posting them from now on

>lmao brah twas awseome when he shove arties hand in da soup huuurrr
kill yourself faggot

>god damn
>New rule:
do you feel in charge youngfag?

>Also that time he fucked up Artie Bucco
t. Benny
Artie kicked his ass. Then the prick came from behind to shove his hand in soup.

kek, if only you knew

everyone hates eachother, most of the original crew arw gone and everything is dark and black

But Season 2 is even better?

Tony because I've only seen the first episode.

But that's what makes it so good

Um.. No.

Season was shit. The best season was one.

The finale was the best episode imo

makes me depressed

silvio is a push over. he always wait for tony to say something, then he says the same thing, then tony says something opposite and silvio says the same thing

He always expresses his opinion, but sometimes he backtracks or says that Tony's view is valid as he is aware of Tony's dislike of dissent.

giv un thousand dollas

go and watch pokemon faggot

hows your sister?

>It's a Richie/Jackie Jr. Aprile fucks everything up episode

Was their family cursed or something?



What is that? A gay strip club?

The perfect woman doesn't exi-

Was waiting for that fucker to die since the first season.


Silvio. Doesn't fuck people over for no reason and generally the most moral of the bunch.

>those choppers
dumb fuck

>being this contrarian

you really are retarded user

Johny Sack

Sonavah BITCH!

Catching, not pitching?

fuck off reddit

>google one day the Sopranos' actors to check their other works
>check Paulie, Tony Sirico
>guy was actually a mobster
>soldier of the Columbo family
>was arrested more than 30 times
>started acting in jail

What the fug?

>implying modern Italian criminals are in any way related to the Romans of old

I have the same name as him and I can grow a monobrow, so he is up in my top 10.

Furio is such a boss

>can grow a monobrow
thats not a good thing you disgusting faggot.

Tony's had a hard life.

>Implying you don’t want to lick the sweat off my manly monobrow

>Why are we still here, Skip?


The show gets too depressing for me starting season 4.
I know they wanna portray that things are spiraling out of control(especially for tony) but I miss the dynamic the first two and to some degree the third season had.
Everyone just starts pissing on tony behind his back, even his closest bros, like Sal with the "I have your back, you dont need to ask tony" shit.
And its so sudden in many cases as well. Same with Paulie, even though they tried hard giving him reasons to fuck t. The only one who made sense in that regard was Ralph as well as johnny sack, who was established as that kind of plot device in season 2 already.

Why does everything have to have a purpose? The world is a jungle and if you want my advice Anthony, don't expect happiness. You won't get it. People let you down and I'm not naming any names but in the end you die in your own arms. It's all a big nothing. What makes you think you're so special?

>its so sudden
fuck off casual

Im sad we didnt got the real s3 when she was gonna testify against T, why did she had to die, we missed on an epic season and instead we got fucking Jackie Jr

Geez. He was already an old man before I was even born. And now he's 75. Not trying to be morbid but he'll probably be dead before too long. If he doesn't get a sticky so help me god these fuckin' mods are gonna pay.


The show unironically falls apart after season 2. Characters are acting irrationally for no reasons and the writing often is just pure nonsense.
has a point.

Agreed, this plotline is one of the great what-ifs of TV history. In a way her dying suddenly and leaving Tony without any sense of closure was a fitting end, but god damn that would have been some good television.

>did she had to die
Kill yourself faggot

>Show keeps this fucking asshole alive despite everything he does.
>Start showing that he might actually be able to change for the better.
>Kill him off.

Brilliant and cruel at the same time.

Soldier? He was a associate allegedly.

paul vincent didnt get a sticky, why would tony sirico? mods are plebs

frank vincent*

So who takes over the family after Tony's implied death ? By the end of s6 New York had had multiple leadership changes in a handful of years so they don't seem to be in a position to absorb them, and there doesn't seem to be anyone left to run the show in Jersey.

theres no point talking about it because he didn't die


Paulie of course, then patsy

>Neglects children
Ralphie did nothing wrong.

they are but pretty much all of europe and north africa would be as well so its not saying much

Man, fuck him. He beat that 20 year old hooer to death. Fucking broke my heart. Tony should've iced him then and there.

she was a beautiful innocent creature

That doesn't make any sense.

how about fuck you user. that little whore had it coming, she was a sick cunt.

considering his position he had to go



and I know that wasn't my kid she was carrying.

I was doin' a lotta coke Tony, I'm sawry.

t. Ralphie.

fucking cunt burnt a little kid with cigarettes. I wish I could have been out the back of the bing so I could throw acid in her face, just so I could distance myself.

>>Start showing that he might actually be able to change for the better.
lmao another brainlet falls for ralphie.

>t. charmaine