Star Trek /Discovery/

Old Rate season 1

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burham dindunuffin wrong

Sad thing that all that political SJW shit will be forgotten in 10 years. But the fact that Federation IS THAT weak and Terran Empire did nothing wrong will remain as canon.

As far as first seasons go:


>Star Trek Discovery, Season 1, Episode 15, "Will You Take My Hand?"

I rate the overall season about a 6. Certainly decent as far as first season Trek goes.

>I will admit I both rolled my eyes and got goosebumps when the NCC-17... showed up on the console at the end. Obviously they wanted to leave it will enough hype for season 2.

See you guys in 2019!

For a Star Trek first season, really quite respectable. I mean, I love TNG, and its first season was trash. In comparison, there’s a lot to be optimistic about here.

Shitposters BTFO.

>Saru: We. Are. Starfleet
>Black people, womyn, droid-gril and soyboys stand up on the bridge, facing Admiral Brianna Wu.

>Federation IS THAT weak

son, cloaking technology is serious business, and Klingons were literally hitting the Federation on 24 separate fronts with that shit, including kamekazi runs

>Star Trek Discovery, Season 1, Episode 15, "Will You Take My Hand?"!twpQxaJK!dn6HQhJ6rtTv9qKMlRAK4LqFAEtiQ4MdCetxaoK36OY

We are living in the future.

Fuck you, I like it

I've got to agree with Star Trek Discovery is a solid 6 and in the scope of Star Trek first seasons it does its job adequately. I'm not really crazy about the style of the show, but I can watch it for what it is.

I'm a huge fan of Trek, and I can say I liked Discovery. Is something wrong with me?

The federation now KNOWS that the defiant crossed into the MU, even though it won't happen for 10 years. So they have to let this happen, or undo the end of the war.

Needs more blue

mirror universe and the Lorca plot twist salvaged an otherwise abysmal

as others have said a solid 6, with potential to do better

also cast Pike and Spock

no u

why, just fucking why

how hard is it for these goddamn children to keep 1 goddamn thing historically canon? We have had every prime universe TV show and movie respect the old design even up until ENT with the Defiant, yet these faggots HAD to change it. Why? For snowflake points? Fucking why???

4/10 jj abrams star trek tv show.

I don't hate the gay guy now his partner is dead, still dislike him tho.No it's not because he's a fag

Burham is meh logic vs feels etc, boring.
Saru is also meh, him being alien is his only interesting trait.
Tilly is the only likeable character and the rest i forget there names and don't care about them.

One terran captain hold the whole frontline. One captain.
>Reeee, he had superweapon
There was other starfleet ship with that tech. But ship under command of terran captain survived. Ship under command of scientist pacifist marshmallow blueberry Federation did not.


What do you see for season 2? Obviously they don't have anyone cast for the captain yet. I wouldn't mind an adventure with Pike and Co (recasting Spock is gonna be fucking tough unless he isn't aboard yet I think) for a few episodes then give us the new captain.

6/10. Some good moments and some godawful moments. Most of the characters were fine except Burnham. Jason Isaacs and Doug Jones gave the best performances. Too many lame and rushed plot twists. They almost jumped the shark with Mirror Lorca, but tied things up pretty decently at the end. I really wish they can salvage it next year.

STD happened after timeline split. We have no idea is it a prime universe or what.

I want to see Dax.

They should just make it take place in the Abramsverse. That way they can eventually get cameos from the movie actors.

It's sad when your show gets its ass whipped by the more creative, better acted, superior Star Trek show.

Seriously, you STD cucks lost and I think if you died irl, nobody would care.


there was one briefly at the Orion camp

That was weird how they wrapped up everything in 10 minutes lmao

One random trill. I want Dax.

I rate it 1 butthurt liberal writer out of 10 for a Star Trek. 2 out of 10 for a regular sci fi show. Everything about it sucks except the visuals.

8/10 until the last episode, which made it 6/10.

Lorca just said he wants to "Make the Empire glorious again".

Why did Burnam let MU-Georgiou go? It doesn't make any sense.

#MEGA my dude


Wait until they reveal that Captain Pike is a tranny.

excited to get 7 days free on CBS and marathon it now

7/10 until Lorca died. Rest 5/10. Too many Trek purists and Orvillecucks complaining.

