Thoughts on this movie?
Thoughts on this movie?
I liked it.
It was pretty good. Woods character reminds me of my roommate.
lost me 2 minutes in when we're supposed to empathize with the main character because she's happy that an old white conservative died on her watch
Great film. Felt really similar to Saulnier’s style but also different. One of the few Netflix original movies I actually like. I think Beasts of No Nation is the only other that comes to mind.
Why is Jane Levy being typecast as a thieving junkie piece of shit? It's odd.
It seemed like the movie wanted to be 5 different movies. It started interesting and got way worse as it went on.
I wanted to fuck every women in the film within age range of 18-40.
And Elijah was good in it.
I liked ninja christian Frodo
Agreed. I also really love the kinda-twist ending where Tony (Elijah Wood) lived. At first I thought they were doing some cheesy shit by showing her imagining him or something,
but then he was actually there. It was sweet. I liked it a lot.
the final gag makes up for all the mistakes the movie makes
How so? It's pretty distinctly dark-comedy, and it just happens to get violent as it goes on.
i'm done watching dude misanthropy lmao movies
literally only one character has that belief in the movie and it's resolved by the end
It's decent but pretty forgettable
no she loves trump
I liked it. It felt like it was done by three different people though. The first act was Duplass Brothers mumblecore, the second act was Coen Brothers level crazy coincidences and bizarre people entering bizarre situations and the third act was a Tarantino violence explosion.
I'd give it a 7.5/10 and a recommendation.
>"you know what eating cat food does to you? It makes you invisible."
Probably one of the hardest hitting lines I've heard in a film tbqh.
I'm just not interested in it, even if it's ultimately refuting the idea that life sucks and people should be miserable then it had to indulge it for part of the film and I don't need to wallow in that anymore in my life.
This reads as "I'm not interested in watching characters learn things and evolve." At the very least not interested in watching characters find meaning and direction out of the dark points.
No. The Sopranos is my favorite show or film period because of how dark it gets, I love stories about people that require me to really work to empathize with them and feel their experiences and can bring me to emotions I can't get in my own life. I saw 30 minutes of this film and it was some Falling Down nonsense of a miserable person lashing out at everyone, and I got far enough to tell where it was going (she finds an enabler to keep lashing out, but he gets out of hand? Am I right?) and turned it off. It's easy to be cynical, it's not compelling to watch someone choose to be unhappy or make that cynicism look fun to audiences who will ultimately miss the third act reveal that the protag was in the wrong for acting that way because it's easier to indulge that feeling than confront it themselves. I had the same fundamental problem with Three Billboards
The only movie I've seen with a female NEET.
She's not a NEET.
lol you weren't even close, every character in the movie tells her she's wrong and to chin up and she comes around by the end of the movie and ends up being happy with who you thought would be her "enabler"
this is why you don't turn off movies 30 minutes in, doofus. so dumb.
No. The plot has a lot more going on and you're very very far off as the other user explained. You shouldn't have wasted your time in the first place if you're so easily close-minded about such things.
Thought it was going well until the goofy awful villains are introduced. Then it's mostly good until the end where we have to have a big scene after Frodo is clearly murdered but we're still going to escape and run through the woods for an hour and hey look a snake, that's not a boring set up blah...
It felt too much like it thought it had to be a """real""" movie with big bads and climax showdowns and shit. Even the heist at the end would have been fine if it ended in that room with shit getting a bit more fucked than it did.
No, it's not remotely what happens nor is the rest of your summary accurate.
First, she doesn't choose to be unhappy. She's driven to her cynicism through the continual wearing on her of a callous society that she hasn't been able to feel connected to for a long time (lives alone, no real relationships, can't even discuss a book with a guy at a bar).
At no part does her cynicism seem cool or funny. If you'd watched for another 20 minutes you would've seen a cop go on a diatribe about her focus on the relatively unimportant negative things that have happened to her when he's dealing with a man who had his skull beaten in.
The director and the audience always knows that her perspective is out whack. She's somewhat right about how shitty it was she was robbed but she has an unreasonable reaction to it especially when compared to the real problems she doesn't have to deal with.
If you can watch the movie and think she's cool or funny for taking the actions she took then you should consult a doctor.
very good
she was in three movies where she played sort of a dirtball. everything else isn't like that at all
i love her don't talk bad about herrrrrrr