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when will we get joi gfs
Did you even watch the film? The entire point was that it wasn't.
You motherfucker... POST YOUR ADDRESS
>The sad puppy eye look before her light is turned off.
Gets me every time.
>implying our reality is even real
she existed for K and therefore is real
Notice how Luv is staring at Joi when she says "I hope you're satisfied with our product," referring to K as the product, not her. Some seem to forget that this is two AI who are in love, and to question Joi's love is also to question K's.
Garbage ass movie.
As long as K thought it was real, then it was real.
her love was just a subroutine in her programming. she couldn't hate K if she even wanted to
Her love was real!
It was real to meeeeee
>an female AI is logical and not irrational and crazy like 99% of human females
when is the tech coming out????
Yes, I also read it in the youtube comments
We're all programmed to love, man
The movie doesn't make sense if it was.
Sheen should have been Deckards daughter copy. Only he didn't know it was his daughter.
So when he asks "Who am I to you?" We get more out of Goose staring at his feet in silence in response.
>dude nothing has meaning lmao
If you consider K to be "human" in some way, then Joi deserves that status as well.
But at the start
>I'm getting cabin fever
She's clearly programmed to shill for an emitter. How annoying would it be to have a house AI that gets stir crazy?
He's right though. Replicants aren't human. K was specifically programmed to never refuse an order.
Real but predetermined, yes.
if you judge him by his actions, K was more human than some IRL humans. For real, the fact that this movie resonated with so many people and viewers actually can relate to his pain
Her love is just as real as Ks love (which is quite easily arguable as not real). They're both running off of software. Don't let the fact that K has a physical body fool you.
K is a replicant, literally an enhanced human. Not even close to the retarded AI Joi is.
I've rewatched this movie a few times now and Gosling's acting is really good, you can tell he's not the "special" even before it's plainly said, like his lack of blinking at times.
and what is "human love" but chemicals in the brain and hormones in the blood?
Except Joi became more than a holographic sex doll and developed a soul. She didn't need to come out of her emanator when K was getting beaten. What was she gonna do, give him a jerk off instruction before he died?
the cancer of Sup Forums, injecting unrelated political tweets into a movie discussion
>pretty girls love virtue signalling
We know this.
How can joicucks even compete
why didn't he stick it up his ass for safekeeping?
> She didn't need to come out
Except for that she did. She was programmed to love him, not showing herself at that moment would've been the out of character surprising moment.
>Implying the sound won't go off and Luv won't pull it out
That user is the right question.
Once you de-romanticize the idea of love among humans then you can understand that while K's and Joi's love also isn't "real" in the classic sense it's arguably just as real as the love of any humans.
(Especially if you also buy determinism memes).
it can also be argued that she didnt.
This makes her perfect
K is not AI, he is organic but produced in a factory. he doesnt have a fucking computer for brain, he is a living being
K’s love was real... she was just an elaborate mirror that reflected his love back... nothing more.
Joi was created for the purpose of loving her owner
Many parents have children for the purpose of being loved by them
Are both loves false? Both real? One or the other?
Come on, user. artificial intelligence is artificial intelligence. Any intelligence created by humans is artificial by definition.
I wouldn't care. It'd be realer than anything I could ever get
He has a human brain with some suppressed emotions and other enhanced abilities. Not an AI even in the slightest.
Also add pet love in there. Pets only love us because we give them food.
Silicon versus carbon, what a difference
>implying that there would be a significant difference between synthetic computer and a organic comput- I mean brain.
Did they say this in the movies? I'm not versed in BR lore
love isnt real
Love is real. The magical fantasy bullshit you've bought into isn't.
What part of replicant don't you understand? Read some BR lore before you start jumping to conclusions.
4/10 Long street Toowoomba
faggot i aint even worried
A replicant is a fictional bioengineered or biorobotic android in the 1982 film Blade Runner, in its 2017 sequel Blade Runner 2049, and in the 1997 video game based on the film.
or biorobotic android
This is you just trying to justify yourself having a virtual waifu on pornhub
Oh, ok. But thats still AI.
the point is not whether it's real or not. joi never had a choice but to love k, her whole world is his apartment, she only exists for companionship. she's naive and incomplete. the audience is meant to see both her and k as sad and pathetic, incapable of being truly "human" (until k defies his programming)
K wasn't real
So K became a real boy in the end...
>the point is not whether it's real or not. joi never had a choice but to love k,
Nigga free will isn't real either.
Arent we programmed as well? We're programmed to spread our genes. We're vehicles for genes, my dude
It's not dumbo. Real unshackled AI can do complex computations and is capable of things humans cannot even comprehend, the replicant's mind is just an enhanced human mind.
>the audience is meant to see both her and k as sad and pathetic
>meant to
that was certainly not the impression I had, it was a very sweet relationship.