5 out of ten it was ok

Yes and in 15 years this reference would be written in Wikipedia because it will lost all relevance to that time. Just like people don't connect TNG with Clinton's time political themes.

>kill off innocent characters indiscriminately
>leave the ones who need to be killed off alive and free

The Federation made a deal with her.
Also, even with the change of plans, her part of the deal was still relevant for securing peace.

are you retarded and don't know how to pirate a show?

3/10 - it wasn't very good at all and the worst part is they're going to have serious trouble fixing this not least because the cast is mostly shit.

>but it's the first season

That doesn't stop it being bad and first seasons on Voy and TOS weren't bad.

The Empress was fun though. I liked how they didn't play out her agonising choice with Burnham and how she remains in character.

Cadet MILKIES/10

>paid shill
Hey pally, Reddit is over there.

OMG, just imagine Burnham and Q.

Just exploring some shit. Have some fun.

STD was a boring 4/10 show until the Mudd groundhog day episode, that episode was a 7/10

Mirror Universe stuff was mildly interesting, 6/10

Everything else was a 5/10

Go watch The Orville, it's a 7-9/10 show

TNG didn't make political themes about the election, or the presidential actions. Name one episode that reflects Clintons campaign slogan, Clintons politics or policies. Every episode of every Star Trek ever dealt with social issues and religion. Never blatant Washington politics. Only people that never watched Star Trek believe that it was a liberal show. It was centrist. That is how we got an episode of voyager that was about holocaust revisionism and denial in its allegory.

It's been stated many times that it is prime universe (irl it has to be for copyright reasons).

Too late for that now. Pike is dead in Abramsverse and the Enterprise looks different.

>Orville will be played more serious next season
>STD will be taking notes of Orville's praise

Seth had perfect timing. It's like he knew STD was coming out and what was going to happen.

Since they write Burnham as a Tumblr fan fiction Mary Sue, she will obviously kill Q accidently and take his god powers like they always did in Star Trek when you kill a Q because they are obviously highlanders, then use her newly gotten Q powers to travel in time to prevent the death of her original captain, and save the original Lorcas ship to prevent all of the first season from happening, then go on to meet and marry james t kirk.

Burnham couldn't kill Georgiou either.

I hope they scissor

This episode was ghost-written by Rian Johnson.

They wouldn't have Sarek aboard the Discovery if Spock wasn't on the Enterprise.

>Go watch The Orville, it's a 7-9/10 show
Watch a TNG fanfic, no thanks.


So it was written by Rian Johnson's girlfriend?

Yeah I'm dumb as a rock senpai

I was talking about the Enterprise specifically, but the klingons I do have issues with for a variety of reasons, but at least they can be grafted onto the idea of Klingons in general, there is room for them somewhere. This video has some good arguments to make as well and it's refreshing to actually see some real fucking discussion about the show and canon rather than handwaving dismissals and personal attacks from normalfags like they did with Star Wars.

The Enterprise though is a direct conflict towards established canon, they could try to fix it by claiming it's an early version of the Constitution and that the Enterprise will be refitted before The Cage, but I seriously doubt it.
No, the entire point of this update is change for the sake of change, it's completely lazy and just brings to the front the entire problem with prequels and retreads, it runs face first into the brick wall of canon, it causes problems that need not have existed had they either made it a non-prime universe or reboot. Instead they have gone with a horrible middle ground of retconning the actual Prime canon.

Life imitates art?

So Pike, Spock, and New Captain are imminent. Looking forward to that I guess..

So, can somebody make Virgin Micheal vs Chad Empress?

Watch either a high quality "TNG fanfic", or watch a boring, poorly written, war in space show, that pumps money into its visuals and hardly any into its plot and story.

Literally the tv show equivalent of AAA walking sim movie games, that wows gullible normies with "muh graphics" but has no meat to it.

Make sure that has subtitles

If Disco keeps getting better at this pace then I'm ready to pony the fuck up for CBS, even if we don't get a full Georgiou Orion sex slave 3-way scene.

this really is the issue isn't it? If only there were room for indie and mid level studios in this area, too bad Trek isn't public domain and probably never will be.

