You did lose your virginity before high school ended right Sup Forums?
You did lose your virginity before high school ended right Sup Forums?
i lost it in college. maybe because i was fat and ugly in high school, but losing my virginity was never really a top priority for me until college.
Even if you were moderately attractive during the early 2000s, you could bang milfs every fucking day thanks to wondrous websites like AdultFriendFinder. They loved the jailbait for some reason. It was an interesting time to be in high school.
I'm never losing my virginity and there's nothing you can do to make me!
haha no, 42 now and still haven't haha oh lordy
i actually did some how. didn't have sex again until i was 20
of course ha ha it's not like i'm still a virgin at 22, that would be crazy
Lost mine at 22. I believe in you user.
there are more cougars now than ever
I doubt I'll ever have sex at this point. 23 now.
I didn't
only a year and a half until I get my magic powers
I lost mine when I was 7.
I believe it and good luck to you young guys. I've taken enough scalps though. Eventually, you just kind of get tired of that shit and move on.
why are u obsessed with this? who cares?
check out the big dick on Chad
Your dad fucking you in the ass doesnt count
Lost mine at 16 to a 21 year old lesbian.
tfw when to intelligent to have sex
90's born queer shut the fuck up
>90's born queer
I didn’t lose it until I was 22 I think
I don't care about my virginity anymore, I'm just lonely. I'm out of college and stuck working a job that takes up all my time now. I don't like life.
Yes. Though I didn't have a satisfying sexual experience until after high school ended.
There are plenty of desperate whores on the internet who would gladly give you attention.
I was also fat and then less fat in high school and also not sociable at all. Lost it at 21. Could've lost it at 19 but I was stupid.
No. I was like 25
Then I realized that sex wasn't a big deal, and I rapidly lost interest.
I lost it at the age of 14, and the same girl who I lost my virginity to was also a virgin who lost her virginity to me.
Plus, I would later on marry her fifteen years after our first time.
26, still a virgin, and have made no effort whatsoever over the years to train my social skills, so the next time I get the opportunity to get laid I'll still go into avoid mode for whatever reason
But, at least I've kissed four different girls so I might be a virgin but I'm not a kissless virgin.
But are you hugless? ARE YOU HUGLESS?!
Just made it, lost it that May before graduation.
I'm a virgin at 22, and I'm in the military, which is a complete sausagefest and the few wooks that exist are already taken
>I'm a virgin at 22, and I'm in the military,
you made poor choices user.
Yes, but not to a human.
I was molested when I was 11.
Nah man, hugs are the easiest, kisses aren't hard either as long as you've established rapport. Hardest thing is sitting on a bed together and actually going through with sex, I've had four massive, sex guaranteed opportunities but I chickened out last minute cause I have no idea what to do.
I was a loser in high school, and I still am, but now at least I'm fit, worldly, and have training for a 6 figure job in the civ world
>I've had four massive, sex guaranteed opportunities
that sounds like bullshit user
I lost my virginity in the year this movie came out.
You know getting laid isn't as hard as Sup Forums makes it out to be, right?
You're right, it's harder.
You've never been in that situation? Let me tell you, getting the chance to fuck is one thing. Actually doing it is a whole new fucking obstacle.
do sucking other boys count?
yeah I was even in a relationship for 8 years but the description in that post sounds like a something a virgin teen would say.
My niece is 11 and hot and Im considering it
kill yourself faggot
I'm gonna have to agree with user or just label the other user a massive dweeb. When you're chilling in the bed a female companion and you're making out with them it really isn't that hard. In fact it's even easier since she's getting aroused. This claim doesn't add up.
Don't do that.
if you're in that situation it means she wants to fuck. you're a liar.
>hes bitter because not even faggots wanted to touch him during high school
you must have been like fat
Jesus Christ...
poofters need to be executed user. they shouldn't be sticking anything in anyone.
>leather skin
>boob gap
Nah I'm a wizard bro
Lost my virginity during my freshmen in college. I was a fucking loser in highschool i promised myself i'd be "cool" in college and hang out with the chads and got drunk almost everyday. Lost it first 2 weeks in a frat party. Boosted my confidence and was fucking girls left and right, but i almost flunked
>says the useless fat NEET virgin living off welfare and jerking off to chinese cartoons
So how's life now user? Got a decent job or a sweet honey on your arm?