Also one of you anons is right, love isnt real. its an illusion.
Not really pizza delivery requires cash and a phone number and i even if that fag is in Australia he aint coming over to throw down
>enhanced human mind
That implies that it was formed organically (the old fashioned way). A perfectly identical human mind CREATED by humans is artificial intelligence. Your use of the term is too narrow.
This world is an illusion exile.
A human brain created or not can only think like a human, it's not an AI. Look up the definition of AI you retard.
The point of the movie was that A.I and replicants are sentient beings.
there is a possibility out in the universe for silicon based life to form, are you saying that would be AI
>can only think like a human
That explains K's inhuman ability to read genetic code at the speed of light, either K is a super savant or he's able to do something that humans mentally cannot
His point ultimately is that there is no difference.
My dude, look up the word artificial
youve already been punished enough
>literally programmed to love its user
no far from being a prostitute although theres nothing wrong with prostitutes
>developed a soul
Joi was a soul, user. When K and Joi had sex, it was the Joi-soul that was animating the meatbag ho.
Now I realize this was deliberate. Modern women are nothing but cunts. Men want the Joi-soul that still remembered how to cook dinner and light cigars.
Not automatically. I think she did.
We see non-humans show love so we know artificial love is very possible. She could have gone past her original programming.
Come at me, bro.
1600 Pennsylvania Ave., Washington DC
Tell that to my ex-wife.
She was in love, she gets jealous when the roasties show. up skip to 2:57, she reminds/notifies k shes there as well as the roastie
It's actually a really good point. If she was really just a mindless fuck toy then she wouldn't do anything that (as far as she can tell) would be defying him.
what's the replicant/human ratio like?
>fuck off bitch, notice me senpai
They even explained it when K & Joi were looking through the DNA records, about how K was made of DNA while Joi was ones and zeroes
>he doesnt have a fucking computer for brain
He does. To be most specific, he doesn't even -have- a brain. Not a true human brain at least. He has a biological computer in his head that performs calculations the way Joi or other traditional computers process information.
This is one of the central themes of Blade Runner, whether or not human beings can actually be replicated(!) or not.
Replicants are NOT just genetically engineered humans grown in a lab. The are biological machines of a different nature than human beings. They are more like the Cylons from Battlestar Galactica than they are like Khan from Star Trek.
However, they are machines of such a sophisticated nature that their behavior cannot be completely controlled or predicted by their creators, and their complexity either approaches, is the same as, or exceeds whatever arbitrary standards we set for sentience.
Joi also falls into this category by the way. A program with the level of her sophistication and adaptability would not easily be controlled and may evolve into something its creator never foresaw, or even forbid.
i think the discussion needs to move on from "was it love" to something else. it was love, but a very strange, off-putting sort of love between two entities that can't be considered fully "human".
joi is a product, plain and simple. the giant hologram scene drives that idea home unequivocally. it is very likely she's not a fully realized and self aware intelligence, though we can't say for sure. it is likely because it would be quite incovenient if she did something unpredictable - like what if a joi actually started hating a user or desired to disappear. she's trapped in a device and can't defy her programming (one which, i believe, is not complex enough to qualify as human-level intelligence). she's essentially an object.
k is similar because he's not interested in real human relationships and other higher pursuits, at least until the events of the movie. his relationship is just a "fake", a love he didn't earn, but instead bought. it's not until joi is discarded that he can finally achieve the purpose he's always yearning for.
How long until that tomato responded to the torture?
The other Joi is irrelevant. Even if she were identical, which there is good reason to believe she is not. She's just of the same "race".
>K was specifically programmed to never refuse an order.
I'm curious, where did you get this idea? K says that he can never disobey, but he spends most of the movie keeping secrets.
Really, this is why his choice to save Deckard rather than kill him is so weak/uninteresting. They never clearly established how far from human K is, and so he spends most of the movie acting just like a career-focused professional would, and not necessarily a replicant. The choice to not obey the orders of the replicant rebellion doesn't exactly go against our understanding of the character because he's been disobeying orders or hiding things for half the movie. At this point in the movie, it seems ridiculous that he would blindly listen to the replicant leader lady at all considering his past actions.
what good reason?
>you look like a good joe
He literally undid the entire message of the film with one scene. But what should I expect from the director equivalent of a cheeto.
Just want to say that real world A.I. in the here and now is known to do things the creators didn't mean for it to do. Like that twitter A.I. that had to be shut down.
K already knew the whole time she was a product, he probably had seen this very holo before. He was just heartbroken.
In the beginning text crawl.
>Wallace acquired the remains of Tyrell corp and created a new line of replicants who obey
K goes off his baseline because he starts believing he might be the son of Deckard and Rachel.