STD roadmap: first episode (even if it's not good you have to watch the premiere), Mudd episode, all MU episodes, finale? Maybe there was another fun one hidden in there

I think they're getting a whole new cast for the bridge crew, they never made robot + fat black girl + asian guy etc talk for a reason

I wonder who will be the next captain?

Not a white captain that's for sure. It's 2019.

I always thought the engine nacelles needed giant picture windows to let in light.

The writers missed a golden opportunity to have Warhammer 40,000 universe Harry Mudd be the good guy that saves the day.

Holy shit, it's the NTX Enterprise refit

Nigger captain? I bet so. He would knock up that Michael.

The only enjoyable bit was the TOS theme over the end credits. It makes me imagine the show that could have been.

They were going to Vulcan for the new captain, so I'm hopeful for a Vulcan captain.

If they replace robo redhead I'm dropping Disco no matter how good it's getting.

>Nigger Vulcan

Cirroc Lofton for captain

2/10 - They fucked with canon too much. Unforgivable.

Best part of the entire season was the Enterprise showing up.

6/10. The story goes everywhere haphazardly, and they don't do a good job of making environments feel legit. Though that's probably a consequence of being TV and having a limited budget per episode. Things I liked
> Michael
> Lorca
> Stamets
> Tilly (but please, lose some weight and get rid of that distracting mole)
> Klingon new design
> some of the action scenes
> visual design

Seems like a decent update without going full JJ.


what a retarded way to end the season

>The only enjoyable bit was the TOS theme over the end credits.
>The only enjoyable bit
>only enjoyable bit
I guess that means you didn't appreciate the strippers, or Georgiou's threesome scene. Your gay is showing, reddittyper.

>when Tilly Nazi salutes the Emperor and Michael tells her to stop
Admit it, you laughed too.

Holy shit...I didn't even think of that. But then again, didn't they claim after leaving the mirror universe that everything had to be kept secret? So, possibly only Section 31 knows about it...

mfw i'll never get tilly high in an orion sex club

>Never faltered in his duty
>Never lost hope in the ideals of Starfleet
>Never sacrificed morality for expediency
>Grew from beta to alpha throughout the course of the season

When did you realise Saru was the main character Sup Forums?

She looks malnourished...

Saru is so based. Can he just stay captain?

The Tyler character kinda sucks but I have to say that hearing some random guy talk in the funny dramatic Klingon voice is one of the best things the show does and I'll be sad if he's just a bit character from S2 on

He went hippie, then berserk.

Wasn't there that one episode where he literally did all that?

Why is Stamets still around? He’s just a civilian who got conscripted due to the war.

No one else is talking about it so I'm just gonna go ahead and throw it out there: The Enterprise is under the control of the crew of the ISS Discovery and they sent out a false distress signal to attract the attention of the Discovery.

Not that this is what I want to have happen in s2 but I can already tell its what the writers have in store for us. To be clear, yes, this theory has kinda holes in the logic and doesn't quite match up but that's just how sloppily this show is being written.

I laughed actually in a few bits in this episode. The whole episode seems to be an opportunity for Tilly to be the 'fat comediennne' we all know she could be. Like Amy Schumer.

I also laughed heartily when Burnham faced the Admiral on the bridge. I don't know why...I just found it hilarious. There's something so utterly transparent about the intentions of the writers. It's like when you read those fucking articles that end the topic/subject heading with, 'and that's okay'. It's obvious what they're doing. There's no 'let's look at the issue from different sides, seeing the benefits and drawbacks, like adults, and then understanding that one set of people will go one way and another will go another way not because necessarily something is universally right but because both can work if people do them in a smart way.' No...this is just Michael always being right...and being more right than anyone else,and it doesn't fucking matter. They write it this way...everyone thinks something odd or wrong and she is always there to say what she thinks, which is just an insertion by the writers.

Topic: Is it okay to kill children?
Bad Guy: Yup, we do it all the time and eat the remains.
Federation Representative: Well, we'd rather not if we don't have to.
Burnham: You're all WRONG! You can't kill children, ever.
Federation: We have to...
Burnham: You'll find out that I'm right by the end of the episode...

They should have made him more badass, and not a pussy race.