Autism doesn't get the peepee fucked
It was a traumatic experience. I have extreme distrust for other males.
When I was six years old with my cousin. We had no idea what we were doing, just reenacting a porn we secretly watched.
Yeah, pretty much. The chad guys that I hanged out were pretty cool and taught me how to get girls and get confidence. Turns out when you get so much pussy it will come as a passing thought after everything else
That's my whole point user. It's one thing to end up in a situation where you know you're guaranteed to have sex, you know she's ready for you. But actually going through with it is the hardest part, for me personally at least.
Like I said, I've had those opportunities before but I always ends up flustered and sperg out so hard I pretend the moment's not there. I'm just too much of a pussy to do the actual deed even when it's handed to me because I'm too anxious and insecure about being 26 years old and having no experience in the slightest. I think I'll make a fool of myself so I make up any excuse to end the situation so we both go home or sleep in separate beds or whatever.
If I had some damn balls I'd have gone through with it by now.
i'm "old" and own my own home user. I'm the user who was in the 8 year relationship. I realise you're a youngfag who's grown up in a culture rife with faggot filth but that isn't right user. faggots and queers and tranny shit is a fucking abomination.
>a sweet honey on your arm?
Are you a nigger?
>he thinks he is the arbiter of what is right and what isnt
mind your own business grandpa
>The chad guys that I hanged out
Fuck off third word cuck
>he thinks people can just choose not to be gay
nobody actually wants this garbage and not be "normal"
I didn't imply that, just that queer fucks are human garbage.
No it's just bantz.
The day of the rope is coming you filthy homo
nice quints
h-haha w-w-who d-didnt haha l-lol
human garbage like Alan Turing and Tchaikovsky?
theres a difference between faggots and homosexuals
go fuck your goat you mudslime
>tfw women have said I'm an 8/10
>tfw still haven't lost my virginity
I'm not normally one to complain but if you make a humblebragging post like this you can fuck right off. The only comments I've ever received on my appearance from women are "why do you always look so tired" and (once) "you look like a serial killer".
Sometimes I feel like a visitor from a parallel universe with how little I can relate to shit like this.
moot gave you sick freaks your own board where you can revel in how much you love cock up your ass but the rest of the world thinks you're a disgusting disgrace to humanity. you have been fooled by the faggot acceptance stuff pushed in the media but we all know that's not really how it is.
>"why do you always look so tired"
>"you look like a serial killer".
i've heard both of those user
>brainlet forgets homosexuality existed even before jesus was born and will exist thousands of years into the future
you need to come out of the closet, only repressed homos like you get so triggered about other men fucking men
moot was a faggot too. Why are you on a site created by a gay man
yeah, and same year that movie came out too
These bait threads are always so successful.
>only repressed homos
faggots, so predictable. I guess I really want to fuck spiders too right?
moot was a cuck not a faggot
>still foaming at the mouth about actions other people do that dont affect him in any way
I hear you user. It's a special kind of annoying when you're a full time virgin and women keep telling you you're handsome and how they can't believe you're still single, yet they themselves have no intention of hooking up with you.
I'm sorry to hear that, but you gotta understand that being refused outright is less confusing than women telling you you're really fuckable only for them to walk away for no reason. At least when they're brutally honest you know where you stand.
admit it, you want a fat juicy cock in your mouth, you homo
kek you'll never be accepted faggot
I have a boyfriend who loves me very much, i dont give a flying fuck about other people, he is my bae and that is enough
>I have a boyfriend who loves me very much
>he is my bae
>being refused outright
I've never even bothered asking. I can recognize the signs when a person is attracted to someone and I've very clearly never seen them directed towards me. I'm not incredibly fussed about it and it doesn't stop me from working on myself but goddamn I can't stand this humblebrag nonsense.
>posts a reaction image to distract himself from his own loneliness
He'll yeah. About three weeks before senior prom. I tell people it was tenth grade, but I actually only fingered a chick that year
I haven't had sex since high school
>reddit isn't aware we're on an image board
neither have I and I graduated college 4 years ago
>needing a picture to express himself
what are you, a woman?
go back to tumblr, they love using gifs to reply to everything
stop talking like a fucking nigger, maybe that will help you.