How to fix Hollywood filmmaking



Directors and editors spend too long inside a room and if it's only their eyes staring at the screen, they may think this scene is good and the dialogue is good, but when they show it to an audience, they realize it wasn't that great. Sure, they do show a movie to a test screen audience but this is only a few people who more than likely are fans of the director, or somehow got a special invitation where they will not fully speak their mind. This is why it is best to actually invite a lot of outsiders with signing deals of course so they do not tell anyone else and thus get multiple opinions of the film.

That way we will never again get another terrible Suicide Squad, mediocre BvS and Cruise the Mummy that all had great artwork and scripts (read the Suicide Squad novel) yet was ruined when it came to filming it and reshooting it.

Films are too rushed nowadays (some CGI on Black Panther, Homecoming) when if they properly spent time on them and showed multiple people the film to get all different opinions then the films would not be as bad as they are.

Other urls found in this thread:

Test audiences are all plebeians though.

>original Game Boy
>Black and white
Try again.

>Test audiences are all plebeians though.
Rogue One's test audience was alright

>Have Darth Vader appear at end
>Reshoot Jyn and Calrissian's death with hugging another as they go down elevator and die on the planet along with Krennic
I still really wanna see the alternate ending with Krennic walking on the beach when everyone is dead around him but having Jyn run past AT AT's firing at her as supposedly she and Calrissian take off in a ship and are blown up (supposedly that was the ending) wouldn't have been a good ending.

>gameboy color
>larger than original

This is a true reddit post. Some tourist who comes here and thinks we give a shit about his blog post.

Better idea
Skip the test audiences altogether and just make the fucking movie the way the director/whoever originally envisioned it.
Have the balls to say "This is my movie. Fuck china. Fuck the sponsors. Fuck the critics. And fuck you."

No test audiences, ever. Goddammit. Stop focus grouping the life out of movies.

>original gameboy has a bigger screen than gameboy color

>be executive producer
>take 5 years to make a movie
>movie trends change
>my movie loses out to trendy movie made in 1 year

>test audiences
McFucking kys

>take 5 years to make a movie

lol movies aren't videogames. They're cheaper and shorter to make.

>lol movies aren't videogames
CoD makes a game every year with a 8 - 10 hour campaign. I don't think it takes them 5 years to make the campaign

>test audiences
stopped reading right there

I like this guys attitude

what even is a test audience

it took em about 2-3 years if you wanna be strict about full house developmental, to make any of the notably good ones that get a classic HD edition

Then don't make trendy shit movies. People respond to real, high quality movies regardless of what year it is.

What's the point of test audiences? You've already made the movie. Butchering it and making adjustments, corrupting director's original vision only makes things worse.

Really? That's what you think is happening?
They just aren't focus grouping enough?
And scenes come out bad because of Dunning-Kruger effect?

>not Sega

playing a rough cut of the movie to a group of people who have dials. they spin the dial one way as they like parts and the other way as they don't

disney, fox, and sony uses these.

The COD games have like 3 studios working on them. Movies have only one.

If all directors had creative freedom and final cut privileges, it would be easier to sort the wheat from the chaff.

Test audiences are fucking cancer.

>read the Suicide Squad novel

This is the only true path real cinema

>not a CPS-2 (Capcom Play System 2, a 1993 arcade system)

im not sure anyone know how these might work

what? I just explained them in great detail. here's even a company that does it

this, people are retarded and you need to shove your vision down their throat, not the other way around

Do you seriously think movies should be designed by a bunch of mouthbreathers? That we should shape our films based on what average people think about them?

No. I didn't say that at all. Did you read my posts? What the fuck planet are you on freakish retard

This is literally the first sentence of your post, you mongoloid. Test audiences are made up of average people. There's no reason to use test audiences unless you're invested in what they have to say.

is this your first day on the site champ? learn to read a thread. i was literally asked what they were

After suggesting that movies rely on test audiences for direction.

>someone asked me what a test audience was
>I answered
holy fuck I think you are genuinely sub 50 iq